C++ 回文递归不停止

C++ 回文递归不停止,c++,recursion,palindrome,C++,Recursion,Palindrome,我已经构建了这个框架,但是我遇到了一个无法捕捉的逻辑错误。为了总结它所做的事情,它将一个字符串传递给book函数,并检查第一个和最后一个字符,如果有相同的字符,则继续这样做,直到有一个字符剩余。如果字母不相同,则返回false。然而,当一个有效的回文被输入时,结果会被窃听——它会进入基本情况,但不会停止递归,当它实际上是一个回文时,结果会返回0。任何关于它为什么不停止的洞察都会很棒 #include <iostream> #include <string> #includ


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cctype>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdio>
using namespace std;

bool book(string origWord, int len);

int main()
    string a = "ABCDCBA";
    cout << "Test:" << book(a, a.length() - 1);
    return 0;
bool book(string origWord, int len)
    bool status = false;
    if (len <= 1)
        status = true;
    else if (tolower(origWord[0]) == tolower(origWord[len]))
        book(origWord.substr(1, len - 1), len - 2);

    return status;

int main()

status = book(origWord.substr(1, len - 1), len - 2);


bool book(string origWord, int len)
    bool status = false;  // 1. status is FALSE
    if (len <= 1)  // 2. This branch is not taken
        status = true;
    else if (tolower(origWord[0]) == tolower(origWord[len]))  // 3. This branch IS taken
        book(origWord.substr(1, len - 1), len - 2);  // 4. Say, this returns TRUE
        // 5. but the return value is not used
    // 6. control passes here after executing the function
    // 7. local status is STILL FALSE
    return status;  // 8. return status, which is FALSE 
bool book(字符串原形,整数长度)
bool status=false;//1.状态为false
bool book(string origWord, int len)
    bool status = false;  // 1. status is FALSE
    if (len <= 1)  // 2. This branch is not taken
        status = true;
    else if (tolower(origWord[0]) == tolower(origWord[len]))  // 3. This branch IS taken
        book(origWord.substr(1, len - 1), len - 2);  // 4. Say, this returns TRUE
        // 5. but the return value is not used
    // 6. control passes here after executing the function
    // 7. local status is STILL FALSE
    return status;  // 8. return status, which is FALSE 
bool book(string origWord, int len)
    if (len <= 1)
        return true;
    else if (tolower(origWord[0]) == tolower(origWord[len]))
        // Use the RETURNED VALUE!
        return book(origWord.substr(1, len - 1), len - 2);

    return false;