
我如何获取代码的一部分来循环并重复一个问题,直到答案是有效的输入C++,c++,loops,while-loop,do-while,C++,Loops,While Loop,Do While,代码运行良好,我只是缺少了一个元素,如果结尾要求重复游戏,如果我以用户身份输入,我希望代码用一个新的cout语句重复问题,例如无效答案,请回答是/否,如果是,显然游戏会重新启动 石头剪刀布游戏b/w 2玩家 int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { char playAgain ='y' ; // loop control do { char Player1; char Player2 = '\0'; cout <

代码运行良好,我只是缺少了一个元素,如果结尾要求重复游戏,如果我以用户身份输入,我希望代码用一个新的cout语句重复问题,例如无效答案,请回答是/否,如果是,显然游戏会重新启动 石头剪刀布游戏b/w 2玩家

int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
char playAgain ='y' ;  // loop control

    char Player1;
    char Player2 = '\0';

    cout << "Player 1, Enter R, P, or S: ";         // Player 1
    cin >> Player1;

    Player1 = toupper(Player1);
    while (Player1 != 'R' && Player1 != 'P' && Player1 !='S' )
        cout << "please only answer R , P , or S: " << endl;

        cin >> Player1;
        Player1 = toupper(Player1);

    cout << "Player 2, Enter R, P, or S: ";         // Player 2
    cin >> Player2;
     Player2 = toupper(Player2);
    while (Player2 != 'R' && Player2 != 'P' && Player2 !='S' )

    cout << "please only answer R , P , or S: " << endl;

    cin >> Player2;
    Player2 = toupper(Player2);

    if (Player1 == Player2)     //TIE
        cout << "Nobody wins."<<endl;}

 else   if (Player1 == 'R' && Player2 == 'P')
        cout << "Paper covers rock, Player 2 wins."<< endl;

   else if (Player1 == 'P' && Player2 == 'R')
        cout << "Paper covers rock, Player 1 wins."<< endl;
  else  if (Player1 == 'S' && Player2 == 'P')
        cout << "Scissors cut paper, Player 1 wins."<< endl;
  else  if (Player1 == 'P' && Player2 == 'S')
        cout << "Scissors cut paper, Player 2 wins."<< endl;
   else if (Player1 == 'R' && Player2 == 'S')
        cout << "Rock breaks scissors, Player 1 wins."<< endl;
   else if (Player1 == 'S' && Player2 == 'R')
        cout << "Rock breaks scissors, Player 2 wins."<< endl;

    {     cout << "Play again? (y/n): ";         // Player 1
    cin >> playAgain;
        if (playAgain=='N' || playAgain=='n')
        { cout <<"BYEEEEE"<<endl;}


while (playAgain=='Y' || playAgain=='y');

return 0;



#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <set>

static const std::set<std::string> RPS {

static const std::set<std::string> yesno {

std::string ask_user(
    const std::string& question,
    const std::set<std::string>& valid_answers
) {
    std::cout << question << std::flush; // outputs question (and flushes cout so it displays)
    std::string answer;
    while (true) { // this loop will terminate only when "break;" is reached
        std::getline(std::cin, answer); // get answer
        if (valid_answers.count(answer) == 0) { // if answer is not in valid_answers
            std::cout << "Invalid answer!" << std::endl; // complain to the user
        } else { // if answer is not invalid
            break; // exit loop
    return answer;

std::string p1_move = ask_user("Player 1 move (R/P/S)?\n", RPS);
std::string answer = ask_user("Another game (yes/no)?\n", yesno);
int main() {
    while(true) {
        char input;
        std::cout << "Would you like to continue the game? (y/n): ";
        std::cin >> input;

        if(input == 'n' || input == 'N')
            return 0;
        else if(input == 'y' || input == 'Y') {
        } else {
            std::cout << "Invalid response." << std::endl;



std::string p1_move = ask_user("Player 1 move (R/P/S)?\n", RPS);
std::string answer = ask_user("Another game (yes/no)?\n", yesno);
int main() {
    while(true) {
        char input;
        std::cout << "Would you like to continue the game? (y/n): ";
        std::cin >> input;

        if(input == 'n' || input == 'N')
            return 0;
        else if(input == 'y' || input == 'Y') {
        } else {
            std::cout << "Invalid response." << std::endl;

