C++ 堆栈程序打印功能工作不正常

C++ 堆栈程序打印功能工作不正常,c++,pointers,stack,nodes,C++,Pointers,Stack,Nodes,我刚完成这个程序,但从一开始我就注意到它并没有打印出它应该打印的所有内容。 需要先从顶部开始打印堆栈中的整数,然后从底部开始再次打印。 它正确地从上到下打印,但出于某种原因,它只从下到上打印最下面的数字。 例如,如果堆栈包含整数1、2、3、4、5、6, 其中1位于堆栈底部,6为顶部数字。 程序应打印以下内容: 顶部{654321}底部{123456}顶部 但它打印了以下内容: 顶部{654321}底部{1}顶部 以下是打印功能: void Print() const // Prints

我刚完成这个程序,但从一开始我就注意到它并没有打印出它应该打印的所有内容。 需要先从顶部开始打印堆栈中的整数,然后从底部开始再次打印。 它正确地从上到下打印,但出于某种原因,它只从下到上打印最下面的数字。 例如,如果堆栈包含整数1、2、3、4、5、6, 其中1位于堆栈底部,6为顶部数字。 程序应打印以下内容: 顶部{654321}底部{123456}顶部

但它打印了以下内容: 顶部{654321}底部{1}顶部


void Print() const     
// Prints stack contents to stdout in both top-to-bottom and bottom-to-top order 
  Node* temp = topPtr; 
  cout << "Top { ";

  // Forward print
  while (temp != NULL)
    cout << temp->data << " "; 

    if (temp->next == NULL)

    temp = temp->next;
  cout << "} Bottom      Bottom { ";

  // Reverse print
  while (temp != NULL)
    cout << temp->data << " ";  
    temp = temp->previous;
  cout << "} Top" << endl;
} // End Print()
void Print()常量

while (temp != NULL)
  cout << temp->data << " ";  
  temp = temp->previous;

throw IsFull()

版权2011\uuuu MyCompanyName\uuuuu。保留所有权利。
是的,应该是throw StackFull();
// stack.h
// Specification file for Stack class, a stack of integers implemented
// using doubly-linked nodes.
// ***** DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE *****
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

#ifndef STACK_H
#define STACK_H

class StackEmpty        {  /* No Code */  };
// StackEmpty exception class - throw an object of this type when stack is empty
// Hint: there is no code for exception classes

class StackFull         {  /* No Code */  };
// StackFull exception class - throw an object of this type when stack is full

class StackInvalidPeek  {  /* No Code */  };
// StackInvalidPeek exception class - throw an object of this type when invalid peek    position is used

struct Node                // Node data type for storing a single stack entry along with   pointers to
{                          // neighboring entries (previous and next) in the stack
  Node* previous;          // Member variable that holds the address of the predessor node in the stack sequence
  Node* next;              // Member variable that holds the address of the successor node in the stack sequence
  int   data;              // Member variable that holds the data value

class Stack                // Implements stack of integers ADT using doubly-linked sequence of nodes
  Node* topPtr;          // Points to the top node on the stack array

Stack();               // Default constructor initializes empty stack

~Stack();              // Destructor deallocates all nodes from stack 
                       // Must not create a memory leak

void Push(int n);      // Pushes integer n onto top of stack.  
                       // If unable to push, throws StackFull exception.

void Pop();            // Removes top integer from stack
                       // If stack is already empty, throws StackEmpty exception

bool IsEmpty() const;  // Returns true if stack is empty; false otherwise

bool IsFull() const;   // Returns true if stack is full; false otherwise

void MakeEmpty();      // Removes all nodes from stack leaving an empty, but usable stack
                       // Must not create a memory leak

int Top() const;       // Returns value of top integer on stack WITHOUT modifying the stack
                       // If stack is empty, throws StackEmpty exception

int Size() const;      // Returns number of items on stack WITHOUT modifying the stack

int Max() const;       // Returns value of largest integer within stack WITHOUT modifying the stack
                       // If stack is empty, throws StackEmpty

int Min() const;       // Returns value of smallest integer within stack WITHOUT modifying the stack
                       // If stack is empty, throws StackEmpty

int Peek( int n) const; // Returns stack value n levels down from top of stack. Peek(0) = Top()
                         // If position n does not exist, throws StackInvalidPeek

