
C#从另一个方法引用方法变量,c#,methods,reference,C#,Methods,Reference,有时我想在方法B中使用很多方法作为变量。 通常,将所有变量传递给这个方法是一件非常痛苦的事情,特别是如果我不得不多次这样做(但不能简单地复制粘贴,因为有些事情会改变)或者我只是太懒了 有没有像“内在方法”这样的东西?或者一些简单的概念来处理这个问题 我想做的是: public void A() { int a = 4; string b = "Hello World"; B(ref vals); //Or lik

有时我想在方法B中使用很多方法作为变量。 通常,将所有变量传递给这个方法是一件非常痛苦的事情,特别是如果我不得不多次这样做(但不能简单地复制粘贴,因为有些事情会改变)或者我只是太懒了



    public void A()
        int a = 4;
        string b = "Hello World";

        B(ref vals);

        //Or like so
        C(ref current);

    public void B(ref AllValues)
        a = 3;

    public void C(ref MethodThatSharesAllValues method)
        method.a = 3;
如果他们都在同一个班 您可以将它们配置为类变量:

public class MyClass{

    //set this as private/protected/public or nothing and you can also set a default value
    int a;

    public void A()
        a = 4;
        string b = "Hello World";



    public void B()
        a = 3;

    public void C()
        a = 3;

埃尔斯韦 现在,您可以从方法B访问MyClassA

int myExValueA = MyClassA.a;




public void metA(Parameters input)
    input.a = 5;
    input.c = "hello";

public void metB(Parameters input)
    input.b = 10;

public class Parameters
    public int a;
    public int b;
    public string c;


public class Foo
    public int A { get; set; }
    public int B { get; set; }
    public string C { get; set; }



public void foo() {
    int a = 10;
    // ...

public void foo_bar() {
    // "a" is not in scope for foo_bar, so this won't compile
    a = 20;
    // ...
public class SomeObject
   public int SomeProperty { get; set; } = 6;
   // ...

public class SomeOtherObject
   // ..

void foo() {
    // What is the content of "a" before foo() runs?
    object a = new SomeObject();

    // Which "a" should this refer to - the one in foo() or the one in foo_bar()?
    // Also, is this a valid cast given that we haven't specified that SomeOtherObject can be cast to SomeObject?
    var b = (SomeObject)a;

    // If we run foo() again, should "b" retain the value of SetProperty or set it back to the initial value (6)?
    b.SetProperty = 10;

    // ...

    // Is it safe to garbage collect "a" at this point (or will foo_bar refer to it)?

void foo_bar() {
    object a = new SomeOtherObject();
    // ...


Func<int> GetCounter() {
     int count = 0;

     // This will capture the count variable from its context
     Func<int> method = () => ++count;

     return method;
public class SomeObject
   public int SomeProperty { get; set; } = 6;
   // ...

public class SomeOtherObject
   // ..

void foo() {
    // What is the content of "a" before foo() runs?
    object a = new SomeObject();

    // Which "a" should this refer to - the one in foo() or the one in foo_bar()?
    // Also, is this a valid cast given that we haven't specified that SomeOtherObject can be cast to SomeObject?
    var b = (SomeObject)a;

    // If we run foo() again, should "b" retain the value of SetProperty or set it back to the initial value (6)?
    b.SetProperty = 10;

    // ...

    // Is it safe to garbage collect "a" at this point (or will foo_bar refer to it)?

void foo_bar() {
    object a = new SomeOtherObject();
    // ...