C# 如何重构这个方法C窗口

C# 如何重构这个方法C窗口,c#,winforms,richtextbox,C#,Winforms,Richtextbox,我有一个文本框来搜索RichTextBox控件中输入的所有文本。 搜索结束后,结果将填充到遍历pupose的列表框中 为了达到预期的效果,我编写了以下函数。。但是要花很长时间才能完成。。我需要一些建议来解决这个问题 简而言之,我需要实现FindAll特性 public void FindSearchResults(string searchWord) { CheckState matchCase = default(CheckState); CheckState matchWho

我有一个文本框来搜索RichTextBox控件中输入的所有文本。 搜索结束后,结果将填充到遍历pupose的列表框中



public void FindSearchResults(string searchWord)
    CheckState matchCase = default(CheckState);
    CheckState matchWholeWords = default(CheckState);
    RichTextBox tvc = this._rt;
    List<string> retVal = new List<string>();
    RichTextBoxFinds FindOptions = default(RichTextBoxFinds);

    currentSearchWord = searchWord;
    FindOptions = RichTextBoxFinds.None;
    // Location to begin the search. 
    FindOptions = RichTextBoxFinds.None;

    int searchResult = -2;
    int start = 0;
    string expandedValue = "";
    if ((matchWholeWords == CheckState.Checked) & (matchCase == CheckState.Checked))
        FindOptions = RichTextBoxFinds.MatchCase | RichTextBoxFinds.WholeWord;
    else if ((matchWholeWords == CheckState.Checked))
        FindOptions = RichTextBoxFinds.WholeWord;
    else if ((matchCase == CheckState.Checked))
        FindOptions = RichTextBoxFinds.MatchCase;
        FindOptions = RichTextBoxFinds.None;
    while (searchResult != -1 & start < tvc.Text.Length)
        searchResult = tvc.Find(searchWord, start, FindOptions);
        if ((searchResult != -1))
            expandedValue = Expand(searchWord, searchResult);
            while (searchResultList.ContainsKey(expandedValue))
                // just to keep uniqueness 
                expandedValue = expandedValue + " ";

            searchResultList[expandedValue] = searchResult;
            start = searchResult + searchWord.Length;


private string Expand(string searchWord, int searchResult)
    string retVal = null;
    int startPos = 0;
    int endPos = 0;
    int spaceCount = 0;
    RichTextBox tvc = this._rt;

    startPos = searchResult;
    spaceCount = 0;
    while (spaceCount < 2 & startPos > 0)
        startPos = startPos - 1;
        char[] ch=tvc.Text.Substring(startPos,1).ToCharArray();
        if (ch[0] == (Char)32)
            spaceCount = spaceCount + 1;

    spaceCount = 0;
    endPos = searchResult + 1;

    while (spaceCount < 4 & endPos < tvc.Text.Length)
        int asciiVal = 0;
        asciiVal = Strings.Asc(tvc.Text.Substring(endPos,1));
        if (asciiVal == 10 | asciiVal == 13 | asciiVal == 32)
            spaceCount = spaceCount + 1;
        endPos = endPos + 1;

    retVal = tvc.Text.Substring(startPos, endPos - startPos);
    retVal = retVal.Replace(Environment.NewLine, string.Empty);
    return retVal;


在确定搜索参数的位之间进行清晰的分割 执行实际搜索此方法不应引用任何UI组件 显示结果


private void FindButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        findOptions = default(RichTextBoxFinds);

        if (MatchCaseCheckBox.Checked)
            findOptions = findOptions | RichTextBoxFinds.MatchCase;

        if (MatchEntireWordCheckBox.Checked)
            findOptions = findOptions | RichTextBoxFinds.WholeWord;

        int[] foundLocations = FindSearchResults(TextToSearchTextBox.Text.Trim());
        string[] words = null;
        if (foundLocations.Length > 0)
            words = GetWords(foundLocations);

        foreach (string word in words)

    private string[] GetWords(int[] foundLocations)
        string textChunk = string.Empty;
        int chunkSize = 64;
        int textLength = MyRichTextBox.TextLength;
        int startIndex = 0;
        int endIndex = 0;
        List<string> words = new List<string>();
        int lastSpaceIndex = -1;
        int firstSpaceIndex = -1;
        foreach (int location in foundLocations)
            textChunk = string.Empty;
            startIndex = location;
            endIndex = location;
            firstSpaceIndex = -1;
            lastSpaceIndex = -1;

            //get the start index.
            while (startIndex >= 0)
                if (startIndex - chunkSize >= 0)
                    startIndex -= chunkSize;
                    startIndex -= Math.Abs(startIndex);

                textChunk += MyRichTextBox.Text.Substring(startIndex, location - startIndex);
                firstSpaceIndex = textChunk.LastIndexOf(' ');
                if (firstSpaceIndex > -1)
                    firstSpaceIndex = location - (textChunk.Length - firstSpaceIndex);
            textChunk = string.Empty;
            startIndex = location;
            if (firstSpaceIndex == -1)
                firstSpaceIndex = 0;

            while (textChunk.Length <= textLength)
                if (chunkSize + location < textLength)
                    endIndex = chunkSize;
                    endIndex = (textLength - startIndex);

                textChunk += MyRichTextBox.Text.Substring(firstSpaceIndex + 1,
                lastSpaceIndex = textChunk.IndexOf(' ');
                if (lastSpaceIndex > -1)
                    words.Add(textChunk.Substring(0, lastSpaceIndex));
        return words.ToArray();

    private int[] FindSearchResults(string textToSearchFor)

        int textLength = MyRichTextBox.TextLength;
        int chunkSize = 128;
        int startIndex = 0;
        int endIndex = 0;
        int foundIndex = -1;
        List<int> foundLocations = new List<int>();

        while (startIndex < textLength)
            if ((chunkSize + startIndex) < textLength)
                endIndex += chunkSize;
                endIndex += textLength - endIndex;

            foundIndex = MyRichTextBox.Find(textToSearchFor, startIndex, endIndex, findOptions);
            if (foundIndex > -1)
            startIndex += chunkSize;

        return foundLocations.ToArray();
