C# 如何从列表中获取密钥<;对象>;在Xamarin的Firebase中。形式?

C# 如何从列表中获取密钥<;对象>;在Xamarin的Firebase中。形式?,c#,firebase-realtime-database,xamarin.forms,C#,Firebase Realtime Database,Xamarin.forms,我正在用Xamarin.Forms编程,我也在使用FirebaseDatabase[dot]net Nuget 我有以下方法,连接到我的Firebase实时数据库,它发送一个列表 public static async Task<bool> PostDetallePedido(List<AgregarCarrito> carrito) { try { var result = await firebase

我正在用Xamarin.Forms编程,我也在使用FirebaseDatabase[dot]net Nuget 我有以下方法,连接到我的Firebase实时数据库,它发送一个列表

public static async Task<bool> PostDetallePedido(List<AgregarCarrito> carrito)

            var result = await firebase
            .Child(Preferences.Get("idOrder", string.Empty))

            result2 = result.Key;

            var keyTable = new KeyClass()
                keyU = result2,
                orderId = Preferences.Get("idOrder", string.Empty)

            await firebase
            .Child(Preferences.Get("idOrder", string.Empty))

            return true;
        catch (Exception e)
            return false;

   public static async Task<List<AgregarCarrito>> GetDetailByUser(int id)

            var key = await GetKey(id);

            var value = (await firebase
            .OnceAsync<AgregarCarrito>()).Select(item =>
            new AgregarCarrito
                orderId = item.Object.orderId,
                ProductName = item.Object.ProductName,
                CustomerId = item.Object.CustomerId,
                Price = item.Object.Price,
                TotalAmount = item.Object.TotalAmount,
                ProductId = item.Object.ProductId,
                Qty = item.Object.Qty,
                imageUrl = item.Object.imageUrl,
                Valor = item.Object.Valor


            return value;

        catch (Exception e)
            return null;


var postResult = await firebase
        .Child(Preferences.Get("idOrder", string.Empty))

// there is also a `GetAsync` method on your firebase database
var result = await firebase
        .Child(Preferences.Get("idOrder", string.Empty))
        .GetAsync(postResult.YOURKEY); // i have no clue how to access the key in your case


var postResult = await firebase
        .Child(Preferences.Get("idOrder", string.Empty))

// there is also a `GetAsync` method on your firebase database
var result = await firebase
        .Child(Preferences.Get("idOrder", string.Empty))
        .GetAsync(postResult.YOURKEY); // i have no clue how to access the key in your case
