Windows phone 8.1 IBM MobileFirst 7.0在Windows Phone 8.1中使用Sencha Touch显示错误

Windows phone 8.1 IBM MobileFirst 7.0在Windows Phone 8.1中使用Sencha Touch显示错误,windows-phone-8.1,ibm-mobilefirst,senchatouch-2.4,Windows Phone 8.1,Ibm Mobilefirst,Senchatouch 2.4,我正在使用weinre is WEb INspector REmote调试IBM Worklight 7.0-sencha touch 2.4应用程序 在Windows Phone Emulator 8.1 WVGA 4英寸512MB中测试 应用程序启动时显示: Local storage capacity reached. Client logs will not be persisted LocalStorage Quota exceeded, cannot store -x- wmapp0

我正在使用weinre is WEb INspector REmote调试IBM Worklight 7.0-sencha touch 2.4应用程序

在Windows Phone Emulator 8.1 WVGA 4英寸512MB中测试

  • 应用程序启动时显示:

    Local storage capacity reached. Client logs will not be persisted
    LocalStorage Quota exceeded, cannot store -x- wmapp0: /www/default/css/app.css locally
    LocalStorage Quota exceeded, cannot store -x-wmapp0:/www/default/app.js locally
    ondeviceready event dispatched
    wlclient init started
    CookieMgr read cookies: {}
  • 调用Worklight Adapter WL.Client.InvokeProcess调用时,会显示以下错误:

    WL.Utils.getSkinLoaderChecksum(..) should be supported only on environments that support direct update Error: WL.Utils.getSkinLoaderChecksum(..) should be supported only on environments that support direct update.
    [/apps/services/api/myApplication/windowsphone8/query] exception. TypeError: Unable to get property 'notificationTitle' of undefined or null reference
    Uncaught Exception: Unable to get property 'notificationTitle' of undefined or null reference at (compiled_code):3667

  • 第一个错误与MobileFirst无关;如果你在应用程序中使用localstorage,那么你似乎过度使用了它

