C# 使用WMI以编程方式更改远程IP地址

C# 使用WMI以编程方式更改远程IP地址,c#,ip,wmi,C#,Ip,Wmi,我正在编写一个应用程序,使用WMI更改本地和远程计算机的IP地址。此代码成功地更改了远程计算机的网关和DNS,并且相同的代码(在不同的类中,减去管理范围部分)在本地更改了所有数据(两个IP、网关、DNS)。问题是它不会更改远程IP地址。我到处都在寻找这个答案,有人能给我建议吗 我在Windows7和xp上进行了测试,没有防火墙,远程机器上安装了.NET4 class remoteIPChange { public string setTillIP(string IPAddress1, s



class remoteIPChange
    public string setTillIP(string IPAddress1, string IPAddress2, string SubnetMask, string Gateway)
        ConnectionOptions connection = new ConnectionOptions();
        connection.Username = "username";
        connection.Password = "password";
        connection.Authority = "ntlmdomain:DOMAIN";

        ManagementScope scope = new ManagementScope(
        "\\\\"+IPAddress1+"\\root\\CIMV2", connection);

        ObjectGetOptions o = new ObjectGetOptions();

        ManagementPath p = new ManagementPath("Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration");

        ManagementClass objMC = new ManagementClass(scope,p,o);

        ManagementObjectCollection objMOC = objMC.GetInstances();

        foreach (ManagementObject objMO in objMOC)
            if (!(bool)objMO["IPEnabled"])

                ManagementBaseObject objNewIP = null;
                ManagementBaseObject objSetIP = null;
                ManagementBaseObject objNewGate = null;
                ManagementBaseObject objNewDNS = null;

                objNewIP = objMO.GetMethodParameters("EnableStatic");
                objNewGate = objMO.GetMethodParameters("SetGateways");
                objNewDNS = objMO.GetMethodParameters("SetDNSServerSearchOrder");

                //Set DefaultGateway
                objNewGate["DefaultIPGateway"] = new string[] { Gateway };
                objNewGate["GatewayCostMetric"] = new int[] { 1 };

                //Set IPAddress and Subnet Mask
                objNewIP["IPAddress"] = new string[] { IPAddress1, IPAddress2 };
                objNewIP["SubnetMask"] = new string[] { SubnetMask, SubnetMask };

                //Set DNS servers
                objNewDNS["DNSServerSearchOrder"] = new string[] {Gateway };

                //Invoke all changes
                objSetIP = objMO.InvokeMethod("EnableStatic", objNewIP, null);
                objSetIP = objMO.InvokeMethod("SetGateways", objNewGate, null);
                objSetIP = objMO.InvokeMethod("SetDNSServerSearchOrder", objNewDNS, null);

                return ("Updated IPAddress to " + IPAddress + ", \nSubnetMask to " + SubnetMask + " \nand Default Gateway to " + Gateway + "!");
            catch (Exception ex)
                return ("Unable to Set IP : " + ex.Message);
        return "code has not run";

