C# MEF GetExports<;T、 TMetaDataView>;AllowMultiple=True时不返回任何内容

C# MEF GetExports<;T、 TMetaDataView>;AllowMultiple=True时不返回任何内容,c#,attributes,metadata,mef,C#,Attributes,Metadata,Mef,我不太理解MEF,所以希望这是一个简单的修复,我认为它是如何工作的 我试图使用MEF来获取一些关于类的信息,以及如何使用它。我正在使用元数据选项来尝试实现这一点。我的接口和属性如下所示: public interface IMyInterface { } public interface IMyInterfaceInfo { Type SomeProperty1 { get; } double SomeProperty2 { get; } string SomeProp



public interface IMyInterface

public interface IMyInterfaceInfo
    Type SomeProperty1 { get; }
    double SomeProperty2 { get; }
    string SomeProperty3 { get; }

[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple = true)]
public class ExportMyInterfaceAttribute : ExportAttribute, IMyInterfaceInfo
    public ExportMyInterfaceAttribute(Type someProperty1, double someProperty2, string someProperty3)
        : base(typeof(IMyInterface))
        SomeProperty1 = someProperty1;
        SomeProperty2 = someProperty2;
        SomeProperty3 = someProperty3;

    public Type SomeProperty1 { get; set; }
    public double SomeProperty2 { get; set; }
    public string SomeProperty3 { get; set; }
[ExportMyInterface(typeof(string), 0.1, "whoo data!")]
[ExportMyInterface(typeof(int), 0.4, "asdfasdf!!")]
public class DecoratedClass : IMyInterface
private void SomeFunction()
    // CompositionContainer is an instance of CompositionContainer
    var myExports = CompositionContainer.GetExports<IMyInterface, IMyInterfaceInfo>();
public class MyInterfaceInfoView
    public IMyInterfaceInfo[] Infos { get; set; }

    public MyInterfaceInfoView(IDictionary<string, object> aDict)
        Type[] p1 = aDict["SomeProperty1"] as Type[];
        double[] p2 = aDict["SomeProperty2"] as double[];
        string[] p3 = aDict["SomeProperty3"] as string[];

        Infos = new ExportMyInterfaceAttribute[p1.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < Infos.Length; i++)
            Infos[i] = new ExportMyInterfaceAttribute(p1[i], p2[i], p3[i]);

public interface IMyInterface

public interface IMyInterfaceInfo
    Type SomeProperty1 { get; }
    double SomeProperty2 { get; }
    string SomeProperty3 { get; }

[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple = true)]
public class ExportMyInterfaceAttribute : ExportAttribute, IMyInterfaceInfo
    public ExportMyInterfaceAttribute(Type someProperty1, double someProperty2, string someProperty3)
        : base(typeof(IMyInterface))
        SomeProperty1 = someProperty1;
        SomeProperty2 = someProperty2;
        SomeProperty3 = someProperty3;

    public Type SomeProperty1 { get; set; }
    public double SomeProperty2 { get; set; }
    public string SomeProperty3 { get; set; }
[ExportMyInterface(typeof(string), 0.1, "whoo data!")]
[ExportMyInterface(typeof(int), 0.4, "asdfasdf!!")]
public class DecoratedClass : IMyInterface
private void SomeFunction()
    // CompositionContainer is an instance of CompositionContainer
    var myExports = CompositionContainer.GetExports<IMyInterface, IMyInterfaceInfo>();
public class MyInterfaceInfoView
    public IMyInterfaceInfo[] Infos { get; set; }

    public MyInterfaceInfoView(IDictionary<string, object> aDict)
        Type[] p1 = aDict["SomeProperty1"] as Type[];
        double[] p2 = aDict["SomeProperty2"] as double[];
        string[] p3 = aDict["SomeProperty3"] as string[];

        Infos = new ExportMyInterfaceAttribute[p1.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < Infos.Length; i++)
            Infos[i] = new ExportMyInterfaceAttribute(p1[i], p2[i], p3[i]);

public interface IMyInterface

public interface IMyInterfaceInfo
    Type SomeProperty1 { get; }
    double SomeProperty2 { get; }
    string SomeProperty3 { get; }

