Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/6/cplusplus/125.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181
C++ 软件光栅化实现加速思想_C++_Optimization_Rendering_Rasterizing - Fatal编程技术网

C++ 软件光栅化实现加速思想

C++ 软件光栅化实现加速思想,c++,optimization,rendering,rasterizing,C++,Optimization,Rendering,Rasterizing,我正在编写三角形光栅化软件。 在下面的示例中,我正在光栅化一个全屏三角形,但它仍然非常慢……在我的i7上,它以1024x768的速度为一个多边形以130 FPS的速度运行 我可以看到一些优化的空间,但仍然没有接近我想要的性能。我遗漏了什么,有什么想法可以快速加速吗。。。在奔腾2上使用更多多边形进行软件渲染时,即使是Quake2也运行得更快:/ 谢谢你的建议 下面是代码(我使用gmtl表示向量) 浮动交叉(Vec2f常量和边1,Vec2f常量和边2) { 返回edge1[0]*edge2[1]-e

我正在编写三角形光栅化软件。 在下面的示例中,我正在光栅化一个全屏三角形,但它仍然非常慢……在我的i7上,它以1024x768的速度为一个多边形以130 FPS的速度运行




bool caculatebary中心权重(float invdoubletria、float doubletria、Vec2f const和edgesFromTo01_12_20)[3]、Vec2f const和顶点[3]、Vec2f const和point、float和overset[3])






  • 光栅化器必须在屏幕空间中工作

  • 在光栅化之前,必须将3D顶点转换为屏幕空间

  • 内部光栅循环必须尽可能简单–大多数内部循环中的分支(即

  • 因此,我创建了一个新的

    • 位于水平基座上方的顶部
    • 在水平底部下方具有峰值的下部


    const Mat4x4f matProj(InitScale, 1.0f / Width, 1.0f / Height, 1.0f);
    const Mat4x4f matScreen
      = Mat4x4f(InitScale, 0.5f * Width, 0.5f * Height, 1.0f)
      * Mat4x4f(InitTrans, Vec3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
    const Mat4x4f mat = matScreen * matProj /* * matView * matModel */;

