Class 未知属性“Integer.count_18”可视力

Class 未知属性“Integer.count_18”可视力,class,controller,salesforce,visualforce,Class,Controller,Salesforce,Visualforce,我用谷歌搜索了很多,但我没有找到解决我错误的方法 我得到错误未知属性“Integer.count\u18” 我希望你能帮助我 谢谢, 皮克斯 可视力页面 阶级 公共类Gruppenvertrag_c9{ private Id accId {get; set;} public Gruppenvertrag_c9(ApexPages.StandardController stdcontroller) { accId = stdcontroller.getRecord().Id;




谢谢, 皮克斯




  private Id accId {get; set;}
  public Gruppenvertrag_c9(ApexPages.StandardController stdcontroller) {
      accId = stdcontroller.getRecord().Id;

  public Integer getEinzelrisiko() {

      //List<Einzelrisiko__c> listEZR = [SELECT COUNT() FROM Einzelrisiko__c WHERE Abgangsdatum__c = Null AND Unternehmens_Id_Long__c = :accId];
      List<Einzelrisiko__c> listEZR = [SELECT Alter__c FROM Einzelrisiko__c WHERE Abgangsdatum__c = Null AND Unternehmens_Id_Long__c = :accId];

      Integer Count_u18 = 0;
      Integer Count_1822 = 0;
      Integer Count_2227 = 0;
      Integer Count_2732 = 0;
      Integer Count_3237 = 0;
      Integer Count_3742 = 0;
      Integer Count_4247 = 0;
      Integer Count_4752 = 0;
      Integer Count_5257 = 0;
      Integer Count_g57 = 0;

      FOR(Einzelrisiko__c ein : listEZR) {
          IF(ein.Alter__c < 18) { Count_u18++; }
          IF(ein.Alter__c >18 && ein.Alter__c <=22) { Count_1822++; }
          IF(ein.Alter__c >22 && ein.Alter__c <=27) { Count_2227++; }
          IF(ein.Alter__c >27 && ein.Alter__c <=32) { Count_2732++; }
          IF(ein.Alter__c >32 && ein.Alter__c <=37) { Count_3237++; }
          IF(ein.Alter__c >37 && ein.Alter__c <=42) { Count_3742++; }
          IF(ein.Alter__c >42 && ein.Alter__c <=47) { Count_4247++; }
          IF(ein.Alter__c >47 && ein.Alter__c <=52) { Count_4752++; }
          IF(ein.Alter__c >52 && ein.Alter__c <=57) { Count_5257++; }
          IF(ein.Alter__c >57) { Count_g57++; }

      return Count_u18;
      return Count_1822;
      return Count_2227;
      return Count_2732;
      return Count_3237;
      return Count_3742;
      return Count_4247;
      return Count_4752;
      return Count_5257;
      return Count_g57;






我已将查询分为两个查询,并对其进行了测试。 但是,现在我得到了一个查询列表,但我只想要一个查询计数。可以再次查看代码

谢谢, 萨沙

  private Id accId {get; set;}
  public Gruppenvertrag_c9(ApexPages.StandardController stdcontroller) {
      accId = stdcontroller.getRecord().Id;

  public Integer getEinzelrisiko() {

      //List<Einzelrisiko__c> listEZR = [SELECT COUNT() FROM Einzelrisiko__c WHERE Abgangsdatum__c = Null AND Unternehmens_Id_Long__c = :accId];
      List<Einzelrisiko__c> listEZR = [SELECT Alter__c FROM Einzelrisiko__c WHERE Abgangsdatum__c = Null AND Unternehmens_Id_Long__c = :accId];

      Integer Count_u18 = 0;
      Integer Count_1822 = 0;
      Integer Count_2227 = 0;
      Integer Count_2732 = 0;
      Integer Count_3237 = 0;
      Integer Count_3742 = 0;
      Integer Count_4247 = 0;
      Integer Count_4752 = 0;
      Integer Count_5257 = 0;
      Integer Count_g57 = 0;

