C# 如果使用母版存在PDF,请单击“附加”页

C# 如果使用母版存在PDF,请单击“附加”页,c#,itext,C#,Itext,我使用以下方法获取两个pdf(CADPDF和TemplatePDF),并将它们叠加为另一个pdf(FinalPDF) 一切都很好,但是现在如果这个FinalPDF已经存在,我需要附加另一个页面。我已经将FileStream的FileMode更改为append,但是FinalPDF被覆盖而不是added 非常感谢您的指导。我使用内存流和字节[]数组在iTextSharp中获得了最佳效果。我使用PdfSmartCopy类生成了一个空白PDF,然后从不同的源中检索所需的元素作为字节[] 使用以下方法使






        public byte[] GetContentToMerge(string CADPDF, string TemplatePDF, string oldData, string newData, string jobNumber, string customer, string designer, string date)

        using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())

            PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(TemplatePDF);
            PdfReader reader2 = new PdfReader(CADPDF);

            // Use a Memory stream instead of a filestream 
            PdfStamper stamper = new PdfStamper(reader, ms);

            //PSModel psModel = powerSHAPE.ActiveModel;


                AcroFields fields = stamper.AcroFields;

                fields.SetField("oldDataField", oldData);
                fields.SetField("newDataField", newData);
                fields.SetField("jobNumberField", jobNumber);
                fields.SetField("customerField", customer);
                fields.SetField("dateField", date);
                fields.SetField("designerField", designer);
                stamper.FormFlattening = false;

                PdfImportedPage page = stamper.GetImportedPage(reader2, 1);
                PdfContentByte cb;

                cb = stamper.GetOverContent(1);
                cb.AddTemplate(page, 0, -1f, 1f, 0, 0, reader.GetPageSizeWithRotation(1).Height);


                // The content you wanted to create is in a memory stream. 
                // It can bee appended to a PDF as a byte[] 
                byte[] ContentToAppend = ms.ToArray();
                return ContentToAppend;

                System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Unable to merge drawing with template!");                    


        // If we made it here, something went wrong.
        return new byte[0];

        public void MergePDFs(string CADPDF, string TemplatePDF, string FinalPDF, string oldData, string newData, string jobNumber, string customer, string designer, string date)
            using (Document oDoc = new Document())
            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())

                PdfSmartCopy oPDF = new PdfSmartCopy(oDoc, ms);

                // If the FinalPDF file already exists, load it's data into the PDF 1st.
                if (File.Exists(FinalPDF))
                    byte[] bytesFinalPDF = File.ReadAllBytes(FinalPDF);
                    oPDF.AddDocument(new PdfReader(bytesFinalPDF));
                // If it doesn't exist, the oPDF is blank at this point.

                // Second  add the CAD and Template data to the PDF
                // We do this by calling the GetContentToMerge method which returns the byte array of data that was created using the stamper.
                byte[] ContentToAdd = GetContentToMerge(CADPDF, TemplatePDF, oldData, newData, jobNumber, customer, designer, date);
                if (ContentToAdd.Length > 0)
                    oPDF.AddDocument(new PdfReader(ContentToAdd));


                // Take whatever went into oPDF object's memory stream and write it to a file with path FinalPDF
                File.WriteAllBytes(FinalPDF, ms.ToArray());


无效PDF中的t(无论Adobe Reader是否识别它,这是另一回事)。这看起来正是我需要的。非常感谢!
        public void MergePDFs(string CADPDF, string TemplatePDF, string FinalPDF, string oldData, string newData, string jobNumber, string customer, string designer, string date)
            using (Document oDoc = new Document())
            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())

                PdfSmartCopy oPDF = new PdfSmartCopy(oDoc, ms);

                // If the FinalPDF file already exists, load it's data into the PDF 1st.
                if (File.Exists(FinalPDF))
                    byte[] bytesFinalPDF = File.ReadAllBytes(FinalPDF);
                    oPDF.AddDocument(new PdfReader(bytesFinalPDF));
                // If it doesn't exist, the oPDF is blank at this point.

                // Second  add the CAD and Template data to the PDF
                // We do this by calling the GetContentToMerge method which returns the byte array of data that was created using the stamper.
                byte[] ContentToAdd = GetContentToMerge(CADPDF, TemplatePDF, oldData, newData, jobNumber, customer, designer, date);
                if (ContentToAdd.Length > 0)
                    oPDF.AddDocument(new PdfReader(ContentToAdd));


                // Take whatever went into oPDF object's memory stream and write it to a file with path FinalPDF
                File.WriteAllBytes(FinalPDF, ms.ToArray());