    • matProj
    • matScreen




    #include <cstdint>
    #include <algorithm>
    #include <chrono>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <vector>
    #include "linmath.h"
    typedef unsigned uint;
    typedef std::uint32_t uint32;
    const int Width = 1024, Height = 768;
    class FBO {
        const int width, height;
        std::vector<uint32> _rgba; // pixel buffer
        FBO(int width, int height):
          width(width), height(height),
          _rgba(width * height, 0)
        { }
        ~FBO() = default;
        FBO(const FBO&) = delete;
        FBO& operator=(const FBO&) = delete;
        void clear(uint32 rgba) { std::fill(_rgba.begin(), _rgba.end(), rgba); }
        void set(int x, int y, uint32 rgba)
          const size_t i = y * width + x;
          _rgba[i] = rgba;
        size_t getI(int y) const { return y * width; }
        size_t getI(int x, int y) const { return y * width + x; }
        void set(size_t i, uint32 rgba) { _rgba[i] = rgba; }
        const std::vector<uint32>& getRGBA() const { return _rgba; }
    void rasterize(FBO &fbo, const Vec3f vtcs[3], const uint32 rgba)
      // sort vertices by y coordinates
      uint iVtcs[3] = { 0, 1, 2 };
      if (vtcs[iVtcs[0]].y > vtcs[iVtcs[1]].y) std::swap(iVtcs[0], iVtcs[1]);
      if (vtcs[iVtcs[1]].y > vtcs[iVtcs[2]].y) std::swap(iVtcs[1], iVtcs[2]);
      if (vtcs[iVtcs[0]].y > vtcs[iVtcs[1]].y) std::swap(iVtcs[0], iVtcs[1]);
      const Vec3f vtcsS[3] = { vtcs[iVtcs[0]], vtcs[iVtcs[1]], vtcs[iVtcs[2]] };
      const float yM = vtcs[1].y;
      // cut triangle in upper and lower part
      const float xT = vtcsS[0].x;
      float xML = vtcsS[1].x;
      const float f = (yM - vtcsS[0].y) / (vtcsS[2].y - vtcsS[0].y);
      float xMR = (1.0f - f) * xT + f * vtcsS[2].x;
      if (xML > xMR) std::swap(xML, xMR);
      // draw upper part of triangle
      if (vtcs[iVtcs[0]].y < yM) {
        const float dY = yM - vtcsS[0].y;
        for (int y = std::max((int)vtcsS[0].y, 0),
          yE = std::min((int)(yM + 0.5f), fbo.height);
          y < yE; ++y) {
          const float f1 = (yM - y) / dY, f0 = 1.0f - f1;
          const float xL = f0 * xT + f1 * xML, xR = f0 * xT + f1 * xMR;
          const size_t i = fbo.getI(y);
          for (int x = std::max((int)xL, 0),
            xE = std::min((int)(xR + 0.5f), fbo.width);
            x < xE; ++x) {
            fbo.set(i + x, rgba);
      } // else upper edge horizontal
      // draw lower part of triangle
      if (yM < vtcs[2].y) {
        const float xB = vtcsS[2].x;
        const float dY = vtcsS[2].y - yM;
        for (int y = std::max((int)yM, 0),
          yE = std::min((int)(vtcsS[2].y + 0.5f), fbo.height);
          y < yE; ++y) {
          const float f1 = (y - yM) / dY, f0 = 1.0f - f1;
          const float xL = f0 * xML + f1 * xB, xR = f0 * xMR + f1 * xB;
          const size_t i = fbo.getI(y);
          for (int x = std::max((int)xL, 0),
            xE = std::min((int)(xR + 0.5f), fbo.width);
            x < xE; ++x) {
            fbo.set(i + x, rgba);
      } // else lower edge horizontal
    template <typename VALUE>
    Vec3T<VALUE> transformPoint(const Mat4x4T<VALUE> &mat, const Vec3T<VALUE> &pt)
      Vec4T<VALUE> pt_ = mat * Vec4T<VALUE>(pt.x, pt.y, pt.z, (VALUE)1);
      return pt_.w != (VALUE)0
        ? Vec3T<VALUE>(pt_.x / pt_.w, pt_.y / pt_.w, pt_.z / pt_.w)
        : Vec3T<VALUE>(pt_.x, pt_.y, pt_.z);
    typedef std::chrono::high_resolution_clock HiResClock;
    typedef std::chrono::microseconds MicroSecs;
    int mainBench()
      const Mat4x4f matProj(InitScale, 1.0f / Width, 1.0f / Height, 1.0f);
      const Mat4x4f matScreen
