
在C#中,在泛型列表中合并具有相同类型的项的最有效方法是什么?,c#,generics,list,merge,C#,Generics,List,Merge,例如,我有以下接口和类: public interface IRole { DateTime Since {get;} DateTime Until {get;} } public class Manager : IRole { public DateTime Since {get; private set;} public DateTime Until {get; private set;} } public class Employee : IRole {


public interface IRole {
    DateTime Since {get;}
    DateTime Until {get;}

public class Manager : IRole {
    public DateTime Since {get; private set;}
    public DateTime Until {get; private set;}
public class Employee : IRole {
    public DateTime Since {get; private set;}
    public DateTime Until {get; private set;}
public class Ceo: IRole {
    public DateTime Since {get; private set;}
    public DateTime Until {get; private set;}
list[0]=new Manager();
list[1]=new Manager();
list[2]=new Employee();
list[3]=new Manager();
list[4]=new Ceo();
list[5]=new Ceo();
newList[0]=new Manager() //(Since is from list[0], Until is from list[1])
newList[1]=new Employee() //(list[2])
newList[2]=new Manager() //(list[3])
newList[3]=new Ceo() //(Since is from list[4], Until is from list[5])
for each item in list
    the current item shall always be merged into the previous item
        check if current item has the same type as the previous item
            get last item from newList and merge last item with current item

public interface IRole {
    DateTime Since {get;}
    DateTime Until {get;}

public class Manager : IRole {
    public DateTime Since {get; private set;}
    public DateTime Until {get; private set;}
public class Employee : IRole {
    public DateTime Since {get; private set;}
    public DateTime Until {get; private set;}
public class Ceo: IRole {
    public DateTime Since {get; private set;}
    public DateTime Until {get; private set;}
list[0]=new Manager();
list[1]=new Manager();
list[2]=new Employee();
list[3]=new Manager();
list[4]=new Ceo();
list[5]=new Ceo();
newList[0]=new Manager() //(Since is from list[0], Until is from list[1])
newList[1]=new Employee() //(list[2])
newList[2]=new Manager() //(list[3])
newList[3]=new Ceo() //(Since is from list[4], Until is from list[5])
for each item in list
    the current item shall always be merged into the previous item
        check if current item has the same type as the previous item
            get last item from newList and merge last item with current item

public interface IRole {
    DateTime Since {get;}
    DateTime Until {get;}

public class Manager : IRole {
    public DateTime Since {get; private set;}
    public DateTime Until {get; private set;}
public class Employee : IRole {
    public DateTime Since {get; private set;}
    public DateTime Until {get; private set;}
public class Ceo: IRole {
    public DateTime Since {get; private set;}
    public DateTime Until {get; private set;}
list[0]=new Manager();
list[1]=new Manager();
list[2]=new Employee();
list[3]=new Manager();
list[4]=new Ceo();
list[5]=new Ceo();
newList[0]=new Manager() //(Since is from list[0], Until is from list[1])
newList[1]=new Employee() //(list[2])
newList[2]=new Manager() //(list[3])
newList[3]=new Ceo() //(Since is from list[4], Until is from list[5])
for each item in list
    the current item shall always be merged into the previous item
        check if current item has the same type as the previous item
            get last item from newList and merge last item with current item


public interface IRole {
    DateTime Since {get;}
    DateTime Until {get;}

public class Manager : IRole {
    public DateTime Since {get; private set;}
    public DateTime Until {get; private set;}
public class Employee : IRole {
    public DateTime Since {get; private set;}
    public DateTime Until {get; private set;}
public class Ceo: IRole {
    public DateTime Since {get; private set;}
    public DateTime Until {get; private set;}
list[0]=new Manager();
list[1]=new Manager();
list[2]=new Employee();
list[3]=new Manager();
list[4]=new Ceo();
list[5]=new Ceo();
newList[0]=new Manager() //(Since is from list[0], Until is from list[1])
newList[1]=new Employee() //(list[2])
newList[2]=new Manager() //(list[3])
newList[3]=new Ceo() //(Since is from list[4], Until is from list[5])
for each item in list
    the current item shall always be merged into the previous item
        check if current item has the same type as the previous item
            get last item from newList and merge last item with current item


public interface IRole {
    DateTime Since {get;}
    DateTime Until {get;}

public class Manager : IRole {
    public DateTime Since {get; private set;}
    public DateTime Until {get; private set;}
public class Employee : IRole {
    public DateTime Since {get; private set;}
    public DateTime Until {get; private set;}
public class Ceo: IRole {
    public DateTime Since {get; private set;}
    public DateTime Until {get; private set;}
list[0]=new Manager();
list[1]=new Manager();
list[2]=new Employee();
list[3]=new Manager();
list[4]=new Ceo();
list[5]=new Ceo();
newList[0]=new Manager() //(Since is from list[0], Until is from list[1])
newList[1]=new Employee() //(list[2])
newList[2]=new Manager() //(list[3])
newList[3]=new Ceo() //(Since is from list[4], Until is from list[5])
for each item in list
    the current item shall always be merged into the previous item
        check if current item has the same type as the previous item
            get last item from newList and merge last item with current item


list[0]=new Manager();
list[1]=new Manager();
list[2]=new Employee();
list[3]=new Manager();
list[4]=new Ceo();
list[5]=new Ceo();
list[6]=new Ceo();

我相信这是一个非常具体的要求。我不确定这是否会得到框架的支持。 如果类型不是直接从IRole派生的,会发生什么。如果IManager是从IEmployee这样的东西派生出来的呢。我不确定框架如何理解特定于应用程序的符号


List newList=newlis();
List<IRole> newList = new Lis<IRole>();
for (int i = 1; i < list.Count; i++) // Start at 1, so we can do i - 1 on the first iteration
  if (list[i - 1].GetType() != list[i].GetType()) // they're not the same
    newList.Add(list[i - 1]); // so add the first one too
  newList.Add(list[i]); // always add second one



var groups =
  from person in list.WithAdjacentGrouping()
  group person by person.GetType().Name into g
  select new { 
    Type = g.Key,
    Since = new DateTime(g.Select(p => p.Since.Ticks).Min()),
    Until = new DateTime(g.Select(p => p.Until.Ticks).Max())


  • 有关使用相邻分组的

你突然在第三个代码块中切换到伪代码,对吗?@Jourke van der Maas,现在好点了吗?我只是想解释一下新对象应该是什么(相同类型的相邻所有项目的组合)。是的,注释更清晰。我也是,意识到太晚了。无论如何,谢谢;-)我之所以这么快,是因为我很好奇你写了什么:)@Jouke van der Maas,如果有两个以上相同类型的物品相邻,会发生什么?类似于列表[0]=管理器、列表[1]=管理器和列表[2]=管理器?@@Jouke van der Maas,我现在认为循环应该从最后一项开始,将当前项与前一项合并为同一类型,并从列表中删除最后一项(如果可能的话),听起来好像有点过了。男人。。。我就是想不起while循环。@jeffrey你说得对,我没想到。至于向后循环,您可以这样做:对于(inti=list.Count-1;i>=0;i--){}根据定义,类型是从IRole派生的。他不是要求一种方法来完成他与IRole的工作,而是要求实现。同意。正如我前面提到的,这是一个特定于应用程序的答案。group by听起来不错,但如何合并像自/直到这样的属性?@Jeffrey:添加了最小
group by