C# 使用LINQ的多边形中的点或多边形上的点

C# 使用LINQ的多边形中的点或多边形上的点,c#,.net,linq,algorithm,geometry,C#,.net,Linq,Algorithm,Geometry,如前一个问题所述,我正在研究一些基于点列表的数学算法。我目前正在研究多边形中的点。我有如何做到这一点的代码,并在这里找到了一些很好的参考,比如这个链接。所以,我可以计算出一个点是否在多边形中。作为确定的一部分,我想确定点是否实际位于多边形上。这我也能做到。如果我能做到这一切,你会问我什么问题 我可以使用LINQ高效地完成它吗?我已经可以这样做了(假设我前面的问题中描述的成对扩展方法以及我的问题/答案所链接的链接,并假设一个位置类型具有X和Y成员)。我没有做过很多测试,所以lambda可能不是10



编辑 请注意,此代码的最新编辑已从TakeWhile更改为TakeWhileInclusive。请参阅本文末尾的扩展方法

// Extend a ray from pt towards the left.  Does this ray intersect the segment p1->p2?
// By definition, the ray extending from pt cannot intersect a horizontal segment, so our
// first check is to see whether or not the segment is horizontal.  
// If it is, there cannot be an intersection.
// If it is not, there could be an intersection.
public static bool PointIntersectSegment(Position p1, Position p2, Position pt)
  bool intersect = false;
  if (p1.Y != p2.Y)
    // Is pt between (vertically) p1 and p2?  
    // If so, the ray from pt might intersect.  
    // If not, the ray from pt cannot intersect.
    if ((p1.Y >= pt.Y && p2.Y < pt.Y) || (p1.Y < pt.Y && p2.Y >= pt.Y))
      if (p1.X < pt.X && p2.X < pt.X)
        // If the segment is to the left of pt, then the ray extending leftwards from pt will intersect it.
        intersect = true;
        if ((p1.X < pt.X || p2.X < pt.X))
          // If either end of the segment is to the left of pt, calculate intersection (x only) of the 
          // ray from pt and the segment.  If the intersection (x only) is to the left of pt, then
          // the ray extending leftwards from pt will intersect it.
          double inverseSlope = (p1.X - p2.X) / (p1.Y - p2.Y);
          double intersectionX = (pt.Y - p1.Y) * inverseSlope + p1.X;
          if (intersectionX < pt.X)
            intersect = true;
  return intersect;

public static bool PointOnSegment(Position p1, Position p2, Position pt)
  // Obviously, this is not really going to tell us if pt is on the segment p1->p2.  I am still
  // working on that.  For testing the PointInPolygon algorithm, I can still simulate the "on"
  // case by passing in a pt that is equal to one of the points on the polygon.
  return (pt == p1 || pt == p2);

public static PointInPolygonLocation PointInPolygon(IEnumerable<Position> pts, GTPosition pt)
  // Implemention of the Jordan Curve theorem to determine if a point is in a polygon.  In essence,
  // this algorithm extends a ray infinitely from pt.  In my implementation I am extending to the left.
  // If the point is inside the polygon, then the ray will intersect the polygon a odd number of times.
  // If the point is outside the polygon, then the ray will intersect the polygon an even number of times.
  // Ideally, we would be able to report not only if the point is inside or outside of the polygon, but
  // also if it is "on" the polygon (i.e. it lies on one of the segments).  Note that "on" and 
  // inside/outside are exlusive.  The point is either on the polygon or it is inside or outside, it
  // cannot be "inside and on" or "outside and on".
  // So, the algorithm is as follows:
  // 1.  Consider the points of the polygon as pairs making up the segments (p1->p2, p2->p3, etc).
  // 2.  For each segment, perform two calculations:  
  //       Does the ray extending left from pt intersect the segment?
  //       Is pt on the segment p[i], p[i+1]?
  // 3.  Count the total number of intersections.  If odd, point is inside.  If even, point is outside.
  // 4.  Here is the tricky part, if the point is on any segment, then we can stop.  If it is on the 
  //     first segment, then there is no need to go through the on/off calculation and the intersection
  //     calculation for the rest of the segments.
  var result = pts.Pairwise( (p1, p2) =>
                           int intersect = 0;
                           int on = 0;

