C# 在google日历中查找全天活动的日期

C# 在google日历中查找全天活动的日期,c#,C#,我有一个小的C#程序来读取我的谷歌日历并返回事件 public static IEnumerable<EventEntry> GetAllEvents(CalendarService service, DateTime? startData, DateTime? endData, int nbrToGet) { EventQuery query = new EventQuery(); // Create the query obj


public static IEnumerable<EventEntry> GetAllEvents(CalendarService service, DateTime? startData, DateTime? endData, int nbrToGet)
            EventQuery query = new EventQuery();        // Create the query object:

            if (startData != null)
                query.StartTime = startData.Value;

            if (endData != null)
                query.EndTime = endData.Value;

            query.SortOrder = CalendarSortOrder.ascending;

            query.Uri = new Uri("https://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/" + service.Credentials.Username + "/private/full" + "?max-results=" + nbrToGet.ToString());

            EventFeed calFeed = service.Query(query);       // Tell the service to query:

            return calFeed.Entries.Cast<EventEntry>();


foreach (var q in myevents)
                var one = q.Title.Text;
                var two = q.Times.ToList();

                if (two.Count > 0)
                    a1 = two[0].StartTime.ToString();
                    a2 = two[0].EndTime.ToString();
                    a1 = string.Empty;
                    a2 = string.Empty;

                var three = q.Content.Content;

                test.Add(new MyCalendarData { Title = one, StartTime = a1, EndTime = a2, Content = three });