C# 无论您在IOS设备上触按何处,Unity project角色都只能单向移动

C# 无论您在IOS设备上触按何处,Unity project角色都只能单向移动,c#,ios,unity3d,2d,C#,Ios,Unity3d,2d,这是我在unity中创建的2D游戏中触摸IOS设备时的移动代码。但当我运行它时,游戏会加载,但当我触到右侧时,他会向左移动,当我触到左侧时,他也会向左移动 我已经使用了ScreenToWorldPoint,但它似乎不起作用,他只会朝一个方向移动 void PlayerWalkMobile() { // force by which we will push the player float force = 0.0f; // the players velocity



 void PlayerWalkMobile()

    // force by which we will push the player
    float force = 0.0f;
    // the players velocity
    float velocity = Mathf.Abs(GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().velocity.x);

    if (Input.touchCount > 0)


        Touch h = Input.touches[0];

        Vector2 position = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector2(h.position.x, h.position.y));

        Debug.Log("the postion of the touch is " + h.position);

        if (position.x > 0)

            // if the velocity of the player is less than the maxVelocity
            if (velocity < maxVelocity)
                force = speed;

            // turn the player to face right
            Vector3 scale = transform.localScale;
            scale.x = 1;
            transform.localScale = scale;

            // animate the walk
            animator.SetInteger("walk", 1);

        else if (position.x < 0)

            // if the velocity of the player is less than the maxVelocity
            if (velocity < maxVelocity)
                force = -speed;

            // turn the player to face right
            Vector3 scale = transform.localScale;
            scale.x = -1;
            transform.localScale = scale;

            // animate the walk
            animator.SetInteger("walk", 1);

        // add force to rigid body to move the player
        GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().AddForce(new Vector2(force, 0));

        // set the idle animation
        if (h.phase == TouchPhase.Ended)
            animator.SetInteger("walk", 0);

    } // if Input.touchCount > 0



Vector2 position = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector2(h.position.x, h.position.y));