C 插件系统中的错误代码和消息处理

C 插件系统中的错误代码和消息处理,c,plugins,error-code,C,Plugins,Error Code,我正在思考C项目中错误代码和相应错误消息的最佳设计。这个项目由一个提供核心功能的小内核组成,可以通过各种插件进行扩展。内核已经定义了最常见的错误代码,例如PROJ_NOERR(无错误)或PROJ_ENOMEM(无可用内存)。此外,插件还应该能够定义特殊的错误代码及其相应的消息,例如,web服务器插件可以定义WEBSERV_ESOCKET(套接字错误)。在我看来,内核还应该提供一个将错误代码转换为相应错误消息的函数,例如extern char*proj_err2str(enum err_t);此函

我正在思考C项目中错误代码和相应错误消息的最佳设计。这个项目由一个提供核心功能的小内核组成,可以通过各种插件进行扩展。内核已经定义了最常见的错误代码,例如PROJ_NOERR(无错误)或PROJ_ENOMEM(无可用内存)。此外,插件还应该能够定义特殊的错误代码及其相应的消息,例如,web服务器插件可以定义WEBSERV_ESOCKET(套接字错误)。在我看来,内核还应该提供一个将错误代码转换为相应错误消息的函数,例如extern char*proj_err2str(enum err_t);此函数还应该能够处理所有加载插件的已定义错误代码。您将如何实施这样一个系统?欢迎任何提示



/* This struct  is common to all plugins and the functions defined here must be implemented by all plugins*/
typedef struct
  int (*plugin_function_one) (char *str);
  void (*plugin_function_two) (int fd);
  void (*plugin_handle_error) (char *err, int status);
  char plugin_errors_codes[ERR_CODES_NUM]; // Each plugin can add errors code here
} plugin_t;

int plugin_function_one(char *str)
    // Body of function_one

void plugin_function_two(int fd)
    Body of function_two

// Here you have your error handling function for plugin_one

void plugin_handle_error(char *err, int status)
    fprintf(stderr,"Plugin --> Got this error: %s and errno = %d", strerror(err), errno);
    // depend on status, we can exist or not for exampe
    if (status)
int plugin_load (char *path_to_your_plugin)
    void *dh;
    plugin_t *(*p_init) (plugin_t * p);
    plugin_t dp;

    /* opening plugin */
    dh = dlopen (path_to_your_plugin, RTLD_LAZY);
    if (NULL == dh)
        fprintf (stderr,  "Failed to load '%s' (errno=%d, msg='%s')\n",path_to_your_plugin, errno, strerror (errno));
            exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

    /* Now we look for plugin_init function */
     p_init = dlsym (dh, "plugin_init");
    if (NULL == p_init)
            fprintf (stderr, "Failed to get 'plugin_init'\n");
            dlclose (dh);
            exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

    /* We init the plugin */
    if (NULL == p_init (&dp))
            fprintf (stderr, "Error plugin_init()\n");
            dlclose (dh);
            exit (EXIT_FAILURE);


    /* Calling plugin functions */
    dp.plugin_handle_error(char *err, int status);

plugin_t * plugin_init (plugin_t * p)
  /* Plugin init */
  p-> plugin_function_one = plugin_function_one;
  p-> plugin_function_two = plugin_function_two;
  p-> plugin_handle_error = plugin_handle_error;

  /* init the array of errors here */
  /* return the newly created plugin */
  return (p);

int plugin_function_one(char *str)
    // Body of function_one

void plugin_function_two(int fd)
    Body of function_two

// Here you have your error handling function for plugin_one

void plugin_handle_error(char *err, int status)
    fprintf(stderr,"Plugin --> Got this error: %s and errno = %d", strerror(err), errno);
    // depend on status, we can exist or not for exampe
    if (status)
int plugin_load (char *path_to_your_plugin)
    void *dh;
    plugin_t *(*p_init) (plugin_t * p);
    plugin_t dp;

    /* opening plugin */
    dh = dlopen (path_to_your_plugin, RTLD_LAZY);
    if (NULL == dh)
        fprintf (stderr,  "Failed to load '%s' (errno=%d, msg='%s')\n",path_to_your_plugin, errno, strerror (errno));
            exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

    /* Now we look for plugin_init function */
     p_init = dlsym (dh, "plugin_init");
    if (NULL == p_init)
            fprintf (stderr, "Failed to get 'plugin_init'\n");
            dlclose (dh);
            exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

    /* We init the plugin */
    if (NULL == p_init (&dp))
            fprintf (stderr, "Error plugin_init()\n");
            dlclose (dh);
            exit (EXIT_FAILURE);


    /* Calling plugin functions */
    dp.plugin_handle_error(char *err, int status);

int plugin_unload (char * path_to_your_plugin)
    /* Need the address of the loaded plugin to call dlclose, let's call it the_address */
    if (the_adress != NULL)
        fprintf(stdout, "This plugin will be unloaded : %p", the_adress);
    /* close plugin. */
    dlclose (the_adress);

    return 0;

int err2str (plugin_t *plugin, int error_code)
    // Lookup in the plugin_errors_codes array
    char *my_error;
    my_error = error_lookup(plugin->plugin_errors_codes, error_code);