        = Mat4x4f(InitScale, 0.5f * Width, 0.5f * Height, 1.0f)
        * Mat4x4f(InitTrans, Vec3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
      const Mat4x4f mat = matScreen * matProj /* * matView * matModel */;
      FBO fbo(Width, Height);
      HiResClock::time_point start = HiResClock::now();
      size_t fps = 0;
      for (;;) {
        static Vec3f v0 = { -2000.0f, -2000.0, 10.0 };
        static Vec3f v1 = { 2000.0f, -2000.0, 10.0 };
        static Vec3f v2 = { 0.0f, 2000.0, 10.0 };
        const Vec3f vtcs[] = {
          transformPoint(mat, v0), transformPoint(mat, v1), transformPoint(mat, v2)
        rasterize(fbo, vtcs, 0xff0000ff);
        HiResClock::time_point now = HiResClock::now();
        auto timeDiff
          = std::chrono::duration_cast<MicroSecs>(now - start).count();
        static const long oneSecond = 1000000;
        if (timeDiff >= oneSecond) {
          std::cout << fps << " " << std::flush;
          fps = 0;
          start = now;
    #include <stack>
    #include <QtWidgets>
    struct RenderContext {
      FBO fbo; // frame buffer object
      Mat4x4f matModelView;
      Mat4x4f matProj;
      RenderContext(int width, int height):
        fbo(width, height),
      { }
      ~RenderContext() = default;
    void render(RenderContext &context)
      static Vec3f v0 = { -2000.0f, -2000.0, 10.0 };
      static Vec3f v1 = { 2000.0f, -2000.0, 10.0 };
      static Vec3f v2 = { 0.0f, 2000.0, 10.0 };
    #if 0 // test transformations of mainBench()
      const Mat4x4f matProj(InitScale, 1.0f / Width, 1.0f / Height, 1.0f);
      const Mat4x4f matScreen
        = Mat4x4f(InitScale, 0.5f * Width, 0.5f * Height, 1.0f)
        * Mat4x4f(InitTrans, Vec3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
      const Mat4x4f mat = matScreen * matProj /* * matView * matModel */;
    #else // make a simple animation
      const Mat4x4f matScreen
        = Mat4x4f(InitScale, 0.5f * context.fbo.width, 0.5f * context.fbo.height, 1.0f)
        * Mat4x4f(InitTrans, Vec3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
      const Mat4x4f mat = matScreen * context.matProj * context.matModelView;
    #endif // 0
      const Vec3f vtcs[] = {
        transformPoint(mat, v0), transformPoint(mat, v1), transformPoint(mat, v2)
      rasterize(context.fbo, vtcs, 0xff0000ff);
    int main(int argc, char **argv)
      // evaluate arguments
      const bool gui = argc > 1
        && (strcmp(argv[1], "gui") == 0 || strcmp(argv[1], "-gui") == 0);
      // without arguments: start benchmark
      if (!gui) return mainBench();
      // remove argument "gui"
      for (char **arg = argv + 1; *arg; ++arg) arg [0] = arg[1];
      // Qt Demo
      qDebug() << "Qt Version:" << QT_VERSION_STR;
      QApplication app(argc, argv);
      RenderContext context(Width, Height);
      // setup GUI
      QPixmap qPixmapImg(Width, Height);
      QLabel qLblImg;
      qLblImg.setWindowTitle("Software Rasterizer Demo");
      // Qt timer for periodic rendering/animation
      QTime qTime(0, 0);
      QTimer qTimer;
      // install signal handlers
      QObject::connect(&qTimer, &QTimer::timeout,
        [&]() {
          // simple animation
          const float r = 1.0f, t = 0.001f * qTime.elapsed();
            = Mat4x4f(InitTrans, Vec3f(r * sin(t), r * cos(t), 0.0f))
            * Mat4x4f(InitScale, 0.0001f, 0.0001f, 0.0001f);
          // rendering
          // transfer FBO to qLblImg
          const QImage qImg((uchar*)context.fbo.getRGBA().data(),
            Width, Height, QImage::Format_RGBA8888);
      // runtime loop
      qTime.start(); qTimer.start();
      return app.exec();