      FOR(Einzelrisiko__c ein : listEZR) {
          IF(ein.Alter__c < 18) { Count_u18++; }
          IF(ein.Alter__c >18 && ein.Alter__c <=22) { Count_1822++; }
          IF(ein.Alter__c >22 && ein.Alter__c <=27) { Count_2227++; }
          IF(ein.Alter__c >27 && ein.Alter__c <=32) { Count_2732++; }
          IF(ein.Alter__c >32 && ein.Alter__c <=37) { Count_3237++; }
          IF(ein.Alter__c >37 && ein.Alter__c <=42) { Count_3742++; }
          IF(ein.Alter__c >42 && ein.Alter__c <=47) { Count_4247++; }
          IF(ein.Alter__c >47 && ein.Alter__c <=52) { Count_4752++; }
          IF(ein.Alter__c >52 && ein.Alter__c <=57) { Count_5257++; }
          IF(ein.Alter__c >57) { Count_g57++; }

      return Count_u18;
      return Count_1822;
      return Count_2227;
      return Count_2732;
      return Count_3237;
      return Count_3742;
      return Count_4247;
      return Count_4752;
      return Count_5257;
      return Count_g57;

<apex:page standardController="Account" extensions="Gruppenvertrag_c9">
 <apex:form >
   <apex:pageBlock Title="Long ID lautet">
      <apex:outputText value="{!Account.ID}"/>
   <apex:pageBlock title="Count of Ages">
     <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!CountList}" var="EZR">`//Changed Value Attribute.`
       <apex:column value="{!EZR.Count_u18}"/>
       <apex:column value="{!EZR.Count_1822}"/>
       <apex:column value="{!EZR.Count_2227}"/>
       <apex:column value="{!EZR.Count_2732}"/>
       <apex:column value="{!EZR.Count_3237}"/>
       <apex:column value="{!EZR.Count_3742}"/>
       <apex:column value="{!EZR.Count_4247}"/>
       <apex:column value="{!EZR.Count_4752}"/>
       <apex:column value="{!EZR.Count_5257}"/>
       <apex:column value="{!EZR.Count_g57}"/>
public class Gruppenvertrag_c9 {
 private Id accId {get; set;}
 public List<CountClass> CountList {get;set;} //this list contains all the values and binded to Pageblocktable

 public Gruppenvertrag_c9(ApexPages.StandardController stdcontroller) {
   accId = stdcontroller.getRecord().Id;
   getEinzelrisiko();//called in the constructor.

 public void getEinzelrisiko() {
 //List<Einzelrisiko__c> listEZR = [SELECT COUNT() FROM Einzelrisiko__c WHERE Abgangsdatum__c = Null AND Unternehmens_Id_Long__c = :accId];
 List<Einzelrisiko__c> listEZR = [SELECT Alter__c FROM Einzelrisiko__c WHERE Abgangsdatum__c = Null AND Unternehmens_Id_Long__c = :accId];

 CountList = new List<CountClass>();

 FOR(Einzelrisiko__c ein : listEZR) {

      CountClass cc = new CountClass();

      IF(ein.Alter__c < 18) { cc.Count_u18++; }
      IF(ein.Alter__c >18 && ein.Alter__c <=22) { cc.Count_1822++; }
      IF(ein.Alter__c >22 && ein.Alter__c <=27) { cc.Count_2227++; }
      IF(ein.Alter__c >27 && ein.Alter__c <=32) { cc.Count_2732++; }
      IF(ein.Alter__c >32 && ein.Alter__c <=37) { cc.Count_3237++; }
      IF(ein.Alter__c >37 && ein.Alter__c <=42) { cc.Count_3742++; }
      IF(ein.Alter__c >42 && ein.Alter__c <=47) { cc.Count_4247++; }
      IF(ein.Alter__c >47 && ein.Alter__c <=52) { cc.Count_4752++; }
      IF(ein.Alter__c >52 && ein.Alter__c <=57) { cc.Count_5257++; }
      IF(ein.Alter__c >57) { cc.Count_g57++; }

