C# 如何在C中的另一个类中使用没有构造函数的类的方法#

C# 如何在C中的另一个类中使用没有构造函数的类的方法#,c#,mono,raspbian,raspberry-pi2,C#,Mono,Raspbian,Raspberry Pi2,我正在Mono上使用Libbcm2835.Net库@。我需要调用Bcm2835类的方法,该类在库中给出,如下所示: using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace LibBcm2835.Net { public sealed partial class Bcm2835 { //please note: I added the constructor below and tried to use it to /


using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace LibBcm2835.Net
  public sealed partial class Bcm2835
//please note: I added the constructor below and tried to use it to 
//instantiate the object to be used in ADS1256.cs, but to no avail. I tried: 
// Bcm2835 bcm2835 = new Bcm2835(1); And then invoking methods from bcm2835. 
//But that gives me "An object reference is needed to access the non-static 
//member ADS1256.bcm2835"
    public Bcm2835(int a ) { }  
    ....all the methods here-on being non-static...

using System;
using LibBcm2835.Net;
namespace ForceSeer2
    public class ADS1256

        public ADS1256()

         static Bcm2835 instance;
        public static Bcm2835 Instance {
            get { return instance;}
      //example of a method in this class that uses a method from the class 
        public static int initializeSPI ()
              //if i had done Bcm2835 bcm2835 = new Bcm2835(1); at the top, 
             //i would now do : if (bcm2835.bcm2835_init ()==0) instead of 
              //the upcoming line, leading then to the error: "An object 
             //reference is needed to access the non-static 
             //member ADS1256.bcm2835"
                if (Instance.bcm2835_init ()==0)
                    return -1;
                else {
                    Instance.bcm2835_spi_begin ();
                    Instance.bcm2835_spi_setBitOrder ((byte)Bcm2835.bcm2835SPIBitOrder.BCM2835_SPI_BIT_ORDER_LSBFIRST);
                    Instance.bcm2835_spi_setDataMode ((byte)Bcm2835.bcm2835SPIMode.BCM2835_SPI_MODE1);  //whats this about??
                    Instance.bcm2835_spi_setClockDivider ((ushort)Bcm2835.bcm2835SPIClockDivider.BCM2835_SPI_CLOCK_DIVIDER_256);//whats this about??
                    Instance.bcm2835_gpio_fsel ((byte)SPICS, (byte)Bcm2835.bcm2835FunctionSelect.BCM2835_GPIO_FSEL_OUTP);//whats this about??
                    Instance.bcm2835_gpio_set ((byte)SPICS);//sets SPICS to HIGH
                    Instance.bcm2835_gpio_fsel ((byte)DRDY, (byte)Bcm2835.bcm2835FunctionSelect.BCM2835_GPIO_FSEL_INPT);//whats this about??
                    Instance.bcm2835_gpio_set_pud ((byte)DRDY, (byte)Bcm2835.bcm2835PUDControl.BCM2835_GPIO_PUD_UP); //whats this about??

                    return 1;

if (Instance.bcm2835_init ()==0)



// Blinks on RPi Plug P1 pin 7 (which is GPIO 4)
const Byte pin = (byte)Bcm2835.RPiGPIOPin.RPI_V2_GPIO_P1_07;

// Will extract (from embedded resource) and compile the library 
// if it doesn't exist in the same directory as LibBcm2835.dll.

// Grabbing the instance will dynamically load the libbcm2835.so 
// library, so make sure it's there before accessing this property.
Bcm2835 bcm2835 = Bcm2835.Instance;


using System;
using LibBcm2835.Net;
namespace ForceSeer2
    public class ADS1256
        public ADS1256()

        private static Bcm2835 instance;
        private static object syncRoot = new Object();

        public static Bcm2835 Instance
                if(instance == null)
                        if(instance == null)
                            instance = new Bcm2835();

                return instance;

        //example of a method in this class that uses a method from the class 
        public static int initializeSPI ()
             //Your method implementation here

        //Other class members here

值传递给它即可。坦率地说,你的问题毫无意义……要调用非静态方法,你必须创建一个实例。因此,创建一个实例。如果这不起作用,你需要更好地解释为什么不起作用。@PeterDuniho你指的是这行:Bcm2835 Bcm2835=new Bcm2835(1);然后从bcm2835调用方法。但这给了我“访问非静态成员ADS1256.bcm2835需要对象引用”您发布的代码没有显示类的任何此类成员