    $g++-std=c++11-o rasterizerSimple rasterizerSimple.cc

    在Windows 10上编译和测试:

    2724 2921 3015 2781 2800 2805 2859 2783 2931 2871 2902 2983 2995 2882 2940 2878 3007 2993 3066 3067 3118 3144 2849 3084 3020 3005 3030 2991 2999 3065 2941 3123 3119 2905 3135 2938

    我的笔记本电脑有一个Intel i7(当我让程序运行更长的时间时,会产生更清凉的噪音)

    这看起来没那么糟糕——平均每秒3000个三角形(如果他的i7速度比我的慢不了多少的话,这比OP的130 FPS还要快)



    $。/rasterizerSimple gui


    #include <cstdint>
    #include <algorithm>
    #include <chrono>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <vector>
    #include "linmath.h"
    typedef unsigned uint;
    typedef std::uint32_t uint32;
    const int Width = 1024, Height = 768;
    class FBO {
        const int width, height;
        std::vector<uint32> _rgba; // pixel buffer
        FBO(int width, int height):
          width(width), height(height),
          _rgba(width * height, 0)
        { }
        ~FBO() = default;
        FBO(const FBO&) = delete;
        FBO& operator=(const FBO&) = delete;
        void clear(uint32 rgba) { std::fill(_rgba.begin(), _rgba.end(), rgba); }
        void set(int x, int y, uint32 rgba)
          const size_t i = y * width + x;
          _rgba[i] = rgba;
        size_t getI(int y) const { return y * width; }
        size_t getI(int x, int y) const { return y * width + x; }
        void set(size_t i, uint32 rgba) { _rgba[i] = rgba; }
        const std::vector<uint32>& getRGBA() const { return _rgba; }
    void rasterize(FBO &fbo, const Vec3f vtcs[3], const uint32 rgba)
      // sort vertices by y coordinates
      uint iVtcs[3] = { 0, 1, 2 };
      if (vtcs[iVtcs[0]].y > vtcs[iVtcs[1]].y) std::swap(iVtcs[0], iVtcs[1]);
      if (vtcs[iVtcs[1]].y > vtcs[iVtcs[2]].y) std::swap(iVtcs[1], iVtcs[2]);
      if (vtcs[iVtcs[0]].y > vtcs[iVtcs[1]].y) std::swap(iVtcs[0], iVtcs[1]);
      const Vec3f vtcsS[3] = { vtcs[iVtcs[0]], vtcs[iVtcs[1]], vtcs[iVtcs[2]] };
      const float yM = vtcs[1].y;
      // cut triangle in upper and lower part
      const float xT = vtcsS[0].x;
      float xML = vtcsS[1].x;
      const float f = (yM - vtcsS[0].y) / (vtcsS[2].y - vtcsS[0].y);
      float xMR = (1.0f - f) * xT + f * vtcsS[2].x;
      if (xML > xMR) std::swap(xML, xMR);
      // draw upper part of triangle
      if (vtcs[iVtcs[0]].y < yM) {
        const float dY = yM - vtcsS[0].y;
        for (int y = std::max((int)vtcsS[0].y, 0),
          yE = std::min((int)(yM + 0.5f), fbo.height);
          y < yE; ++y) {
          const float f1 = (yM - y) / dY, f0 = 1.0f - f1;
          const float xL = f0 * xT + f1 * xML, xR = f0 * xT + f1 * xMR;
          const size_t i = fbo.getI(y);
          for (int x = std::max((int)xL, 0),
            xE = std::min((int)(xR + 0.5f), fbo.width);
            x < xE; ++x) {
            fbo.set(i + x, rgba);
      } // else upper edge horizontal
      // draw lower part of triangle
      if (yM < vtcs[2].y) {
        const float xB = vtcsS[2].x;
        const float dY = vtcsS[2].y - yM;
        for (int y = std::max((int)yM, 0),
          yE = std::min((int)(vtcsS[2].y + 0.5f), fbo.height);
          y < yE; ++y) {
          const float f1 = (y - yM) / dY, f0 = 1.0f - f1;
          const float xL = f0 * xML + f1 * xB, xR = f0 * xMR + f1 * xB;
          const size_t i = fbo.getI(y);
          for (int x = std::max((int)xL, 0),
            xE = std::min((int)(xR + 0.5f), fbo.width);
            x < xE; ++x) {
            fbo.set(i + x, rgba);
      } // else lower edge horizontal
    template <typename VALUE>
    Vec3T<VALUE> transformPoint(const Mat4x4T<VALUE> &mat, const Vec3T<VALUE> &pt)
      Vec4T<VALUE> pt_ = mat * Vec4T<VALUE>(pt.x, pt.y, pt.z, (VALUE)1);
      return pt_.w != (VALUE)0
        ? Vec3T<VALUE>(pt_.x / pt_.w, pt_.y / pt_.w, pt_.z / pt_.w)
        : Vec3T<VALUE>(pt_.x, pt_.y, pt_.z);
    typedef std::chrono::high_resolution_clock HiResClock;
    typedef std::chrono::microseconds MicroSecs;
    int mainBench()
      const Mat4x4f matProj(InitScale, 1.0f / Width, 1.0f / Height, 1.0f);
      const Mat4x4f matScreen
        = Mat4x4f(InitScale, 0.5f * Width, 0.5f * Height, 1.0f)
        * Mat4x4f(InitTrans, Vec3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
