C# 使用C访问excel工作表上的滚动条控件#

C# 使用C访问excel工作表上的滚动条控件#,c#,office-interop,excel,controls,scrollbar,C#,Office Interop,Excel,Controls,Scrollbar,我想使用将滚动条控件添加到excel工作表中。我不想使用Windows.Forms.Scrollbar,而是Excel提供的 添加控件没有问题-我的问题是访问创建的控件以定义最小值、最大值和单元格引用。这是我的密码: public static void AddScrollBar(Ex.Worksheet ExSH, int StartCellRow, int StartCellColumn, int EndCellRow, int EndCellColumn, int Referenc



    public static void AddScrollBar(Ex.Worksheet ExSH, int StartCellRow, int StartCellColumn, int EndCellRow, int EndCellColumn, int ReferenceRow, int ReferenceColumn, int MaxValue, int MinValue = 0, int CurrentValue = 0)
        int Left, Top, Right, Bottom;
        if(StartCellRow > EndCellRow || StartCellColumn > EndCellColumn) { throw new System.Exception("EROR: Please check Start- and Endcell reference or flip it!"); }

        Left = (int)(ExSH.Cells[StartCellRow, StartCellColumn] as Ex.Range).Left;
        Top = (int)(ExSH.Cells[StartCellRow, StartCellColumn] as Ex.Range).Top;
        Right = (int)((ExSH.Cells[EndCellRow, EndCellColumn] as Ex.Range).Left + (ExSH.Cells[EndCellRow, EndCellColumn] as Ex.Range).Width);
        Bottom = (int)((ExSH.Cells[EndCellRow, EndCellColumn] as Ex.Range).Top + (ExSH.Cells[EndCellRow, EndCellColumn] as Ex.Range).Height);

        Ex.ControlFormat SB = ExSH.Shapes.AddFormControl(Ex.XlFormControl.xlScrollBar, Left, Top, Right - Left, Bottom - Top) as Ex.ControlFormat;
        SB.Value = CurrentValue; /*ERROR: Object reference not set to an instance of an object*/
        SB.Min = MinValue;
        SB.Max = MaxValue;
        SB.LinkedCell = (ExSH.Cells[ReferenceRow, ReferenceColumn] as Ex.Range).ToString();
时,代码运行良好。打开创建的Excel工作簿并选择相应的工作表,我可以找到创建的滚动条。 当我在创建滚动条后中断时,SB是





    public static void AddScrollBar(Ex.Worksheet ExSH, int StartCellRow, int StartCellColumn, int EndCellRow, int EndCellColumn, int ReferenceRow, int ReferenceColumn)
        int Left, Top, Right, Bottom;
        if(StartCellRow > EndCellRow || StartCellColumn > EndCellColumn) { throw new System.Exception("EROR: Please check Start- and Endcell reference or flip it!"); }

        Left = (int)(ExSH.Cells[StartCellRow, StartCellColumn] as Ex.Range).Left;
        Top = (int)(ExSH.Cells[StartCellRow, StartCellColumn] as Ex.Range).Top;
        Right = (int)((ExSH.Cells[EndCellRow, EndCellColumn] as Ex.Range).Left + (ExSH.Cells[EndCellRow, EndCellColumn] as Ex.Range).Width);
        Bottom = (int)((ExSH.Cells[EndCellRow, EndCellColumn] as Ex.Range).Top + (ExSH.Cells[EndCellRow, EndCellColumn] as Ex.Range).Height);

        Ex.Shape SB = ExSH.Shapes.AddFormControl(Ex.XlFormControl.xlScrollBar, Left, Top, Right - Left, Bottom - Top);
        SB.ControlFormat.Value = CurrentValue;
        SB.ControlFormat.Min = MinValue;
        SB.ControlFormat.Max = MaxValue;
        SB.ControlFormat.LinkedCell = "A" + ReferenceRow.ToString();



    public static void AddScrollBar(Ex.Worksheet ExSH, int StartCellRow, int StartCellColumn, int EndCellRow, int EndCellColumn, int ReferenceRow, int ReferenceColumn)
        int Left, Top, Right, Bottom;
        if(StartCellRow > EndCellRow || StartCellColumn > EndCellColumn) { throw new System.Exception("EROR: Please check Start- and Endcell reference or flip it!"); }

        Left = (int)(ExSH.Cells[StartCellRow, StartCellColumn] as Ex.Range).Left;
        Top = (int)(ExSH.Cells[StartCellRow, StartCellColumn] as Ex.Range).Top;
        Right = (int)((ExSH.Cells[EndCellRow, EndCellColumn] as Ex.Range).Left + (ExSH.Cells[EndCellRow, EndCellColumn] as Ex.Range).Width);
        Bottom = (int)((ExSH.Cells[EndCellRow, EndCellColumn] as Ex.Range).Top + (ExSH.Cells[EndCellRow, EndCellColumn] as Ex.Range).Height);

        Ex.Shape SB = ExSH.Shapes.AddFormControl(Ex.XlFormControl.xlScrollBar, Left, Top, Right - Left, Bottom - Top);
        SB.ControlFormat.Value = CurrentValue;
        SB.ControlFormat.Min = MinValue;
        SB.ControlFormat.Max = MaxValue;
        SB.ControlFormat.LinkedCell = "A" + ReferenceRow.ToString();