C# 如何在WF 4.0中编写长时间运行的活动来调用web服务

C# 如何在WF 4.0中编写长时间运行的活动来调用web服务,c#,workflow-foundation-4,workflow-foundation,C#,Workflow Foundation 4,Workflow Foundation,我创建了一个活动,它执行一个web请求并将结果存储到数据库中。我发现对于这些长时间运行的活动,我应该编写一些不同的代码,这样工作流引擎线程就不会被阻塞 public sealed class WebSaveActivity : NativeActivity { protected override void Execute(NativeActivityContext context) { GetAndSave(); // This takes 1 hour to a


public sealed class WebSaveActivity : NativeActivity
    protected override void Execute(NativeActivityContext context)
       GetAndSave(); // This takes 1 hour to accomplish.


您可以在现有流程中生成一个线程,例如,如果需要,您的工作流的其余部分将继续运行。不过,请确保首先了解多线程和线程同步的含义。 或者,您可以查看或类似的组件,将整个作业卸载到不同的流程中




首先,为工作流应用程序指定一个工作流实例存储。Microsoft提供了您可以使用的SQL脚本,并提供了您可以在SQL Server上运行的SQL脚本

namespace MySolution.MyWorkflowApp
    using System.Activities;
    using System.Activities.DurableInstancing;
    using System.Activities.Statements;
    using System.Threading;

    internal static class Program
        internal static void Main(string[] args)
            var autoResetEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            var workflowApp = new WorkflowApplication(new Sequence());
            workflowApp.InstanceStore = new SqlWorkflowInstanceStore("server=mySqlServer;initial catalog=myWfDb;...");
            workflowApp.Completed += e => autoResetEvent.Set();
            workflowApp.Unloaded += e => autoResetEvent.Set();
            workflowApp.Aborted += e => autoResetEvent.Set();

  • 在次线程上
  • 通过异步调用web方法,该方法实际上完成了执行保存操作的繁重工作

public sealed class WebSaveActivity : NativeActivity
    public InArgument<MyBigObject> ObjectToSave { get; set; }

    protected override bool CanInduceIdle
            // This notifies the WF engine that the activity can be unloaded / persisted to an instance store.
            return true;

    protected override void Execute(NativeActivityContext context)
        var currentBigObject = this.ObjectToSave.Get(context);
        currentBigObject.WorkflowInstanceId = context.WorkflowInstanceId;
        StartSaveOperationAsync(this.ObjectToSave.Get(context)); // This method should offload the actual save process to a thread or even a web method, then return immediately.

        // This tells the WF engine that the workflow instance can be suspended and persisted to the instance store.
        context.CreateBookmark("MySaveOperation", AfterSaveCompletesCallback);

    private void AfterSaveCompletesCallback(NativeActivityContext context, Bookmark bookmark, object value)
        // Do more things after the save completes.
        var saved = (bool) value;
        if (saved)
            // yay!
            // boo!!!

internal static void PollQueue()
    var targetQueue = new MessageQueue(@".\private$\pendingSaveOperations");
    while (true)
        // This waits for a message to arrive on the queue.
        var message = targetQueue.Receive();
        var myObjectToSave = message.Body as MyBigObject;

        // Perform the long running save operation

        // Once the save operation finishes, you can resume the associated workflow.
        var autoResetEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);
        var workflowApp = new WorkflowApplication(new Sequence());
        workflowApp.InstanceStore = new SqlWorkflowInstanceStore("server=mySqlServer;initial catalog=myWfDb;...");
        workflowApp.Completed += e => autoResetEvent.Set();
        workflowApp.Unloaded += e => autoResetEvent.Set();
        workflowApp.Aborted += e => autoResetEvent.Set();

        // I'm assuming the object to save has a field somewhere that refers the workflow instance that's running it.
        workflowApp.ResumeBookmark("LongSaveOperation", true); // The 'true' parameter is just our way of saying the save completed successfully. You can use any object type you desire here.

private static void LongRunningSave(object myObjectToSave)
    throw new NotImplementedException();

public class MyBigObject 
    public Guid WorkflowInstanceId { get; set; } = Guid.NewGuid();


internal static void PollQueue()
    var targetQueue = new MessageQueue(@".\private$\pendingSaveOperations");
    while (true)
        // This waits for a message to arrive on the queue.
        var message = targetQueue.Receive();
        var myObjectToSave = message.Body as MyBigObject;

        // Perform the long running save operation

        // Once the save operation finishes, you can resume the associated workflow.
        var autoResetEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);
        var workflowApp = new WorkflowApplication(new Sequence());
        workflowApp.InstanceStore = new SqlWorkflowInstanceStore("server=mySqlServer;initial catalog=myWfDb;...");
        workflowApp.Completed += e => autoResetEvent.Set();
        workflowApp.Unloaded += e => autoResetEvent.Set();
        workflowApp.Aborted += e => autoResetEvent.Set();

        // I'm assuming the object to save has a field somewhere that refers the workflow instance that's running it.
        workflowApp.ResumeBookmark("LongSaveOperation", true); // The 'true' parameter is just our way of saying the save completed successfully. You can use any object type you desire here.

private static void LongRunningSave(object myObjectToSave)
    throw new NotImplementedException();

public class MyBigObject 
    public Guid WorkflowInstanceId { get; set; } = Guid.NewGuid();