C++ 为什么每次单击所需按钮时,此应用程序都会关闭? int main{ SetConsoleTitleAMenu试验; cout>lmao; cin.get{ 开关lmao{ 案例1: cout

C++ 为什么每次单击所需按钮时,此应用程序都会关闭? int main{ SetConsoleTitleAMenu试验; cout>lmao; cin.get{ 开关lmao{ 案例1: cout,c++,C++,您的switch语句除了显示文本外,什么也不做。 因为您要求用户按1继续进入主菜单。 1是switch语句中的一个例子,它运行switch语句中的内容,然后关闭。这一切发生得非常快 博士 您需要有一个用户输入来保持终端打开 int main() { SetConsoleTitleA("Menu Test"); cout << "Press 1 To Continue To The Main Menu\n\n"; int

您的switch语句除了显示文本外,什么也不做。 因为您要求用户按1继续进入主菜单。 1是switch语句中的一个例子,它运行switch语句中的内容,然后关闭。这一切发生得非常快

博士 您需要有一个用户输入来保持终端打开

int main()

    SetConsoleTitleA("Menu Test");
    cout << "Press 1 To Continue To The Main Menu\n\n";
    int lmao;
    cin >> lmao;
        switch (lmao) {
        case 1:
            cout << "Main Menu n";
            cout << endl
                 << " 1 - Main.\n"
                 << " 2 - Story.\n"
                 << " 4 - Help.\n"
                 << " 5 - Exit.\n"
                 << " Enter your choice and press return: ";
        cout << endl
             << "Please Enter A Num To Exit" << endl;
        int num;
        std::cin >> num;


cin >> lmao; 
cin.get(); // Here we are waiting for the enter key
switch (lmao) { // Now we have the number that the user pressed
case 1: // It was 1! great
    cout << "Main Menu n"; // We print our things
    break; // We break out of our switch statement
// Thats it, we reached the end of our program, what is there left to do, but 
// clean up and exit


exit_now = false
while not exit_now
    print menu options
    get user menu input
    if user input is exit
        exit_now = true
        act on user input