C++ 如何在子类中重写运算符+

C++ 如何在子类中重写运算符+,c++,operator-overloading,C++,Operator Overloading,我的CharRow类包含以下字段: protected: char* ptr; int ROW_MAX_LENGTH; 并具有子类BigIntegerNumber数字字符数组。 我的操作员+在查罗: virtual CharRow operator+ (CharRow row2) { int row1Length = this->getRowCurrentLength(); int row2Length = row2.getRowCurrentLength();


 char* ptr;
并具有子类BigIntegerNumber数字字符数组。 我的操作员+在查罗:

   virtual CharRow operator+ (CharRow row2)
    int row1Length = this->getRowCurrentLength();
    int row2Length = row2.getRowCurrentLength();

    CharRow tempRow(row1Length + row2Length);

    for(int i = 0; i < row1Length; i++){
        tempRow.ptr[i] = this->ptr[i];

    for(int i = 0; i < row2Length; i++){
        tempRow.ptr[i + row1Length] = row2.ptr[i];

    return tempRow;


BigIntegerNumber operator+(BigIntegerNumber row2)
     return CharRow::operator+(row2);
然而,要使Virtual operator+正常工作,必须满足一些约束条件


BigIntegerNumber operator+ (BigIntegerNumber row2)


要使其成为覆盖,函数签名必须相同。即,相同类型的参数CharRow和not BigIntegerNumber,按常量ref传递比按值传递更好,且返回类型相同或协变。这两种情况都没有得到满足




#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

struct Base
    virtual Base& operator +=(const Base& other);  // takes Derived as well for the virtual calls

struct Derived: Base
    Derived& operator +=(const Base& other);  // override - called via virtual
    Derived& operator +=(const Derived& other); // overload - not called via virtual
                                                // remove to always call the polymorphic version

Base& Base::operator +=(const Base& other)
    cout << "Base::operator +=(Base)";
    // beware this is slow!
    const Derived* d = dynamic_cast<const Derived*>(&other);
    if (d)
        cout << " - called with Derived";
        cout << " - called with Base";
    cout << endl;
    return *this;

Derived& Derived::operator +=(const Base& other)
    cout << "Derived::operator +=(Base)";
    // beware this is slow!
    const Derived* d = dynamic_cast<const Derived*>(&other);
    if (d)
        cout << " - called with Derived";
        cout << " - called with Base";
    cout << endl;
    return *this;

Derived& Derived::operator +=(const Derived& other)
    cout << "Derived::operator +=(Derived)" << endl;
    return *this;

int main()
    Derived d1, d2;
    Base b, b0;
    Base& b1 = d1;
    Base& b2 = d2;

    d1 += d2;  // Derived::operator +=(Derived)
    b1 += d2;  // Derived::operator +=(Base) - called with Derived
    d1 += b1;  // Derived::operator +=(Base) - called with Derived
    b1 += b2;  // Derived::operator +=(Base) - called with Derived
    b += d2;   // Base::operator +=(Base) - called with Derived
    d1 += b;   // Derived::operator +=(Base) - called with Base
    b += b0;   // Base::operator +=(Base) - called with Base
    b1 += b;   // Derived::operator +=(Base) - called with Base

    return 0;


请尝试创建一个并向我们展示,而不是断章取义的片段。同样,当操作符被实现时,返回对临时对象的引用可能是重复的,这是一个很大的禁忌!对,我错过了创建临时对象的那一行。My badYou正在返回CharRow,但函数返回类型为BigIntegerNumber-这仅在BigIntegerNumber具有来自CharRow的隐式构造函数时有效。我是否可以将BigIntegerNumber强制转换为CharRow以重写运算符+?不是直接转换,但请注意,如果通过常量引用传递,const Base&version也使用派生的实例-请参阅更新。还添加了一个示例,说明如何通过使用结果的包装类型来实现多态运算符+。@ReturnedVoid您可以将运算符+定义为具有适当返回类型的模板化/重载独立函数,理想情况下通过运算符+=as实现{auto tmp=left;left+=right;return tmp;}@axalis非常感谢您的解释!
virtual CharRow operator+ (CharRow row2)
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

struct Base
    virtual Base& operator +=(const Base& other);  // takes Derived as well for the virtual calls

struct Derived: Base
    Derived& operator +=(const Base& other);  // override - called via virtual
    Derived& operator +=(const Derived& other); // overload - not called via virtual
                                                // remove to always call the polymorphic version

Base& Base::operator +=(const Base& other)
    cout << "Base::operator +=(Base)";
    // beware this is slow!
    const Derived* d = dynamic_cast<const Derived*>(&other);
    if (d)
        cout << " - called with Derived";
        cout << " - called with Base";
    cout << endl;
    return *this;

Derived& Derived::operator +=(const Base& other)
    cout << "Derived::operator +=(Base)";
    // beware this is slow!
    const Derived* d = dynamic_cast<const Derived*>(&other);
    if (d)
        cout << " - called with Derived";
        cout << " - called with Base";
    cout << endl;
    return *this;

Derived& Derived::operator +=(const Derived& other)
    cout << "Derived::operator +=(Derived)" << endl;
    return *this;

int main()
    Derived d1, d2;
    Base b, b0;
    Base& b1 = d1;
    Base& b2 = d2;

    d1 += d2;  // Derived::operator +=(Derived)
    b1 += d2;  // Derived::operator +=(Base) - called with Derived
    d1 += b1;  // Derived::operator +=(Base) - called with Derived
    b1 += b2;  // Derived::operator +=(Base) - called with Derived
    b += d2;   // Base::operator +=(Base) - called with Derived
    d1 += b;   // Derived::operator +=(Base) - called with Base
    b += b0;   // Base::operator +=(Base) - called with Base
    b1 += b;   // Derived::operator +=(Base) - called with Base

    return 0;
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
using namespace std;

struct Base;
struct Derived;

class BaseWrapper
    shared_ptr<Base> _obj;
    explicit BaseWrapper(const shared_ptr<Base>& obj) : _obj(obj)
    template<class RESULT_T>
    operator RESULT_T()
        // throws if type not correct
        return dynamic_cast<RESULT_T&>(*_obj);
    Base& operator +=(const Base& other);
    BaseWrapper operator +(const Base& other) const;

struct Base
    virtual Base& operator +=(const Base& other);  // takes Derived as well for the virtual calls
    BaseWrapper operator +(const Base& other) const;
    virtual shared_ptr<Base> copy() const
        return make_shared<Base>(*this);

struct Derived : Base
    Derived& operator +=(const Base& other);  // override - called via virtual
    virtual shared_ptr<Base> copy() const
        return make_shared<Derived>(*this);

Base& BaseWrapper::operator += (const Base& other)
    return *_obj += other;

BaseWrapper BaseWrapper::operator +(const Base& other) const
    return *_obj + other;

BaseWrapper Base::operator +(const Base& other) const
    BaseWrapper result(copy());
    result += other;
    return result;

int main()
    Derived d1, d2;
    Base b, b0;
    Base& b1 = d1;
    Base& b2 = d2;

    b = b1 + b2;  // add Derived + Derived, result is Derived (typed Base)
    b = b0 + d1;  // add Base + Derived, result is Base

    // d1 = b0 + d1;  // add Base + Derived, result is Base, throws bad_cast (cannot cast to Derived)

    d1 = b1 + b2;  // add Derived + Derived, result is Derived

    return 0;