MIPS X C语言中的嵌套循环

MIPS X C语言中的嵌套循环,c,C,我在理解MIPS中的嵌套循环时遇到了问题,而internet上的代码太复杂,无法理解。请帮助我获得这个概念,可能是使用C语言,因为我对C语言非常熟悉。我在MIPS中的嵌套循环代码: li $t0, 0 # We store the value of constant from which the counting of the outer loop starts. li $t1, 30 # We store the value of constant at whic



li $t0, 0        # We store the value of constant from which the counting of the outer loop starts.  
 li $t1, 30      # We store the value of constant at which the counting of the outer loop ends.  
 beq $t0, $t1, end_loop_1  

################# Start of code for Inner loop  
  li $t2, 0        # We store the value of constant from which the counting of the inner loop starts.  

  li $t3, 100      # We store the value of constant from which the counting of the inner loop ends.  

  beq $t2, $t3, end_loop_2  
  addi $t2, $t2, 1    # In this statement we increment the counter by 1.  
  b start_loop_2  
################ End of code for Inner loop  

  addi $t0, $t0, 1    # In this statement we increment the counter by 1.  
  b start_loop_1  


for (int j=0; j<30; j++) {  
  for (int k=0; k<100; k++) {  
for(int j=0;j