C# xml中特殊字符的正则表达式模式匹配

C# xml中特殊字符的正则表达式模式匹配,c#,xml,C#,Xml,我试图从包含特殊字符的xml中收集所有值,因为XmlDocunemt和XDocument抛出异常读取xml在c#中包含特殊字符 我得到了一个xml字符串 <root>\n\t<childone>\n\t\t<attributeone name=\"aa\">aa</attributeone>\n\t\t<attributetwo adds=\"ba\">ab&\"'<</attributetwo>\n\t\t&



<root>\n\t<childone>\n\t\t<attributeone name=\"aa\">aa</attributeone>\n\t\t<attributetwo adds=\"ba\">ab&\"'<</attributetwo>\n\t\t<attributeone name=\"aa\">&</attributeone>\n\t</childone>\n</root>


string pat = @"(>)([&\""\'<]+)(<)(/)";
Match match = Regex.Match(input, pat, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
\t\t<attributeone name=\"aa\">aa</attributeone>\n
\t\t<attributetwo adds=\"ba\">ab&\"'<</attributetwo>\n
\t\t<attributeone name=\"aa\">&</attributeone>\n
class Program
    private const string BrokenXml = 
        "<root>\n" +
        "\t<childone>\n" +
        "\t\t<attributeone name=\"aa\">aa</attributeone>\n" +
        "\t\t<attributetwo adds=\"ba\">ab&\"'<</attributetwo>\n" +
        "\t\t<attributeone name=\"aa\">&</attributeone>\n" +
        "\t<empty />\n" +
        "\t</childone>\n" +

    // Matches an opening tag with 0 or more attributes, and captures everything within "<...>" as Groups[1].
    // Unescaped regex looks like: <(\w+(?:\s+\w+="[^"]*")?)>
    private static Regex OpenTagRegex = new Regex("<(\\w+(?:\\s+\\w+=\"[^\"]*\")?)>");

    // Matches a close tag and captures everything within "<...>" as Groups[1].
    private static Regex CloseTagRegex = new Regex("<(/\\w+)>");

    // Matches an empty tag and captures everything within "<...>" as Groups[1].
    private static Regex EmptyTagRegex = new Regex("<(\\w+\\s*/)>");

    public static void Main(string[] args)
        //Replace the angular brackets (<>) of all valid xml elements with curly brackets ({})
        string step1 = OpenTagRegex.Replace(BrokenXml, ReplaceMatch);
        string step2 = CloseTagRegex.Replace(step1, ReplaceMatch);
        string step3 = EmptyTagRegex.Replace(step2, ReplaceMatch);

        //Fix the remaining special characters with their xml entity counterparts:
        string step4 = step3.Replace("&", "&amp;");
        string step5 = step4.Replace("<", "&lt;");
        string step6 = step5.Replace(">", "&gt;");

        //Convert from curly braces xml back to regular xml
        string result = step6.Replace("{", "<").Replace("}", ">");


        Console.WriteLine("Press enter to exit...");

    /// <summary>
    /// Matches the MatchEvaluator signature.
    /// </summary>
    private static string ReplaceMatch(Match match)
        string contentWithoutAngularBrackets = match.Groups[1].Value;
        return "{" + contentWithoutAngularBrackets + "}";