    .   ./*******  DO NOT MODIFY ANY OF THE CODE FOR PRINT()             *******/
/******   DO NOT PLACE A COPY OF PRINT() CODE IN STACK.CPP!!!   *******/

void Print() const     
// Prints stack contents to stdout in both top-to-bottom and bottom-to-top order 
  Node* temp = topPtr; 
  cout << "Top { ";

  // Forward print
  while (temp != NULL)
    cout << temp->data << " "; 

    if (temp->next == NULL)

    temp = temp->next;
  cout << "} Bottom      Bottom { ";

  // Reverse print
  while (temp != NULL)
    cout << temp->data << " ";  
    temp = temp->previous;
  cout << "} Top" << endl;
} // End Print()

};  // End Class Stack

//  stack.cpp
//  Created by Otapia on 9/19/11.
//  Copyright 2011 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.

#include <iostream>
#include <new>
#include "stack.h"

Stack::Stack()          // Default constructor initializes empty stack
topPtr = NULL;

Stack::~Stack()         // Destructor deallocates all nodes from stack 
                    // Must not create a memory leak
Node* tempPtr;
while ( topPtr != NULL ) 
tempPtr = topPtr;
topPtr = topPtr->next;
delete tempPtr;

void Stack::Push(int n) // Pushes integer n onto top of stack.  
                    // If unable to push, throws StackFull exception.

 Node* tempPtr = new Node;
 tempPtr->data = n;
 tempPtr->next = topPtr;
 topPtr = tempPtr;

throw IsFull();

void Stack::Pop()       // Removes top integer from stack
                    // If stack is already empty, throws StackEmpty exception
    if (!IsEmpty())
   Node* tempPtr;
  tempPtr = topPtr;
  topPtr = topPtr->next;
  delete tempPtr;
throw StackEmpty();

bool Stack::IsEmpty() const // Returns true if stack is empty; false otherwise

    return(topPtr == NULL);


bool Stack::IsFull() const  // Returns true if stack is full; false otherwise

Node* location;
location = new Node;
delete location;
return false;

{return true; }


void Stack::MakeEmpty() // Removes all nodes from stack leaving an empty, but usable stack
                    // Must not create memory leak

    Node* tempPtr;
    while ( topPtr != NULL ) {
    tempPtr = topPtr;
    topPtr = topPtr->next;
    delete tempPtr;
  topPtr = NULL;


int Stack::Top() const  // Returns value of top integer on stack WITHOUT modifying the stack
return topPtr->data;

throw StackEmpty();

int Stack::Size() const // Returns number of items on stack WITHOUT modifying the stack

Node* temp = topPtr;
int count = 0;
while (temp != NULL)
temp = temp->next;
count ++;
return count;


int Stack::Max() const  // Returns value of largest integer within stack WITHOUT modifying the stack
                    // If stack is empty, throws StackEmpty
int max = 0;
int n;
Node* temp = topPtr;
while(temp != NULL)
n = temp->data;
if(n > max)
max = n;
temp = temp->next;
return max;}

throw StackEmpty();

int Stack::Min() const  // Returns value of smallest integer within stack WITHOUT modifying the stack
                    // If stack is empty, throws StackEmpty
{int min = 100;
int n;
Node* temp = topPtr;
while(temp != NULL)
n = temp->data;
if(n < min)
min = n;
temp = temp->next;
return min;}

throw StackEmpty();

int Stack::Peek(int n) const    // Returns stack value n levels down from top of stack.     Peek(0) = Top()
                            // If position n does not exist, throws StackInvalidPeek

int num = 0;
int x = 0;
Node* temp = topPtr;
while(temp != NULL)

if (x >= n || temp->next == NULL)
 temp = temp->next;

if (n <= x)
num = temp->data;
else throw StackInvalidPeek();

throw StackInvalidPeek();
return num;
while (temp != NULL)
  cout << temp->data << " ";  
  temp = temp->previous;
void Stack::Push(int n) // Pushes integer n onto top of stack.  
                // If unable to push, throws StackFull exception.
    Node* tempPtr = new Node;
    tempPtr->data = n;
    tempPtr->next = topPtr;
    topPtr = tempPtr;    
  } else
    throw IsFull();