      const Mat4x4f mat = matScreen * matProj /* * matView * matModel */;
      FBO fbo(Width, Height);
      HiResClock::time_point start = HiResClock::now();
      size_t fps = 0;
      for (;;) {
        static Vec3f v0 = { -2000.0f, -2000.0, 10.0 };
        static Vec3f v1 = { 2000.0f, -2000.0, 10.0 };
        static Vec3f v2 = { 0.0f, 2000.0, 10.0 };
        const Vec3f vtcs[] = {
          transformPoint(mat, v0), transformPoint(mat, v1), transformPoint(mat, v2)
        rasterize(fbo, vtcs, 0xff0000ff);
        HiResClock::time_point now = HiResClock::now();
        auto timeDiff
          = std::chrono::duration_cast<MicroSecs>(now - start).count();
        static const long oneSecond = 1000000;
        if (timeDiff >= oneSecond) {
          std::cout << fps << " " << std::flush;
          fps = 0;
          start = now;
    #include <stack>
    #include <QtWidgets>
    struct RenderContext {
      FBO fbo; // frame buffer object
      Mat4x4f matModelView;
      Mat4x4f matProj;
      RenderContext(int width, int height):
        fbo(width, height),
      { }
      ~RenderContext() = default;
    void render(RenderContext &context)
      static Vec3f v0 = { -2000.0f, -2000.0, 10.0 };
      static Vec3f v1 = { 2000.0f, -2000.0, 10.0 };
      static Vec3f v2 = { 0.0f, 2000.0, 10.0 };
    #if 0 // test transformations of mainBench()
      const Mat4x4f matProj(InitScale, 1.0f / Width, 1.0f / Height, 1.0f);
      const Mat4x4f matScreen
        = Mat4x4f(InitScale, 0.5f * Width, 0.5f * Height, 1.0f)
        * Mat4x4f(InitTrans, Vec3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
      const Mat4x4f mat = matScreen * matProj /* * matView * matModel */;
    #else // make a simple animation
      const Mat4x4f matScreen
        = Mat4x4f(InitScale, 0.5f * context.fbo.width, 0.5f * context.fbo.height, 1.0f)
        * Mat4x4f(InitTrans, Vec3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
      const Mat4x4f mat = matScreen * context.matProj * context.matModelView;
    #endif // 0
      const Vec3f vtcs[] = {
        transformPoint(mat, v0), transformPoint(mat, v1), transformPoint(mat, v2)
      rasterize(context.fbo, vtcs, 0xff0000ff);
    int main(int argc, char **argv)
      // evaluate arguments
      const bool gui = argc > 1
        && (strcmp(argv[1], "gui") == 0 || strcmp(argv[1], "-gui") == 0);
      // without arguments: start benchmark
      if (!gui) return mainBench();
      // remove argument "gui"
      for (char **arg = argv + 1; *arg; ++arg) arg [0] = arg[1];
      // Qt Demo
      qDebug() << "Qt Version:" << QT_VERSION_STR;
      QApplication app(argc, argv);
      RenderContext context(Width, Height);
      // setup GUI
      QPixmap qPixmapImg(Width, Height);
      QLabel qLblImg;
      qLblImg.setWindowTitle("Software Rasterizer Demo");
      // Qt timer for periodic rendering/animation
      QTime qTime(0, 0);
      QTimer qTimer;
      // install signal handlers
      QObject::connect(&qTimer, &QTimer::timeout,
        [&]() {
          // simple animation
          const float r = 1.0f, t = 0.001f * qTime.elapsed();
            = Mat4x4f(InitTrans, Vec3f(r * sin(t), r * cos(t), 0.0f))
            * Mat4x4f(InitScale, 0.0001f, 0.0001f, 0.0001f);
          // rendering
          // transfer FBO to qLblImg
          const QImage qImg((uchar*)context.fbo.getRGBA().data(),
            Width, Height, QImage::Format_RGBA8888);
      // runtime loop
      qTime.start(); qTimer.start();
      return app.exec();
    #ifndef LIN_MATH_H
    #define LIN_MATH_H
    #include <iostream>
    #include <cassert>
    #include <cmath>
    double Pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795;
    template <typename VALUE>
    inline VALUE degToRad(VALUE angle)
      return (VALUE)Pi * angle / (VALUE)180;
    template <typename VALUE>
    inline VALUE radToDeg(VALUE angle)
      return (VALUE)180 * angle / (VALUE)Pi;
    template <typename VALUE>
    struct Vec2T {
      VALUE x, y;
      Vec2T() { }
      Vec2T(VALUE x, VALUE y): x(x), y(y) { }
    template <typename VALUE>
    VALUE length(const Vec2T<VALUE> &vec)
      return sqrt(vec.x * vec.x + vec.y * vec.y);
