C# 如何在列表中搜索LINQ SQL where值

C# 如何在列表中搜索LINQ SQL where值,c#,.net,linq,C#,.net,Linq,我有一个名为Quotes的SQL表 在C中,我的用户: Public class Locations { public string cityname { get; set; } } List<Locations> = new puLocations List<Locations> // Pickup Locations List<Locations> = new delLocations List<Locations> // Deli



Public class Locations
 public string cityname { get; set; }

 List<Locations> = new puLocations List<Locations>  // Pickup Locations
 List<Locations> = new delLocations List<Locations> // Delivery Locations

var quotes = from q in db.Quotes
where q.PULocations in puLocations  //puLocatiosn is the list<Locations>
and q.DELLocations in delLocations
select q;
所以我想让它返回任何匹配项。。如果在普州,我有黄金海岸,悉尼,布里斯班。交货地点我有珀斯,霍巴特 它应该返回黄金海岸->珀斯 黄金海岸->霍巴特 悉尼->珀斯 悉尼->黄金海岸 .... 等等,如果这些引号存在,首先你需要这个

List<Locations> puLocations= new  List<Locations>()  // Pickup Locations  
List<Locations> delLocations = new  List<Locations>() // Delivery Locations 

List<Locations> puLocations= new  List<Locations>()  // Pickup Locations  
List<Locations> delLocations = new  List<Locations>() // Delivery Locations 

为了不让你的生活变得更艰难,你应该在db中进行这个操作,我打赌你的数据库中有收货和发货位置以及报价 因此,假设您有像db.Locations.Wherel=>l.type==DEL和db.Locations.Wherel=>l.type==PU这样的查询,您将编写以下查询

var quotes = from q in db.Quotes
    join del in db.Locations on del equals q.DELLocations
    join pu in db.Locations on pu equals q.PULocations
    where pu.type == PU && del.type == DEL && otherConditions
    select q;

var quotes = from q in db.Quotes where q.DELLocation.field == something && q.PULocation.field == something


   // you build string specifying as many parameters as you have items in your lists
   var entitySQL = "select quote FROM [Quotes] WHERE quote.DELLocation.LocationID IN (@delparam1, @delparam2,.... ) AND quote.PULocation.LocationID in (@puparam1, @puparam2,.... )"
   // then you create ObjectParameterCollection to substitute your IDs to ObjectQuery
   var opc = new ObjectParameterCollection();
   opc.Add("@delparam1", DELLocation[0].LocationID) // obviously you'll do it using linq
   opc.Add("@puparam1", PULocation[0].LocationID)

   // create object query

   var quotes = db.CreateQuery<Quote>(entitySQL, opc);

为了不让你的生活变得更艰难,你应该在db中进行这个操作,我打赌你的数据库中有收货和发货位置以及报价 因此,假设您有像db.Locations.Wherel=>l.type==DEL和db.Locations.Wherel=>l.type==PU这样的查询,您将编写以下查询

var quotes = from q in db.Quotes
    join del in db.Locations on del equals q.DELLocations
    join pu in db.Locations on pu equals q.PULocations
    where pu.type == PU && del.type == DEL && otherConditions
    select q;

var quotes = from q in db.Quotes where q.DELLocation.field == something && q.PULocation.field == something


   // you build string specifying as many parameters as you have items in your lists
   var entitySQL = "select quote FROM [Quotes] WHERE quote.DELLocation.LocationID IN (@delparam1, @delparam2,.... ) AND quote.PULocation.LocationID in (@puparam1, @puparam2,.... )"
   // then you create ObjectParameterCollection to substitute your IDs to ObjectQuery
   var opc = new ObjectParameterCollection();
   opc.Add("@delparam1", DELLocation[0].LocationID) // obviously you'll do it using linq
   opc.Add("@puparam1", PULocation[0].LocationID)

   // create object query

   var quotes = db.CreateQuery<Quote>(entitySQL, opc);