[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple = true)]
public class ExportMyInterfaceAttribute : ExportAttribute, IMyInterfaceInfo
    public ExportMyInterfaceAttribute(Type someProperty1, double someProperty2, string someProperty3)
        : base(typeof(IMyInterface))
        SomeProperty1 = someProperty1;
        SomeProperty2 = someProperty2;
        SomeProperty3 = someProperty3;

    public Type SomeProperty1 { get; set; }
    public double SomeProperty2 { get; set; }
    public string SomeProperty3 { get; set; }
[ExportMyInterface(typeof(string), 0.1, "whoo data!")]
[ExportMyInterface(typeof(int), 0.4, "asdfasdf!!")]
public class DecoratedClass : IMyInterface
private void SomeFunction()
    // CompositionContainer is an instance of CompositionContainer
    var myExports = CompositionContainer.GetExports<IMyInterface, IMyInterfaceInfo>();
public class MyInterfaceInfoView
    public IMyInterfaceInfo[] Infos { get; set; }

    public MyInterfaceInfoView(IDictionary<string, object> aDict)
        Type[] p1 = aDict["SomeProperty1"] as Type[];
        double[] p2 = aDict["SomeProperty2"] as double[];
        string[] p3 = aDict["SomeProperty3"] as string[];

        Infos = new ExportMyInterfaceAttribute[p1.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < Infos.Length; i++)
            Infos[i] = new ExportMyInterfaceAttribute(p1[i], p2[i], p3[i]);




[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple = true)]
public class ExportMyInterfaceAttribute : Attribute, IMyInterfaceInfo
    public ExportMyInterfaceAttribute(Type someProperty1, double someProperty2, string someProperty3)

        SomeProperty1 = someProperty1;
        SomeProperty2 = someProperty2;
        SomeProperty3 = someProperty3;

    public Type SomeProperty1 { get; set; }
    public double SomeProperty2 { get; set; }
    public string SomeProperty3 { get; set; }

[ExportMyInterface(typeof(string), 0.1, "whoo data!")]
[ExportMyInterface(typeof(int), 0.4, "asdfasdf!!")]
public class DecoratedClass : IMyInterface

public interface IMyInterface

public interface IMyInterfaceInfo
    Type SomeProperty1 { get; }
    double SomeProperty2 { get; }
    string SomeProperty3 { get; }

[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple = true)]
public class ExportMyInterfaceAttribute : ExportAttribute, IMyInterfaceInfo
    public ExportMyInterfaceAttribute(Type someProperty1, double someProperty2, string someProperty3)
        : base(typeof(IMyInterface))
        SomeProperty1 = someProperty1;
        SomeProperty2 = someProperty2;
        SomeProperty3 = someProperty3;

    public Type SomeProperty1 { get; set; }
    public double SomeProperty2 { get; set; }
    public string SomeProperty3 { get; set; }
[ExportMyInterface(typeof(string), 0.1, "whoo data!")]
[ExportMyInterface(typeof(int), 0.4, "asdfasdf!!")]
public class DecoratedClass : IMyInterface
private void SomeFunction()
    // CompositionContainer is an instance of CompositionContainer
    var myExports = CompositionContainer.GetExports<IMyInterface, IMyInterfaceInfo>();
public class MyInterfaceInfoView
    public IMyInterfaceInfo[] Infos { get; set; }

    public MyInterfaceInfoView(IDictionary<string, object> aDict)
        Type[] p1 = aDict["SomeProperty1"] as Type[];
        double[] p2 = aDict["SomeProperty2"] as double[];
        string[] p3 = aDict["SomeProperty3"] as string[];

        Infos = new ExportMyInterfaceAttribute[p1.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < Infos.Length; i++)
            Infos[i] = new ExportMyInterfaceAttribute(p1[i], p2[i], p3[i]);
公共MyInterface信息视图(IDictionary aDict)
for(int i=0;i

var myExports = CompositionContainer.GetExports<IMyInterface, MyInterfaceInfoView>();
var myExports=CompositionContainer.GetExports();