    template <typename VALUE>
    std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Vec2T<VALUE> &v)
      return out << "( " << v.x << ", " << v.y << " )";
    typedef Vec2T<float> Vec2f;
    typedef Vec2T<double> Vec2;
    template <typename VALUE>
    struct Vec3T {
      VALUE x, y, z;
      Vec3T() { }
      Vec3T(VALUE x, VALUE y, VALUE z): x(x), y(y), z(z) { }
      Vec3T(const Vec2T<VALUE> &xy, VALUE z): x(xy.x), y(xy.y), z(z) { }
      explicit operator Vec2T<VALUE>() const { return Vec2T<VALUE>(x, y); }
    template <typename VALUE>
    std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Vec3T<VALUE> &v)
      return out << "( " << v.x << ", " << v.y << ", " << v.z << " )";
    typedef Vec3T<float> Vec3f;
    typedef Vec3T<double> Vec3;
    template <typename VALUE>
    struct Vec4T {
      VALUE x, y, z, w;
      Vec4T() { }
      Vec4T(VALUE x, VALUE y, VALUE z, VALUE w): x(x), y(y), z(z), w(w) { }
      Vec4T(const Vec2T<VALUE> &xy, VALUE z, VALUE w):
        x(xy.x), y(xy.y), z(z), w(w)
      { }
      Vec4T(const Vec3T<VALUE> &xyz, VALUE w):
        x(xyz.x), y(xyz.y), z(xyz.z), w(w)
      { }
      explicit operator Vec2T<VALUE>() const { return Vec2T<VALUE>(x, y); }
      explicit operator Vec3T<VALUE>() const { return Vec3T<VALUE>(x, y, z); }
    template <typename VALUE>
    std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Vec4T<VALUE> &v)
      return out << "( " << v.x << ", " << v.y << ", " << v.z << ", " << v.w << " )";
    typedef Vec4T<float> Vec4f;
    typedef Vec4T<double> Vec4;
    enum ArgInitIdent { InitIdent };
    enum ArgInitTrans { InitTrans };
    enum ArgInitRot { InitRot };
    enum ArgInitRotX { InitRotX };
    enum ArgInitRotY { InitRotY };
    enum ArgInitRotZ { InitRotZ };
    enum ArgInitScale { InitScale };
    template <typename VALUE>
    struct Mat4x4T {
      union {
        VALUE comp[4 * 4];
        struct {
          VALUE _00, _01, _02, _03;
          VALUE _10, _11, _12, _13;
          VALUE _20, _21, _22, _23;
          VALUE _30, _31, _32, _33;
      // constructor to build a matrix by elements
        VALUE _00, VALUE _01, VALUE _02, VALUE _03,
        VALUE _10, VALUE _11, VALUE _12, VALUE _13,
        VALUE _20, VALUE _21, VALUE _22, VALUE _23,
        VALUE _30, VALUE _31, VALUE _32, VALUE _33):
        _00(_00), _01(_01), _02(_02), _03(_03),
        _10(_10), _11(_11), _12(_12), _13(_13),
        _20(_20), _21(_21), _22(_22), _23(_23),
        _30(_30), _31(_31), _32(_32), _33(_33)
      { }
      // constructor to build an identity matrix
        _00((VALUE)1), _01((VALUE)0), _02((VALUE)0), _03((VALUE)0),
        _10((VALUE)0), _11((VALUE)1), _12((VALUE)0), _13((VALUE)0),
        _20((VALUE)0), _21((VALUE)0), _22((VALUE)1), _23((VALUE)0),
        _30((VALUE)0), _31((VALUE)0), _32((VALUE)0), _33((VALUE)1)
      { }
      // constructor to build a matrix for translation
      Mat4x4T(ArgInitTrans, const Vec3T<VALUE> &t):
        _00((VALUE)1), _01((VALUE)0), _02((VALUE)0), _03((VALUE)t.x),
        _10((VALUE)0), _11((VALUE)1), _12((VALUE)0), _13((VALUE)t.y),
        _20((VALUE)0), _21((VALUE)0), _22((VALUE)1), _23((VALUE)t.z),
        _30((VALUE)0), _31((VALUE)0), _32((VALUE)0), _33((VALUE)1)
      { }
      // constructor to build a matrix for rotation about axis
      Mat4x4T(ArgInitRot, const Vec3T<VALUE> &axis, VALUE angle):
        _03((VALUE)0), _13((VALUE)0), _23((VALUE)0),
        _30((VALUE)0), _31((VALUE)0), _32((VALUE)0), _33((VALUE)1)
        const VALUE sinAngle = sin(angle), cosAngle = cos(angle);
        const VALUE xx = axis.x * axis.x, xy = axis.x * axis.y;
        const VALUE xz = axis.x * axis.z, yy = axis.y * axis.y;
        const VALUE yz = axis.y * axis.z, zz = axis.z * axis.z;
        _00 = xx + cosAngle * ((VALUE)1 - xx) /* + sinAngle * 0 */;
        _01 = xy - cosAngle * xy - sinAngle * axis.z;
        _02 = xz - cosAngle * xz + sinAngle * axis.y;
        _10 = xy - cosAngle * xy + sinAngle * axis.z;
        _11 = yy + cosAngle * ((VALUE)1 - yy) /* + sinAngle * 0 */;
        _12 = yz - cosAngle * yz - sinAngle * axis.x;
        _20 = xz - cosAngle * xz - sinAngle * axis.y;
        _21 = yz - cosAngle * yz + sinAngle * axis.x;
