C# 定义子类型映射时,Automapper的新版本会引发强制转换异常

C# 定义子类型映射时,Automapper的新版本会引发强制转换异常,c#,automapper,automapper-4,C#,Automapper,Automapper 4,假设我有一个源类和两个目标类,一个更一般,一个更具体(从更一般的类继承): 对于Automapper 3.*而言,此代码非常有效: Mapper.Initialize(cfg => { cfg.CreateMap<Source, DestinationBase>(); cfg.CreateMap<Source, DestinationDerived>() .IncludeBase<Source,


对于Automapper 3.*而言,此代码非常有效:

    Mapper.Initialize(cfg => {
        cfg.CreateMap<Source, DestinationBase>();
        cfg.CreateMap<Source, DestinationDerived>()
            .IncludeBase<Source, DestinationBase>();

    var src = new Source() { A = 1, Str = "foo" };
    var dest = new DestinationBase();

    Mapper.Map(src, dest);

.net fiddle中的代码:

  • 3.3.1版本:
  • 4.0.4版本:

    • 在4.x中,似乎不再需要显式地包含base。以下各项工作正常,并按预期将

      Mapper.Initialize(cfg => {
          cfg.CreateMap<Source, DestinationBase>();
          cfg.CreateMap<Source, DestinationDerived>();
      var src = new Source() { a = 1, str = "foo" };
      var dest = new DestinationBase();
      Mapper.Map(src, dest);
      Console.WriteLine("dest.a: " + dest.a);
      System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'DestinationBase' to type 'DestinationDerived'
      Mapper.Initialize(cfg => {
          cfg.CreateMap<Source, DestinationBase>();
          cfg.CreateMap<Source, DestinationDerived>();
      var src = new Source() { a = 1, str = "foo" };
      var dest = new DestinationBase();
      Mapper.Map(src, dest);
      Console.WriteLine("dest.a: " + dest.a);
      var src = new Source() { a = 1, str = "foo" };
      var dest = new DestinationDerived();
      Mapper.Map(src, dest);
      Console.WriteLine("dest.a: " + dest.a);