C# 如何与原始媒体基础API实时同步视频和音频? 我试图用原始媒体基础界面: IMFSourceReader < /代码>将音频和视频同步到演示文稿中;代码>EVR合成孔径雷达。我尝试过一些技术,但音频比视频更先进

C# 如何与原始媒体基础API实时同步视频和音频? 我试图用原始媒体基础界面: IMFSourceReader < /代码>将音频和视频同步到演示文稿中;代码>EVR合成孔径雷达。我尝试过一些技术,但音频比视频更先进,c#,audio,video,c++-cli,ms-media-foundation,C#,Audio,Video,C++ Cli,Ms Media Foundation,总结一下视频和音频播放的结构:我有两个缓冲区(音频和视频),每个缓冲区容纳6个样本,每个样本都经过处理,另外一个是从IMFSourceReader请求的。每种类型(音频或视频)都包含用于处理缓冲区样本的任务。 根据MSDN的说法,演示时钟很适合使用SAR来改进同步,这就是我在这里要做的 尝试同步:为了尝试在正确的时间显示视频,我正在执行一个延迟,我计算如下: //Calculates the Media Frame Rate. The Numerator and Denominator were

请求的。每种类型(音频或视频)都包含用于处理缓冲区样本的任务。 根据MSDN的说法,演示时钟很适合使用SAR来改进同步,这就是我在这里要做的


//Calculates the Media Frame Rate. The Numerator and Denominator were obtained from IMFMediaType from the video file loaded locally by IMFSourceReader.
var FrameRate = Math.Round((Numerator / Denominator)).

//Calculates the delay that will be used to call the next sample. Video processing time is 8 to 11ms.
var Delay = Math.Round((1000 - Video Sample Processing Time) / FrameRate) - 12.



视频处理任务: 对于音频,处理过程是相同的,只是调用音频缓冲区



1更新日期:2019年8月24日 我根据VuVirt提供给我的内容修改了代码,但不幸的是,我在某些方面没有成功。 现在我可以正确地保持音频同步,因为我在正确的渲染时间进行渲染。 不幸的是,视频没有遵循相同的过程。它在播放过程中不断崩溃,正如我所怀疑的,如果使用延迟,它的显示效果可以接受。这让我怀疑,也许EVR没有推迟它应该做的事情




//Variable that will contain the Stream type
StreamType Tp = StreamType.TP_Audio;

//wait for the presentation clock to start.
while (StatusPresentationClock != EnumStatusClock.Started)


// Create the loop that will be checking and ordering the samples.
while (VideoPlayer.Permission)
//Checks if the amount of audio buffer samples is below the total size.
if (BufferSamplesAudio.Count <= (LengthBuffer))
//The buffer has the maximum number of samples. Even taking this delay, at various times evr renders faster.
await Task.Delay(1);
goto Done;

//Checks if the audio stream has not reached its end
//The audio stream is over
SendCon.Send("Audio Task", "Stream End!!");


//Defines that you are reading an audio sample
AudioRender.ReadingAudioSample = true;

//Calls the method that will request a sample from the reader.
ResultCode Result = RequestNewSample(Tp);

//Check call result
if (Result != ResultCode.SS_OK)
//Call Exception
throw new Exception("ERROR");
//Waits for the reading process to be completed.
while (AudioRender.ReadingAudioSample)

2更新日期:2019年8月25日 视频崩溃的问题是因为我没有使用IMFSinkWriter渲染视频样本。查看您的信息,我注意到它可以防止样本渲染过快。

//Variable that will contain the Stream type
StreamType Tp = StreamType.TP_Audio;

//wait for the presentation clock to start.
while (StatusPresentationClock != EnumStatusClock.Started)


// Create the loop that will be checking and ordering the samples.
while (VideoPlayer.Permission)
//Checks if the amount of audio buffer samples is below the total size.
if (BufferSamplesAudio.Count <= (LengthBuffer))
//The buffer has the maximum number of samples. Even taking this delay, at various times evr renders faster.
await Task.Delay(1);
goto Done;

//Checks if the audio stream has not reached its end
//The audio stream is over
SendCon.Send("Audio Task", "Stream End!!");


//Defines that you are reading an audio sample
AudioRender.ReadingAudioSample = true;

//Calls the method that will request a sample from the reader.
ResultCode Result = RequestNewSample(Tp);

//Check call result
if (Result != ResultCode.SS_OK)
//Call Exception
throw new Exception("ERROR");
//Waits for the reading process to be completed.
while (AudioRender.ReadingAudioSample)
                //Calls the method for creating a Media Sink trigger that will be used to render the video.
                Result = CarenEVR.CreateInstanceVideoRender(SurfaceVideo.Handle, out VideoRender.AtivadorVideoSink);

                //Checks for no operation error
                if (Result != ResultCode.SS_OK)
                    //Exit Method
                    goto Done;

                //Calls the method to create an instance of EVR.
                Result = VideoRender.ActivatorVideoSink.ActivateObject(InterfacesMediaFoundation.IID_IMFMediaSink, out ICarenQuery MediaSinkEVR);

                //Checks for no operation error
                if (Result != ResultCode.SS_OK)
                    //Exit Method
                    goto Done;

                //Converts the interface to the MediaSink.
                VideoRender.VideoSinkRender = ConvertInterfaceBase<ICaren_MidiaSink>(ref MediaSinkEVR);

                //Get interface that represents the real video renderer
                Result = VideoRender.VideoSinkRender.QueryInterface(InterfacesMediaFoundation.IID_IVideoRenderer, out ICarenQuery OutInterfaceSolictada);

                //Checks for no operation error
                if (Result != ResultCode.SS_OK)
                    //Exit Method
                    goto Done;