        _22 = zz + cosAngle * ((VALUE)1 - zz) /* + sinAngle * 0 */;
      // constructor to build a matrix for rotation about x axis
      Mat4x4T(ArgInitRotX, VALUE angle):
        _00((VALUE)1), _01((VALUE)0),    _02((VALUE)0),   _03((VALUE)0),
        _10((VALUE)0), _11(cos(angle)),  _12(-sin(angle)), _13((VALUE)0),
        _20((VALUE)0), _21(sin(angle)), _22(cos(angle)), _23((VALUE)0),
        _30((VALUE)0), _31((VALUE)0),    _32((VALUE)0),   _33((VALUE)1)
      { }
      // constructor to build a matrix for rotation about y axis
      Mat4x4T(ArgInitRotY, VALUE angle):
        _00(cos(angle)), _01((VALUE)0), _02(sin(angle)), _03((VALUE)0),
        _10((VALUE)0),   _11((VALUE)1), _12((VALUE)0),    _13((VALUE)0),
        _20(-sin(angle)), _21((VALUE)0), _22(cos(angle)),  _23((VALUE)0),
        _30((VALUE)0), _31((VALUE)0),    _32((VALUE)0),   _33((VALUE)1)
      { }
      // constructor to build a matrix for rotation about z axis
      Mat4x4T(ArgInitRotZ, VALUE angle):
        _00(cos(angle)),  _01(-sin(angle)), _02((VALUE)0), _03((VALUE)0),
        _10(sin(angle)), _11(cos(angle)), _12((VALUE)0), _13((VALUE)0),
        _20((VALUE)0),    _21((VALUE)0),   _22((VALUE)1), _23((VALUE)0),
        _30((VALUE)0),    _31((VALUE)0),   _32((VALUE)0), _33((VALUE)1)
      { }
      // constructor to build a matrix for scaling
      Mat4x4T(ArgInitScale, VALUE sx, VALUE sy, VALUE sz):
        _00((VALUE)sx), _01((VALUE)0),  _02((VALUE)0),  _03((VALUE)0),
        _10((VALUE)0),  _11((VALUE)sy), _12((VALUE)0),  _13((VALUE)0),
        _20((VALUE)0),  _21((VALUE)0),  _22((VALUE)sz), _23((VALUE)0),
        _30((VALUE)0),  _31((VALUE)0),  _32((VALUE)0),  _33((VALUE)1)
      { }
      // operator to allow access with [][]
      double* operator [] (int i)
        assert(i >= 0 && i < 4);
        return comp + 4 * i;
      // operator to allow access with [][]
      const double* operator [] (int i) const
        assert(i >= 0 && i < 4);
        return comp + 4 * i;
      // multiply matrix with matrix -> matrix
      Mat4x4T operator * (const Mat4x4T &mat) const
        return Mat4x4T(
          _00 * mat._00 + _01 * mat._10 + _02 * mat._20 + _03 * mat._30,
          _00 * mat._01 + _01 * mat._11 + _02 * mat._21 + _03 * mat._31,
          _00 * mat._02 + _01 * mat._12 + _02 * mat._22 + _03 * mat._32,
          _00 * mat._03 + _01 * mat._13 + _02 * mat._23 + _03 * mat._33,
          _10 * mat._00 + _11 * mat._10 + _12 * mat._20 + _13 * mat._30,
          _10 * mat._01 + _11 * mat._11 + _12 * mat._21 + _13 * mat._31,
          _10 * mat._02 + _11 * mat._12 + _12 * mat._22 + _13 * mat._32,
          _10 * mat._03 + _11 * mat._13 + _12 * mat._23 + _13 * mat._33,
          _20 * mat._00 + _21 * mat._10 + _22 * mat._20 + _23 * mat._30,
          _20 * mat._01 + _21 * mat._11 + _22 * mat._21 + _23 * mat._31,
          _20 * mat._02 + _21 * mat._12 + _22 * mat._22 + _23 * mat._32,
          _20 * mat._03 + _21 * mat._13 + _22 * mat._23 + _23 * mat._33,
          _30 * mat._00 + _31 * mat._10 + _32 * mat._20 + _33 * mat._30,
          _30 * mat._01 + _31 * mat._11 + _32 * mat._21 + _33 * mat._31,
          _30 * mat._02 + _31 * mat._12 + _32 * mat._22 + _33 * mat._32,
          _30 * mat._03 + _31 * mat._13 + _32 * mat._23 + _33 * mat._33);
      // multiply matrix with vector -> vector
      Vec4T<VALUE> operator * (const Vec4T<VALUE> &vec) const
        return Vec4T<VALUE>(
          _00 * vec.x + _01 * vec.y + _02 * vec.z + _03 * vec.w,
          _10 * vec.x + _11 * vec.y + _12 * vec.z + _13 * vec.w,
          _20 * vec.x + _21 * vec.y + _22 * vec.z + _23 * vec.w,
          _30 * vec.x + _31 * vec.y + _32 * vec.z + _33 * vec.w);
    template <typename VALUE>
    std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Mat4x4T<VALUE> &m)
      return out
        << m._00 << '\t' << m._01 << '\t' << m._02 << '\t' << m._03 << '\n'
        << m._10 << '\t' << m._11 << '\t' << m._12 << '\t' << m._13 << '\n'
        << m._20 << '\t' << m._21 << '\t' << m._22 << '\t' << m._23 << '\n'
        << m._30 << '\t' << m._31 << '\t' << m._32 << '\t' << m._33 << '\n';
    typedef Mat4x4T<float> Mat4x4f;
