
静态上下文和派生类型中的C#扩展方法,c#,methods,C#,Methods,C#中的现有类型需要使用一些新方法进行扩展,以便满足以下要求: 扩展方法应在另一个程序集中抵抗 它们应该显示为原始类型的静态方法 它们还应该对原始类型的派生类的实现者可见 例如,程序集Orig.dll: public class Orig { public static void Method1() { } } 程序集扩展.dll: // method, which extends Orig in a static context is needed ... // ?? // p


  • 扩展方法应在另一个程序集中抵抗
  • 它们应该显示为原始类型的静态方法
  • 它们还应该对原始类型的派生类的实现者可见
  • 例如,程序集Orig.dll:

    public class Orig {
        public static void Method1() { }

    // method, which extends Orig in a static context is needed ...  
    // ?? 
    // public static void Method2() { } 



        // having a class 
    public class Orig { }
    // which is extended with some functions (from another assembly)
    public static class ExtOrig {
        public static void ExtMeth (this Orig orig, string bla) {}
    // derived classes should DIRECTLY!! see the extension
    public class Derived : Orig {
        public void MyMethod() {
            // ExtMeth("inside orig"); <- does not work
            this.ExtMeth("this derived");  // <- this keyword needed
        // for static methods even worse: 
        public static void MyMethod2() {
            // ExtMeth("inside orig"); <- does not work
            // this.ExtMeth("this derived");  // <- 'this' not usable here :(
    // for shorter syntax, static access would be needed 
    public class SomeClass {
        private void SomeFunc() {
            // Orig.ExtMeth("static orig"); <- does not work
            new Orig().ExtMeth("outside orig"); // <- instance needed :(
            // Derived.ExtMeth("static derived"); <- does not work
            new Derived().ExtMeth("outside derived"); 
    公共静态void ExtMeth(this Orig Orig,string bla){}
  • 扩展方法可以存在于与包含要扩展类型的程序集分离的程序集中。扩展程序集只需引用原始程序集。其他程序集中的任何客户端只需引用原始程序集和扩展程序集

  • 扩展方法不能在被扩展的类型上显示为静态方法。它们只能显示为实例方法。社区中已经讨论了静态扩展方法的需要和可能的实现,但据我所知,MS尚未承诺将此功能添加到C#

  • 扩展方法(具有适当的可见性)对派生类型和这些派生类型的任何使用者都是可见的

  • 扩展方法或分部类对您没有帮助。请尝试使用单例设计模式,因为这可能会让您获得使用实例而不是静态成员所需的行为

    public class Usage : Orig {
       Method1();  // naturally working
       this.Method2();  // working with C# 3.0 extension methods, but clumsy syntax
        // having a class 
    public class Orig { }
    // which is extended with some functions (from another assembly)
    public static class ExtOrig {
        public static void ExtMeth (this Orig orig, string bla) {}
    // derived classes should DIRECTLY!! see the extension
    public class Derived : Orig {
        public void MyMethod() {
            // ExtMeth("inside orig"); <- does not work
            this.ExtMeth("this derived");  // <- this keyword needed
        // for static methods even worse: 
        public static void MyMethod2() {
            // ExtMeth("inside orig"); <- does not work
            // this.ExtMeth("this derived");  // <- 'this' not usable here :(
    // for shorter syntax, static access would be needed 
    public class SomeClass {
        private void SomeFunc() {
            // Orig.ExtMeth("static orig"); <- does not work
            new Orig().ExtMeth("outside orig"); // <- instance needed :(
            // Derived.ExtMeth("static derived"); <- does not work
            new Derived().ExtMeth("outside derived"); 