      CountList.add(cc);//adding each record to the list
  public class CountClass
    public  Integer Count_u18 {get;set;}
    public  Integer Count_1822 {get;set;}
    public  Integer Count_2227 {get;set;}
    public  Integer Count_2732 {get;set;}
    public  Integer Count_3237 {get;set;}
    public  Integer Count_3742 {get;set;}
    public  Integer Count_4247 {get;set;}
    public  Integer Count_4752 {get;set;}
    public  Integer Count_5257 {get;set;}
    public  Integer Count_g57 {get;set;}

     public CountClass()
       Count_u18 = 0;
       Count_1822 = 0;
       Count_2227 = 0;
       Count_2732 = 0;
       Count_3237 = 0;
       Count_3742 = 0;
       Count_4247 = 0;
       Count_4752 = 0;
       Count_5257 = 0;
       Count_g57 = 0;
<apex:page standardController="Account" extensions="Gruppenvertrag_c55,Gruppenvertrag_c56">
 <apex:form >
   <apex:pageBlock Title="Long ID lautet">
      <apex:outputText value="{!Account.ID}"/>
   <apex:pageBlock title="Count of Ages">
     <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!CountList2}" var="EZR2">
       <apex:column value="{!EZR2.Count_u18}"/>
       <apex:column value="{!EZR2.Count_1822}"/>
       <apex:column value="{!EZR2.Count_2227}"/>
       <apex:column value="{!EZR2.Count_2732}"/>
       <apex:column value="{!EZR2.Count_3237}"/>
   <apex:pageBlock title="Count of Ages">
     <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!CountList}" var="EZR">
       <apex:column value="{!EZR.Count_3742}"/>
       <apex:column value="{!EZR.Count_4247}"/>
       <apex:column value="{!EZR.Count_4752}"/>
       <apex:column value="{!EZR.Count_5257}"/>
       <apex:column value="{!EZR.Count_g57}"/>

public class Gruppenvertrag_c55 {
 private Id accId {get; set;}
 public List<CountClass> CountList {get;set;} //this list contains all the values and binded to Pageblocktable

 public Gruppenvertrag_c55(ApexPages.StandardController stdcontroller) {
   accId = stdcontroller.getRecord().Id;
   getEinzelrisiko();//called in the constructor.

 public void getEinzelrisiko() {

 List<Einzelrisiko__c> listEZR = [SELECT Alter__c FROM Einzelrisiko__c WHERE Abgangsdatum__c = Null AND Unternehmens_Id_Long__c = :accId AND Alter__c >=42];

 CountList = new List<CountClass>();

 FOR(Einzelrisiko__c ein : listEZR) {

      CountClass cc = new CountClass();

      IF(ein.Alter__c >37 && ein.Alter__c <=42) { cc.Count_3742++; }
      IF(ein.Alter__c >42 && ein.Alter__c <=47) { cc.Count_4247++; }
      IF(ein.Alter__c >47 && ein.Alter__c <=52) { cc.Count_4752++; }
      IF(ein.Alter__c >52 && ein.Alter__c <=57) { cc.Count_5257++; }
      IF(ein.Alter__c >57) { cc.Count_g57++; }

      CountList.add(cc);//adding each record to the list
  public class CountClass

    public  Integer Count_3742 {get;set;}
    public  Integer Count_4247 {get;set;}
    public  Integer Count_4752 {get;set;}
    public  Integer Count_5257 {get;set;}
    public  Integer Count_g57 {get;set;}

     public CountClass()

       Count_3742 = 0;
       Count_4247 = 0;
       Count_4752 = 0;
       Count_5257 = 0;
       Count_g57 = 0;