Cryptoauthlib-匿名联合只能有非静态数据成员-分段错误 我试图用CudioAuthLIB编译一个C++程序,在ATCAIIFACE中得到这个(匿名联盟只能有非静态数据成员)错误。我认为这是c11特性,与c++不兼容:

Cryptoauthlib-匿名联合只能有非静态数据成员-分段错误 我试图用CudioAuthLIB编译一个C++程序,在ATCAIIFACE中得到这个(匿名联盟只能有非静态数据成员)错误。我认为这是c11特性,与c++不兼容:,c++,encryption,microchip,C++,Encryption,Microchip,未命名联合中的所有命名结构都会引发错误。我删除了以下结构的名称: typedef struct { ATCAIfaceType iface_type; // active iface - how to interpret the union below ATCADeviceType devtype; // explicit device type union // each instanc


typedef struct

    ATCAIfaceType  iface_type;      // active iface - how to interpret the union below
    ATCADeviceType devtype;         // explicit device type

    union                           // each instance of an iface cfg defines a single type of interface
        struct //ATCAI2C
            uint8_t  slave_address; // 8-bit slave address
            uint8_t  bus;           // logical i2c bus number, 0-based - HAL will map this to a pin pair for SDA SCL
            uint32_t baud;          // typically 400000
        } atcai2c;

        struct //ATCASWI
            uint8_t bus;        // logical SWI bus - HAL will map this to a pin or uart port
        } atcaswi;

        struct //ATCAUART
            int      port;      // logic port number
            uint32_t baud;      // typically 115200
            uint8_t  wordsize;  // usually 8
            uint8_t  parity;    // 0 == even, 1 == odd, 2 == none
            uint8_t  stopbits;  // 0,1,2
        } atcauart;

        struct //ATCAHID
            int      idx;           // HID enumeration index
            uint32_t vid;           // Vendor ID of kit (0x03EB for CK101)
            uint32_t pid;           // Product ID of kit (0x2312 for CK101)
            uint32_t packetsize;    // Size of the USB packet
            uint8_t  guid[16];      // The GUID for this HID device
        } atcahid;

        struct //ATCACUSTOM
            ATCA_STATUS (*halinit)(void *hal, void *cfg);
            ATCA_STATUS (*halpostinit)(void *iface);
            ATCA_STATUS (*halsend)(void *iface, uint8_t *txdata, int txlength);
            ATCA_STATUS (*halreceive)(void *iface, uint8_t* rxdata, uint16_t* rxlength);
            ATCA_STATUS (*halwake)(void *iface);
            ATCA_STATUS (*halidle)(void *iface);
            ATCA_STATUS (*halsleep)(void *iface);
            ATCA_STATUS (*halrelease)(void* hal_data);
        } atcacustom;


    uint16_t wake_delay;    // microseconds of tWHI + tWLO which varies based on chip type
    int      rx_retries;    // the number of retries to attempt for receiving bytes
    void *   cfg_data;      // opaque data used by HAL in device discovery
} ATCAIfaceCfg;
#include <iostream>
#include "cryptoauthlib.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

    ATCAIfaceCfg *atca_cfg;
    atca_cfg = &cfg_ateccx08a_i2c_default;

    ATCA_STATUS status = atcab_init(atca_cfg);

    std::cout << "status: " << (int)status << std::endl;

    uint8_t revision[4];
    status = atcab_info(revision);
    if (status != ATCA_SUCCESS)
        return -1;
    std::cout << "revision: " << (int)revision << std::endl;

    uint8_t serial[ATCA_SERIAL_NUM_SIZE];
    status = atcab_read_serial_number(serial);
    if (status != ATCA_SUCCESS)
        return - 1;
    std::cout << "serial: " << (int)serial << std::endl;

    uint8_t num[32];
    status = atcab_random(num);
    if (status != ATCA_SUCCESS)
        return - 1;
    std::cout << "random: " << (int)num << std::endl;
    return 0;
ATCA_STATUS atinit(ATCAIface)时,我遇到了一个分段错误。。。我不直接调用这个函数。我调用


我的硬件设置是一个CM3,ATEC608A连接到I2C 1。界面已打开,我可以查询它。是否需要将默认接口修改为正确的设备类型和正确的I2C接口?当我这样做的时候,我得到了同样的分割错误



#include <iostream>
#include "cryptoauthlib.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

    uint8_t random_number;
    ATCA_STATUS status = atcab_random(&random_number);

    std::cout << "status: " << (int)status << std::endl;

    return 0;