                //Convert interface to real video renderer
                VideoRender.EVR = ConvertInterfaceBase<ICaren_EVR>(ref OutInterfaceSolictada);

                //Initializes the video renderer in standard mode.
                Result = VideoRender.EVR.InitializeVideoRender(null, null);

                //Checks for no operation error
                if (Result != ResultCode.SS_OK)
                    //Exit Method
                    goto Done;

                //Queries the service interface for the video renderer
                Result = VideoRender.EVR.QueryInterface(InterfacesMediaFoundation.IID_IMFGetService, out ICarenQuery OutInterfaceServico);

                //Checks for no operation error
                if (Result != ResultCode.SS_OK)
                    //Exit Method
                    goto Done;

                //Converts and defines the interface.
                VideoRender.ServiceInterface = ConvertInterfaceBase<ICaren_ObterInterface>(ref OutInterfaceServico);

                //Calls the method to get the EVR from the service interface exposed by the video renderer.
                Result = VideoRender.ServiceInterface.GetService(MFServiceInterfaces.MR_VIDEO_RENDER_SERVICE, InterfacesMediaFoundation.IID_IMFVideoDisplayControl, out ICarenQuery OutInterfaceDisplayControl);

                //Checks for no operation error
                if (Result != ResultCode.SS_OK)
                    //Exit Method
                    goto Done;

                //Converts and define the interface.
                VideoRender.VideoControler = ConvertInterfaceBase<ICaren_ControladorVideo>(ref OutInterfaceDisplayControl);

                //Defines the surface handle that will display the video frames.
                Result = VideoRender.VideoControler.SetHandleSurface(SufarceVideo.Handle);

                //Checks for no operation error
                if (Result != ResultCode.SS_OK)
                    //Exit Method
                    goto Done;

                //Sets video window position
                Result = VideoRender.VideoControler.SetVideoPosition(null, new CA_Rectangle() { Rigth = SurfaceVideo.Width, Bottom = SurfaceVideo.Height });

                //Checks for no operation error
                if (Result != ResultCode.SS_OK)
                    //Exit Method
                    goto Done;

                //Get Direct3D Manager
                Result = VideoRender.VideoSinkRender.ConsultarServiceInterface(MFServiceInterfaces.MR_VIDEO_ACCELERATION_SERVICE, InterfacesDirectX.IID_IDirect3DDeviceManager9, out ICarenQuery OutInterfaceD3DManager);

                //Checks for no operation error
                if (Result != ResultCode.SS_OK)
                    //Exit Method
                    goto Done;

                //Convert interface
                VideoRender.Direct3DManager = ConvertInterfaceBase<ICaren_Direct3DDeviceManager9>(ref OutInterfaceD3DManager);

                //Sets the presentation clock for the media source.

                //Defines the presentation clock that will be used by the player.
                Result = VideoRender.VideoSinkRender.SetPresentationClock(VideoPlayer.PresentationClock);

                //Checks for no operation error
                if (Result != ResultCode.SS_OK)
                    //Exit Method
                    goto Done;

                //Configures the Media Stream Sink and the sample allocator.

                //Configures the Media Stream Sink and the sample allocator.
                Result = VideoRender.VideoSinkRender.GetStreamSinkByIndex(0, out VideoRender.StreamVideo);

                //Checks for no operation error
                if (Result != ResultCode.SS_OK)
                    //Exit Method
                    goto Done;

                //Get media type handler
                Result = VideoRender.StreamVideo.GetMediaTypeHandle(out VideoRender.MediaTypeHandler);

                //Checks for no operation error
                if (Result != ResultCode.SS_OK)
                    //Exit Method
                    goto Done;
 //Create the presentation clock
            ResultCode Result = CarenPresentationClock.CreateIntance(out VideoPlayer.PresentationClock);

            //Check Result of Operation
            if (Result != ResultCode.SS_OK)
                //Get out of the method
                goto Done;

            //Create time source for presentation clock
            Result = CarenPresentationClockSourceTime.CreateIntance(out VideoPlayer.SourcePresentationClock);

            //Check Result of Operation
            if (Result != ResultCode.SS_OK)
                //Get out of the method
                goto Done;

            //Creates the status notification clock for the presentation clock.
            Result = CarenClockStateSink.CreateIntance(out VideoPlayer.NotificationPresentationClock);

            //Check Result of Operation
            if (Result != ResultCode.SS_OK)
                //Get out of the method
                goto Done;

            //Configures the clock events.
            VideoPlayer.NotificationPresentationClock.OnClockStart += NotificationPresentationClock_OnClockStart;
            VideoPlayer.NotificationPresentationClock.OnClockPause += NotificationPresentationClock_OnClockPause;
            VideoPlayer.NotificationPresentationClock.OnClockRestart += NotificationPresentationClock_OnClockRestart;
            VideoPlayer.NotificationPresentationClock.OnClockStop += NotificationPresentationClock_OnClockStop;
            VideoPlayer.NotificationPresentationClock.OnClockSetRate += NotificationPresentationClock_OnClockSetRate;

            //This method will log the events of the generated Clock in the native interface and send to managed code.

            //Sets the presentation clock.

            //Sets the clock time source in the presentation clock.
            Result = VideoPlayer.PresentationClock.SetSourceTime(VideoPlayer.SourcePresentationClock);

            //Check Result of Operation
            if (Result != ResultCode.SS_OK)
                //Get out of the method
                goto Done;
            //Sets the notification clock.
            Result = VideoPlayer.PresentationClock.RegisterObjectNotification(VideoPlayer.NotificationPresentationClock);

            //Check Result of Operation
            if (Result != ResultCode.SS_OK)
                //Get out of the method
                goto Done;
            //Return the result
            return Result;