salesforce SOAP对象到xml代码C#

salesforce SOAP对象到xml代码C#,c#,soap,type-conversion,salesforce,integration,C#,Soap,Type Conversion,Salesforce,Integration,您好,我正在开发一个WPF应用程序,它使用salesforce合作伙伴WSDL作为web引用,只作为soap引用。我正在获取记录,我正在执行所有操作,如查询、查询、搜索、创建、更新等。我知道记录的格式是sObject,这个sObject有xml记录,而xml记录只是xml元素。 但我需要的是,从上述操作中获得的全部记录,作为xml文件 我的示例代码在这里 using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; usin

您好,我正在开发一个WPF应用程序,它使用salesforce合作伙伴WSDL作为web引用,只作为soap引用。我正在获取记录,我正在执行所有操作,如查询、查询、搜索、创建、更新等。我知道记录的格式是sObject,这个sObject有xml记录,而xml记录只是xml元素。 但我需要的是,从上述操作中获得的全部记录,作为xml文件


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows;
using System.Web.Services.Protocols;
using System.Collections;
using System.Xml;
using TestForPartnerWSDL.sforce;
namespace TestForPartnerWSDL
    public partial class MainWindow : Window
        SforceService partnerConnection= null;
        LoginResult loginResult = null;

        public MainWindow()

            if (Login())
                #region Select Query   
                // SOQL query to use 
        String soqlQuery = "SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM Contact limit 100";
               // Make the query call and get the query results
        QueryResult qr = partnerConnection.query(soqlQuery);
            SObject[] records = qr.getRecords();      



        private bool Login()
            string userName = "MYorgUSERNAME";
            string password = "password";
            service = new SforceService();
            loginResult = new LoginResult();

                loginResult = service.login(userName, password);

            catch (Exception e)
                return false;

            //Change the binding to the new endpoint
            service.Url = loginResult.serverUrl; // Set the returned service endpoint URL

            //Create a new session header object and set the session id to that returned by the login
            service.SessionHeaderValue = new SessionHeader();
            service.SessionHeaderValue.sessionId = loginResult.sessionId; // Set the SOAP header with the session ID returned by the login result. This will be included in all API calls.
            // Return true to indicate that we are logged in, pointed at the right URL and have our security token in place.  
            return true;

    public sealed class temperaryclass
        //i used this temporary class for getting records using custom constrecter.

对象中的所有联系人输出为XML文件?”对吗?因为您使用的是Salesforce SDK,所以您有一个实际的模型,而不仅仅是XML。您通常不需要担心XML,只需使用模型提供的方法和字段即可。如果确实需要XML,可以使用