ATCA_STATUS atcab_random(uint8_t *rand_out)
    ATCACommand ca_cmd = _gDevice->mCommands;




ATCAIfaceCfg cfg_ateccx08a_i2c_default = {
    .iface_type             = ATCA_I2C_IFACE,
    .devtype                = ATECC608A,
    .atcai2c.slave_address  = 0xC0,
    .atcai2c.bus            = 1,
    .atcai2c.baud           = 400000,
    //.atcai2c.baud = 100000,
    .wake_delay             = 1500,
    .rx_retries             = 20

typedef struct

    ATCAIfaceType  iface_type;      // active iface - how to interpret the union below
    ATCADeviceType devtype;         // explicit device type

    union                           // each instance of an iface cfg defines a single type of interface
        struct //ATCAI2C
            uint8_t  slave_address; // 8-bit slave address
            uint8_t  bus;           // logical i2c bus number, 0-based - HAL will map this to a pin pair for SDA SCL
            uint32_t baud;          // typically 400000
        } atcai2c;

        struct //ATCASWI
            uint8_t bus;        // logical SWI bus - HAL will map this to a pin or uart port
        } atcaswi;

        struct //ATCAUART
            int      port;      // logic port number
            uint32_t baud;      // typically 115200
            uint8_t  wordsize;  // usually 8
            uint8_t  parity;    // 0 == even, 1 == odd, 2 == none
            uint8_t  stopbits;  // 0,1,2
        } atcauart;

        struct //ATCAHID
            int      idx;           // HID enumeration index
            uint32_t vid;           // Vendor ID of kit (0x03EB for CK101)
            uint32_t pid;           // Product ID of kit (0x2312 for CK101)
            uint32_t packetsize;    // Size of the USB packet
            uint8_t  guid[16];      // The GUID for this HID device
        } atcahid;

        struct //ATCACUSTOM
            ATCA_STATUS (*halinit)(void *hal, void *cfg);
            ATCA_STATUS (*halpostinit)(void *iface);
            ATCA_STATUS (*halsend)(void *iface, uint8_t *txdata, int txlength);
            ATCA_STATUS (*halreceive)(void *iface, uint8_t* rxdata, uint16_t* rxlength);
            ATCA_STATUS (*halwake)(void *iface);
            ATCA_STATUS (*halidle)(void *iface);
            ATCA_STATUS (*halsleep)(void *iface);
            ATCA_STATUS (*halrelease)(void* hal_data);
        } atcacustom;


    uint16_t wake_delay;    // microseconds of tWHI + tWLO which varies based on chip type
    int      rx_retries;    // the number of retries to attempt for receiving bytes
    void *   cfg_data;      // opaque data used by HAL in device discovery
} ATCAIfaceCfg;
#include <iostream>
#include "cryptoauthlib.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

    ATCAIfaceCfg *atca_cfg;
    atca_cfg = &cfg_ateccx08a_i2c_default;

    ATCA_STATUS status = atcab_init(atca_cfg);

    std::cout << "status: " << (int)status << std::endl;

    uint8_t revision[4];
    status = atcab_info(revision);
    if (status != ATCA_SUCCESS)
        return -1;
    std::cout << "revision: " << (int)revision << std::endl;

    uint8_t serial[ATCA_SERIAL_NUM_SIZE];
    status = atcab_read_serial_number(serial);
    if (status != ATCA_SUCCESS)
        return - 1;
    std::cout << "serial: " << (int)serial << std::endl;

    uint8_t num[32];
    status = atcab_random(num);
    if (status != ATCA_SUCCESS)
        return - 1;
    std::cout << "random: " << (int)num << std::endl;
    return 0;
int main(int argc,char*argv[])

std::cout在我的机器上工作。但是我必须弥补很多缺失的部分。你能确保你的示例代码完整并编译(产生编译器错误)吗?我没有将联合更改为struct@john,我删除了未命名联合中的结构名称。@Eljay我添加的示例代码仍然没有按照给定的方式编译。我的调整版本必须定义ATCAIfaceType、ATCADeviceType和ATCA_状态。我遇到了另一个错误,我通过给匿名联合一个名称修复了该错误(不再匿名)。但是默认接口定义不起作用。因为编译器找不到联盟的成员。我正在使用gcc 7.3.1…github上有人告诉我必须使用-DATCA_halu_I2C作为C编译器标志。但是我现在得到了对HAL_I2C_init的