C# Windows 10 UWP土工围栏土工围栏必须是圆形吗?

C# Windows 10 UWP土工围栏土工围栏必须是圆形吗?,c#,.net,geolocation,windows-10-universal,C#,.net,Geolocation,Windows 10 Universal,我有一个Windows10UWP应用程序,我正在尝试集成地理围栏。我读过文件说土工栅栏一定是一个圆。这仍然是真的吗?为什么不支持矩形?这看起来很傻,因为我心目中的大多数地理围栏都是长方形的。例如,我的房子,我的院子,建筑物,公园等等。。。它们通常是矩形,而不是圆形 以下是我尝试的代码: private Geofence GenerateGeofence() { string fenceKey = new string(Id.Text.ToCharArray());



    private Geofence GenerateGeofence()
        string fenceKey = new string(Id.Text.ToCharArray());

        BasicGeoposition positionNW;
        positionNW.Latitude = double.Parse(LatitudeNW.Text);
        positionNW.Longitude = double.Parse(LongitudeNW.Text);
        positionNW.Altitude = 0.0;

        BasicGeoposition positionSE;
        positionSE.Latitude = double.Parse(LatitudeSE.Text);
        positionSE.Longitude = double.Parse(LongitudeSE.Text);
        positionSE.Altitude = 0.0;

        // the geofence can be a circular region. However, we are going to use a rectangle
        GeoboundingBox geoRect = new GeoboundingBox(positionNW, positionSE);

        //Lock into false for single use because we don't want that feature for now.
        bool singleUse = false;

        // want to listen for enter geofence, exit geofence and remove geofence events
        // you can select a subset of these event states
        MonitoredGeofenceStates mask = MonitoredGeofenceStates.Entered | MonitoredGeofenceStates.Exited | MonitoredGeofenceStates.Removed;

        TimeSpan dwellTime;
        TimeSpan duration;
        DateTimeOffset startTime;
        var maxTimeSpan = TimeSpan.MaxValue;

            //We are going to just hard set the dwell time to 5 seconds for now.
            dwellTime = new TimeSpan(ParseTimeSpan("0", defaultDwellTimeSeconds));
            // setting up how long you need to be in geofence for enter event to fire
            //if (string.Empty != DwellTime.Text)
            //    dwellTime = new TimeSpan(ParseTimeSpan(DwellTime.Text, defaultDwellTimeSeconds));
            //    dwellTime = new TimeSpan(ParseTimeSpan("0", defaultDwellTimeSeconds));

            // setting up how long the geofence should be active
            if (string.Empty != Duration.Text)
                duration = new TimeSpan(ParseTimeSpan(Duration.Text, 0));
                duration = maxTimeSpan;

            // setting up the start time of the geofence
            if (string.Empty != StartTime.Text)
                startTime = DateTimeOffset.Parse(StartTime.Text);
                // if you don't set start time in C# the start time defaults to 1/1/1601
                startTime = calendar.GetDateTime();
        catch (ArgumentNullException)
        catch (FormatException)
            _rootPage.NotifyUser("Entered value is not a valid string representation of a date and time", NotifyType.ErrorMessage);
        catch (ArgumentException)
            _rootPage.NotifyUser("The offset is greater than 14 hours or less than -14 hours.", NotifyType.ErrorMessage);

        return new Geofence(fenceKey, geoRect, mask, singleUse, dwellTime, startTime, duration);


return new Geofence(fenceKey, geoRect, mask, singleUse, dwellTime, startTime, duration);

    private Geofence GenerateGeofence()
        string fenceKey = new string(Id.Text.ToCharArray());

        BasicGeoposition positionNW;
        positionNW.Latitude = double.Parse(LatitudeNW.Text);
        positionNW.Longitude = double.Parse(LongitudeNW.Text);
        positionNW.Altitude = 0.0;

        BasicGeoposition positionSE;
        positionSE.Latitude = double.Parse(LatitudeSE.Text);
        positionSE.Longitude = double.Parse(LongitudeSE.Text);
        positionSE.Altitude = 0.0;

        // the geofence can be a circular region. However, we are going to use a rectangle
        Geocircle geoCircle = new Geocircle(positionNW, 5.0);

        //Lock into false for single use because we don't want that feature for now.
        bool singleUse = false;

        // want to listen for enter geofence, exit geofence and remove geofence events
        // you can select a subset of these event states
        MonitoredGeofenceStates mask = MonitoredGeofenceStates.Entered | MonitoredGeofenceStates.Exited | MonitoredGeofenceStates.Removed;

        TimeSpan dwellTime;
        TimeSpan duration;
        DateTimeOffset startTime;
        var maxTimeSpan = TimeSpan.MaxValue;

            //We are going to just hard set the dwell time to 5 seconds for now.
            dwellTime = new TimeSpan(ParseTimeSpan("0", defaultDwellTimeSeconds));
            // setting up how long you need to be in geofence for enter event to fire
            //if (string.Empty != DwellTime.Text)
            //    dwellTime = new TimeSpan(ParseTimeSpan(DwellTime.Text, defaultDwellTimeSeconds));
            //    dwellTime = new TimeSpan(ParseTimeSpan("0", defaultDwellTimeSeconds));

            // setting up how long the geofence should be active
            if (string.Empty != Duration.Text)
                duration = new TimeSpan(ParseTimeSpan(Duration.Text, 0));
                duration = maxTimeSpan;

            // setting up the start time of the geofence
            if (string.Empty != StartTime.Text)
                startTime = DateTimeOffset.Parse(StartTime.Text);
                // if you don't set start time in C# the start time defaults to 1/1/1601
                startTime = calendar.GetDateTime();
        catch (ArgumentNullException)
        catch (FormatException)
            _rootPage.NotifyUser("Entered value is not a valid string representation of a date and time", NotifyType.ErrorMessage);
        catch (ArgumentException)
            _rootPage.NotifyUser("The offset is greater than 14 hours or less than -14 hours.", NotifyType.ErrorMessage);

        return new Geofence(fenceKey, geoCircle, mask, singleUse, dwellTime, startTime, duration);






