C# 转换深度为n的循环的嵌套

C# 转换深度为n的循环的嵌套,c#,recursion,C#,Recursion,我一直在尝试构建一个递归函数来替换下面的n个深度嵌套循环算法,深度将根据任意位置组合的长度变化2到n(很可能小于20) 我已经搜索了这个网站,找到了,但是我不能调整它们来输出我需要的东西 或者我可能只是看错了,根本不需要递归函数 尝试在C#中执行此操作,谢谢您的帮助 编辑:希望这能解释得更多一些 我想做的是找到最佳的选项和金额组合,在不超出预算的情况下给我最大的回报 因此,我有一个满足我要求的选项列表,然后我想将它们输入到这个程序/脚本中,以获得与highset return的最佳组合,我还需要







因此,我有一个满足我要求的选项列表,然后我想将它们输入到这个程序/脚本中,以获得与highset return的最佳组合,我还需要通过购买多个选项(通常为3-10)来降低风险


    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;

    namespace Combinations
        class Program
            static void Main(string[] args)

                Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

                List<option> options = new List<option> {
                            new option("A", 6.50, 0.18, 25000, 3),
                            new option("B", 23.00, 0.59, 25000, 3),
                            new option("C", 27.50, 0.60, 25000, 3),
                            new option("D", 21.00, 0.40, 25000, 3),
                            new option("E", 16.00, 0.30, 25000, 3),
                            new option("F", 7.00, 0.13, 25000, 3),
                            new option("G", 22.50, 0.38, 25000, 3),
                            new option("H", 27.00, 0.45, 25000, 3),
                            new option("I", 13.00, 0.20, 25000, 3),
                            new option("J", 20.50, 0.30, 25000, 3),
                            new option("K", 17.50, 0.25, 25000, 3),
                            new option("L", 10.50, 0.15, 25000, 3),
                            new option("M", 29.00, 0.41, 25000, 3),
                            new option("N", 26.50, 0.37, 25000, 3),
                            new option("P", 15.50, 0.21, 25000, 3),
                            new option("Q", 16.00, 0.20, 25000, 3),
                            new option("R", 10.00, 0.12, 25000, 3),
                            new option("S", 25.00, 0.30, 25000, 3),
                            new option("T", 27.00, 0.32, 25000, 3),
                            new option("U", 22.00, 0.25, 25000, 3),
                            new option("V", 26.50, 0.30, 25000, 3),
                            new option("W", 27.00, 0.30, 25000, 3),
                            new option("X", 14.50, 0.16, 25000, 3),
                            new option("Y", 28.50, 0.31, 25000, 3),
                            new option("Z", 28.50, 0.30, 25000, 3)
                IEnumerable<List<option>> combinations = GetCombination(options, 3);
                Console.WriteLine("Combinations - Time elapsed: {0}", stopwatch.Elapsed);

                Console.WriteLine("Best Fit - Time elapsed: {0}", stopwatch.Elapsed);


            static IEnumerable<List<option>> GetCombination(List<option> list, int _size)
                double count = Math.Pow(2, list.Count);
                List<option> combination = new List<option>();

                int size = 0;

                for (int i = 1; i <= count - 1; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < list.Count; j++)
                        if (((i >> j) & 1) == 1)

                    if (size == _size)
                        yield return combination;
                    size = 0;

            static void bestFit(IEnumerable<List<option>> combinations)
                double max = 0d;
                double results = 0d;
                double total = 0d;
                string output = "";
                string tmpOutput = "";

                int y0 = 0;
                int y1 = 1;
                int yn = 2;

                foreach (var combination in combinations)
                    option A1 = combination[y0];
                    for (int x1 = A1.lower; x1 < A1.upper; x1++)
                        option A2 = combination[y1];
                        for (int x2 = A2.lower; x2 < A2.upper; x2++)
                            option An = combination[yn];
                            for (int xn = An.lower; xn < An.upper; xn++)
                                int[] counts = { x1, x2, xn };
                                int i = 0;
                                foreach (option objOption in combination)
                                    results += objOption.bid * 100 * counts[i] / objOption.cash;
                                    total += (objOption.strike - objOption.bid) * 100 * counts[i];
                                    tmpOutput += objOption.symbol + " STO " + counts[i].ToString() + " @ $" + objOption.strike + ", ";


                                if (results > max && total < A1.cash)
                                    output = tmpOutput.Remove(tmpOutput.Length - 2) + " for a gain of " + results*100 + "% using a total of $" + total;
                                    max = results;
                                results = 0d;
                                total = 0d;
                                tmpOutput = "";


        class option
            public string symbol { get; set; }
            public double strike { get; set; }
            public double bid { get; set; }
            public double cash { get; set; }
            public int lower;
            public int upper;

            public option(string _symbol, double _strike, double _bid, double _cash, int _trades)
                this.symbol = _symbol;
                this.strike = _strike;
                this.bid = _bid;
                this.cash = _cash;

                double tradeCash = _cash / _trades;

                this.lower = (int)((0.25 * tradeCash) / ((_strike - _bid) * 100));
                this.upper = (int)((1.25 * tradeCash) / ((_strike - _bid) * 100));




public struct Bound
    public int Lower { get; set; }
    public int Upper { get; set; }

public static class Counting
    public static IEnumerable<int[]> Indizes(this Bound[] bounds)
        return Indizes(bounds, 0);

    static IEnumerable<int[]> Indizes(this Bound[] bounds, int index)
        if (index >= bounds.Length)
            yield return new int[] {};
            foreach(var comb in Indizes(bounds, index+1))
                for (var i = bounds[index].Lower; i < bounds[index].Upper; i++)
                    var newArr = new int[comb.Length + 1];
                    Array.Copy(comb, 0, newArr, 1, comb.Length);
                    newArr[0] = i;
                    yield return newArr;


Combinations - Time elapsed: 00:00:00.0002575
A STO 15 @ $6.5, B STO 3 @ $23, D STO 4 @ $21 for a gain of 2.428% using a total of $24443
Best Fit - Time elapsed: 00:00:11.9196411
public struct Bound
    public int Lower { get; set; }
    public int Upper { get; set; }

public static class Counting
    public static IEnumerable<int[]> Indizes(this Bound[] bounds)
        return Indizes(bounds, 0);

    static IEnumerable<int[]> Indizes(this Bound[] bounds, int index)
        if (index >= bounds.Length)
            yield return new int[] {};
            foreach(var comb in Indizes(bounds, index+1))
                for (var i = bounds[index].Lower; i < bounds[index].Upper; i++)
                    var newArr = new int[comb.Length + 1];
                    Array.Copy(comb, 0, newArr, 1, comb.Length);
                    newArr[0] = i;
                    yield return newArr;
   foreach(var combination in combinations)
        foreach (var counts in Counting.Indizes(combination))
            int i = 0;
            foreach (myClass objMyClass in combination)
               results += objMyClass.a * 100 * counts[i] / objMyClass.b;
               total += (objMyClass.c - objMyClass.a) * 100 * counts[i];
               tmpOutput += objMyClass.symbol + " count " + counts[i].ToString() + ", ";
            // ...