    typedef Mat4x4T<double> Mat4x4;
    // enumeration of rotation axes
    enum RotAxis {
      RotX, // rotation about x axis
      RotY, // rotation about y axis
      RotZ // rotation about z axis
    // enumeration of possible Euler angles
    enum EulerAngle {
      RotXYX = RotX + 3 * RotY + 9 * RotX, // 0 + 3 + 0 = 3
      RotXYZ = RotX + 3 * RotY + 9 * RotZ, // 0 + 3 + 18 = 21
      RotXZX = RotX + 3 * RotZ + 9 * RotX, // 0 + 6 + 0 = 6
      RotXZY = RotX + 3 * RotZ + 9 * RotY, // 0 + 6 + 9 = 15
      RotYXY = RotY + 3 * RotX + 9 * RotY, // 1 + 0 + 9 = 10
      RotYXZ = RotY + 3 * RotX + 9 * RotZ, // 1 + 0 + 18 = 19
      RotYZX = RotY + 3 * RotZ + 9 * RotX, // 1 + 6 + 0 = 7
      RotYZY = RotY + 3 * RotZ + 9 * RotY, // 1 + 6 + 9 = 16
      RotZXY = RotZ + 3 * RotX + 9 * RotY, // 2 + 0 + 9 = 11
      RotZXZ = RotZ + 3 * RotX + 9 * RotZ, // 2 + 0 + 18 = 20
      RotZYX = RotZ + 3 * RotY + 9 * RotX, // 2 + 3 + 0 = 5
      RotZYZ = RotZ + 3 * RotY + 9 * RotZ, // 2 + 3 + 18 = 23
      RotHPR = RotZXY, // used in OpenGL Performer
      RotABC = RotZYX // used in German engineering
    /* decomposes the combined EULER angle type into the corresponding
     * individual EULER angle axis types.
    inline void decompose(
      EulerAngle type, RotAxis &axis1, RotAxis &axis2, RotAxis &axis3)
      unsigned type_ = (unsigned)type;
      axis1 = (RotAxis)(type_ % 3); type_ /= 3;
      axis2 = (RotAxis)(type_ % 3); type_ /= 3;
      axis3 = (RotAxis)type_;
    template <typename VALUE>
    Mat4x4T<VALUE> makeEuler(
      EulerAngle mode, VALUE rot1, VALUE rot2, VALUE rot3)
      RotAxis axis1, axis2, axis3;
      decompose(mode, axis1, axis2, axis3);
      const static VALUE axes[3][3] = {
        { (VALUE)1, (VALUE)0, (VALUE)0 },
        { (VALUE)0, (VALUE)1, (VALUE)0 },
        { (VALUE)0, (VALUE)0, (VALUE)1 }
            Vec3T<VALUE>(axes[axis1][0], axes[axis1][1], axes[axis1][2]),
        * Mat4x4T<VALUE>(InitRot,
            Vec3T<VALUE>(axes[axis2][0], axes[axis2][1], axes[axis2][2]),
        * Mat4x4T<VALUE>(InitRot,
            Vec3T<VALUE>(axes[axis3][0], axes[axis3][1], axes[axis3][2]),
    /* decomposes a rotation matrix into EULER angles.
     * It is necessary that the upper left 3x3 matrix is composed of rotations
     * only. Translational parts are not considered.
     * Other transformations (e.g. scaling, shearing, projection) may cause
     * wrong results.
    template <typename VALUE>
    void decompose(
      const Mat4x4T<VALUE> &mat,
      RotAxis axis1, RotAxis axis2, RotAxis axis3,
      VALUE &angle1, VALUE &angle2, VALUE &angle3)
      assert(axis1 != axis2 && axis2 != axis3);
      /* This is ported from EulerAngles.h of the Eigen library. */
      const int odd = (axis1 + 1) % 3 == axis2 ? 0 : 1;
      const int i = axis1;
      const int j = (axis1 + 1 + odd) % 3;
      const int k = (axis1 + 2 - odd) % 3;
      if (axis1 == axis3) {
        angle1 = atan2(mat[j][i], mat[k][i]);
        if ((odd && angle1 < (VALUE)0) || (!odd && angle1 > (VALUE)0)) {
          angle1 = angle1 > (VALUE)0 ? angle1 - (VALUE)Pi : angle1 + (VALUE)Pi;
          const VALUE s2 = length(Vec2T<VALUE>(mat[j][i], mat[k][i]));
          angle2 = -atan2(s2, mat[i][i]);
        } else {
          const VALUE s2 = length(Vec2T<VALUE>(mat[j][i], mat[k][i]));
          angle2 = atan2(s2, mat[i][i]);
        const VALUE s1 = sin(angle1);
        const VALUE c1 = cos(angle1);
        angle3 = atan2(c1 * mat[j][k] - s1 * mat[k][k],
          c1 * mat[j][j] - s1 * mat[k][j]);
      } else {
        angle1 = atan2(mat[j][k], mat[k][k]);
        const VALUE c2 = length(Vec2T<VALUE>(mat[i][i], mat[i][j]));
        if ((odd && angle1<(VALUE)0) || (!odd && angle1 > (VALUE)0)) {
          angle1 = (angle1 > (VALUE)0)
            ? angle1 - (VALUE)Pi : angle1 + (VALUE)Pi;
          angle2 = atan2(-mat[i][k], -c2);
        } else angle2 = atan2(-mat[i][k], c2);
        const VALUE s1 = sin(angle1);
        const VALUE c1 = cos(angle1);
        angle3 = atan2(s1 * mat[k][i] - c1 * mat[j][i],
          c1 * mat[j][j] - s1 * mat[k][j]);
      if (!odd) {
        angle1 = -angle1; angle2 = -angle2; angle3 = -angle3;
    #endif // LIN_MATH_H