C# 在运行时解决,因此即使在编码时,您无法看到intellisense显示字段,只要字段正确,它也会工作。

C# 在运行时解决,因此即使在编码时,您无法看到intellisense显示字段,只要字段正确,它也会工作。,c#,linq-to-sql,C#,Linq To Sql,更新2之后: 您可能可以将嵌套的foreach简化为一些linq。比如: PropertyInfo[] props = typeof(MyUserData).GetProperties(); var results = from info in userInfo from p in props where listOfFields.Contains(p.Name)



        PropertyInfo[] props = typeof(MyUserData).GetProperties();

        var results = from info in userInfo
                      from p in props
                      where listOfFields.Contains(p.Name)
                      select new
                          FieldName= p.Name,
                          UserId= info.UserId,
                          FieldValue= p.GetValue(info, null)

        foreach (var item in results)
            Console.WriteLine("(userId = {0}) {1} = {2}", item.UserId, item.FieldName, item.FieldValue);

foreach(string userID in listOfUserIDs)
    //dataBase is a Datacontext
    var userInfo = dataBase.myTable
                   .Where("user_id == @0", userID)
                   .Select("New(" + strFields + ")");

    foreach(var user in userInfo)
IEnumerable<myTable> userInfo = dataBase.ExecuteQuery<myTable>
("select " + Fields + " from myTable where userID in                 
(" + userNames + ")");
    foreach(var x in userinfo)
var dataInfo = dataBase.myTable
                       .Where("userID == @0", "(" + userIDs + ")")
                       .Select("New(" + fields + ")");
foreach (var prop in userInfo.GetType().GetProperties())
    Console.WriteLine("Property name: " + prop.Name);
    Console.WriteLine("Property value: " + prop.GetValue(userInfo, null));
using (MyDataContext db = new MyDataContext()) {

    var results = (from m in db.MyTable
                   where m.UserId == userId
                   select m);

    // Loop over all of the rows returned by the previous query and do something with it
    foreach (var m in results) {
        // m represents a single row in the results, do something with it.

using (MyDataContext db = new MyDataContext()) {

    var singleResult = (from m in db.MyTable
                        where m.UserId == userId
                        select m).SingleOrDefault();

    // Do something with the single result
    if (singleResult != null) {

using (MyDataContext db = new MyDataContext()) {

    // Build out your base query, which would return everything from MyTable
    var results = (from m in db.MyTable
                   select m);

    // Check each textbox for a value to filter by.  Add the filter to the base
    // query where necessary.    

    if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtUserId.Text)) {
        results = results.Where(x => x.UserId == (int) txtUserId.Text);

    if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtFirstName.Text)) {
        results = results.Where(x => x.FirstName == txtFirstName.Text);

    if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtLastName.Text)) {
        results = results.Where(x => x.LastName == txtLastName.Text);

    // Loop over all of the rows returned by the previous query and do something with it.  
    // THIS is the actual point that the SQL would be generated from the query you've 
    // built and executed against the DB.  The elements returned by `results` 
    // should only meet all of the filters that you the user entered for one or
    // more of the fields.  Not entering any data would have resulted in all rows being
    // returned
    foreach (var m in results) {
        // m represents a single row in the results, do something with it.

IEnumerable<dynamic> userInfo = (from user in users
                                 where user.id equals userId
                                 select new { user.name, user.id /*, ...*/ }).ToList();

foreach (dynamic user in userInfo)
        PropertyInfo[] props = typeof(MyUserData).GetProperties();

        var results = from info in userInfo
                      from p in props
                      where listOfFields.Contains(p.Name)
                      select new
                          FieldName= p.Name,
                          UserId= info.UserId,
                          FieldValue= p.GetValue(info, null)

        foreach (var item in results)
            Console.WriteLine("(userId = {0}) {1} = {2}", item.UserId, item.FieldName, item.FieldValue);