C# 使用AM/PM将string.format和timespan转换为12小时格式

C# 使用AM/PM将string.format和timespan转换为12小时格式,c#,asp.net-mvc-4,timespan,C#,Asp.net Mvc 4,Timespan,我有以下代码,current为我提供了一个小时/分钟24小时格式的时间跨度列表。我需要将string.format更改为显示小时/分钟AM或PM 12小时格式 var availableTimes = _appointmentService.GetAvailableHours(date, appointmentId) .Select(x => string.Format("{0:D2}:{1:D2}", x.Hours

我有以下代码,current为我提供了一个小时/分钟24小时格式的时间跨度列表。我需要将string.format更改为显示小时/分钟AM或PM 12小时格式

var availableTimes =
                _appointmentService.GetAvailableHours(date, appointmentId)
                    .Select(x => string.Format("{0:D2}:{1:D2}", x.Hours, x.Minutes));


public IEnumerable<TimeSpan> GetAvailableHours(DateTime? date, int? appointmentId)
            if (date == null) return null;
            var hours = new List<DateTime>();
            for (var ts = new TimeSpan(); ts <= new TimeSpan(23, 30, 0); ts = ts.Add(new TimeSpan(0, 30, 0)))
                hours.Add(date.Value + ts);

            var booked = _appointmentRepository.Get
                .Where(x =>
                    (!appointmentId.HasValue || x.Id != appointmentId))
                .Select(x => x.ScheduledTime).ToList();
            //return available hours from shifts
            var workingHours = from h in hours
                               from s in
                                       x => x.ShiftStart <= h && x.ShiftEnd >= EntityFunctions.AddHours(h, 1))
                                   s.ShiftStart <= h && s.ShiftEnd >= h.AddHours(-1) &&
                                   booked.Count(x => x == h) == 0

                               select h.TimeOfDay;

            //match available hours with another appointment 
            return workingHours.Distinct();


//Get your distinct time spans
var distinctTimeSpans = workingHours.Distinct();
//Build date objects from the parameter and time span objects
var dates = distinctTimeSpans.Select(ts => new DateTime(date.Value.Year, date.Value.Month, date.Value.Day, ts.Hours, ts.Minutes, ts.Seconds));

然后,您可以调用DateTime对象上的ToString:.ToString:mm tt

//Get your distinct time spans
var distinctTimeSpans = workingHours.Distinct();
//Build date objects from the parameter and time span objects
var dates = distinctTimeSpans.Select(ts => new DateTime(date.Value.Year, date.Value.Month, date.Value.Day, ts.Hours, ts.Minutes, ts.Seconds));