C &引用;“不连续性”;图像边缘的高斯模糊

C &引用;“不连续性”;图像边缘的高斯模糊,c,C,我一直在尝试实现nxn图像的高斯模糊函数,其高斯核的具体半径为rs=((int)2.75*sigma+0.5) for(x=0;x让我们看一看应用于图像的典型过滤器内核,使用伪代码 # source[y][x] Old image (read-only) # target[y][x] New image (write-only) # image_height Image height (y = 0 .. image_height-1) # image_width Ima



# source[y][x]    Old image (read-only)
# target[y][x]    New image (write-only)
# image_height    Image height (y = 0 .. image_height-1)
# image_width     Image width (x = 0 .. image_width-1)
# filter[y][x]    Filter (weights) to be applied
# filter_height   Filter height (y = 0 .. filter_height-1)
# filter_width    Filter width (x = 0 .. filter_width-1)
# filter_y        Target pixel y coordinate in filter (filter_height/2)
# filter_x        Target pixel x coordinate in filter (filter_width/2)
filter\u y=floor(filter\u width/2)
filter\u x=floor(filter\u height/2)

For base_y = 0 to image_height - 1:

   # y range relative to base_y ...
   min_y = -filter_y
   max_y = filter_height - 1 - filter_y

   # ... must not exceed the image boundaries.
   If min_y + base_y < 0:
       min_y = -base_y
   End If

   If max_y + base_y < 0:
       max_y = -base_y
   End If

   If min_y + base_y >= image_height:
       min_y = image_height - 1 - base_y
   End If

   If max_y + base_y >= image_height:
       max_y = image_height - 1 - base_y
   End If

   For base_x = 0 to image_width - 1:

       # x range relative to base_x ...
       min_x = -filter_x
       max_x = filter_width - 1 - filter_x

       # ... must not exceed the image boundaries.
       If min_x + base_x < 0:
           min_x = -base_x
       End If

       If max_x + base_x < 0:
           max_x = -base_x
       End If

       If min_x + base_x >= image_width:
           min_x = image_width - 1 - base_x
       End If

       If max_x + base_x >= image_height:
           max_x = image_width - 1 - base_x
       End If

       ValueSum = 0
       WeightSum = 0

       For y = min_y to max_y:
           For x = min_x to max_x:
               Value = source[y + base_y][x + base_x]
               Weight = filter[y + filter_y][x + filter_x]
               ValueSum = ValueSum + Value * Weight
               WeightSum = WeightSum + Weight
           End For
        End For

        If WeightSum != 0:
            target[base_y][base_x] = ValueSum / WeightSum
        End If

    End For
End For

base\u y
image\u width+image\u height

min\u x
max\u x
min\u y
max\u y
For base_y = 0 to image_height - 1:

   # y range relative to base_y ...
   min_y = -filter_y
   max_y = filter_height - 1 - filter_y

   # ... must not exceed the image boundaries.
   If min_y + base_y < 0:
       min_y = -base_y
   End If

   If max_y + base_y < 0:
       max_y = -base_y
   End If

   If min_y + base_y >= image_height:
       min_y = image_height - 1 - base_y
   End If

   If max_y + base_y >= image_height:
       max_y = image_height - 1 - base_y
   End If

   For base_x = 0 to image_width - 1:

       # x range relative to base_x ...
       min_x = -filter_x
       max_x = filter_width - 1 - filter_x

       # ... must not exceed the image boundaries.
       If min_x + base_x < 0:
           min_x = -base_x
       End If

       If max_x + base_x < 0:
           max_x = -base_x
       End If

       If min_x + base_x >= image_width:
           min_x = image_width - 1 - base_x
       End If

       If max_x + base_x >= image_height:
           max_x = image_width - 1 - base_x
       End If

       ValueSum = 0
       WeightSum = 0

       For y = min_y to max_y:
           For x = min_x to max_x:
               Value = source[y + base_y][x + base_x]
               Weight = filter[y + filter_y][x + filter_x]
               ValueSum = ValueSum + Value * Weight
               WeightSum = WeightSum + Weight
           End For
        End For

        If WeightSum != 0:
            target[base_y][base_x] = ValueSum / WeightSum
        End If

    End For
End For
printf("y = %d, ymin = %d (%d), ymax = %d (%d)\n",
       base_y, min_y, min_y + base_y, max_y, max_y + base_y);
printf("x = %d, xmin = %d (%d), xmax = %d (%d)\n",
       base_x, min_x, min_x + base_x, max_x, max_x + base_x);