                           on = PointOnSegment(p1, p2, pt) ? 1 : 0;
                           if (on == 0)
                             //Don't really need to determine intersection if we already know that pt is on p1->p2.
                             intersect = PointIntersectSegment(p1, p2, pt) ? 1 : 0;
                           return new { on, intersect };
                         .TakeWhileInclusive((item) => item.on == 0) //Only consider segments until (or if) pt is on a segment.
                         .Aggregate((curr, next) => new     //Keep a running total of how many intersections.
                                                      on = curr.on + next.on, 
                                                      intersect = curr.intersect + next.intersect 
  if (result.on != 0)
    return PointInPolygonLocation.On;
    return result.intersect % 2 == 0 ? PointInPolygonLocation.Outside : PointInPolygonLocation.Inside;
返回(pt==p1 | | pt==p2);
公共静态点多边形位置点多边形(IEnumerable pt,GTPosition pt)
// 1。将多边形的点视为构成段的两个点(P1->P2,P2--P3,等)。
int intersect=0;
int on=0;
// Mimic TakeWhile's overload which takes an index as a parameter to the predicate.
public static IEnumerable<T> TakeWhileInclusive<T>(this IEnumerable<T> seq, Func<T, int, bool> predicate)
  int i = 0;
  foreach( T e in seq)
    if (!predicate(e,i))
      // If here, then this is first item to fail predicate.  Yield this item and then break.
      yield return e;
      yield break;
    // yield each item from the input sequence until end of sequence or first failure (see above).
    yield return e;

// First saw this here: http://blog.foxxtrot.net/2009/06/inclusively-take-elements-using-linq-and-custom-extensions.html
// TakeWhileInclusive - IEnumerable extension to mimic TakeWhile, but also to return the first
// item that failed the predicate.
// e.g.  seq = 1 2 3 4
// TakeWhile(p => p != 3) will yield 1 2
// TakeWhileInclusive(p => p != 3) will yield 1 2 3
// e.g.  seq = 0 0 0 1 0
// TakeWhile(p => p == 0) will yield 0 0 0
// TakeWhileInclusive(p => p == 0) will yield 0 0 0 1
// Similar to TakeUntil from here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2242318/how-could-i-take-1-more-item-from-linqs-takewhile
public static IEnumerable<T> TakeWhileInclusive<T>(this IEnumerable<T> seq, Func<T, bool> predicate)
  return seq.Select((x, i) => new { Item = x, Index = i })
            .TakeWhileInclusive((x, i) => predicate(x.Item))
            .Select(x => x.Item);
   public static PointInPolygonLocation PointInPolygon(IEnumerable<Position> pts, Position pt)
        bool isIn = pts.Pairwise((p1, p2) => Tuple.Create(p1, p2)).Any(tuple => tuple.Item1.Y != tuple.Item2.Y &&
        ((tuple.Item1.Y >= pt.Y && tuple.Item2.Y < pt.Y) || (tuple.Item1.Y < pt.Y && tuple.Item2.Y >= pt.Y))
        && ((tuple.Item1.X < tuple.Item1.X && tuple.Item2.X < pt.X) || ((pt.Y - tuple.Item1.Y) * ((tuple.Item1.X - tuple.Item2.X) / (tuple.Item1.Y - tuple.Item2.Y)) * tuple.Item1.X) < pt.X));
        return isIn ? PointInPolygonLocation.Inside : PointInPolygonLocation.Outside;
   public static PointInPolygonLocation PointInPolygon(IEnumerable<Position> pts, Position pt)
        bool isIn = pts.Pairwise((p1, p2) => Tuple.Create(p1, p2)).Any(tuple => ReadablePredicate(tuple.Item1, tuple.Item2, pt));
        return isIn ? PointInPolygonLocation.Inside : PointInPolygonLocation.Outside;
    public static bool ReadablePredicate(Position p1, Position p2, Position pt)
        if (p1.Y == p2.Y)
            return false;
        if (!((p1.Y >= pt.Y && p2.Y < pt.Y) || (p1.Y < pt.Y && p2.Y >= pt.Y)))
            return false;
        if (p1.X < pt.X && p2.X < pt.X) // Originally was (p1.X < p1.X && ...). that makes no sense, so I assumed you meant p1.X < pt.X
            return true;
        if ((p1.X < pt.X || p2.X < pt.X) && ((pt.Y - p1.Y) * ((p1.X - p2.X) / (p1.Y - p2.Y)) * p1.X) < pt.X)
            return true;
        return false;