C# WPF附加属性内容控件

C# WPF附加属性内容控件,c#,wpf,attached-properties,visualtreehelper,C#,Wpf,Attached Properties,Visualtreehelper,我有一个附加属性为WPF应用程序中的各种uielements提供上下文帮助 附加属性设置为边框控件的子属性,该控件是用于提供上下文相关帮助的弹出控件的子属性 问题是,根据附加属性所附加的UIEelment,颜色前景颜色默认为随机对象 我想这是因为content属性使用了附加控件的可视树 如何强制content属性重新评估前台、字体等的默认属性 这是基于这篇文章的: 最终可能是我的派生弹出类需要修复。我一直在寻找一个更好的方法来实现我的弹出窗口,但还没有找到它 下面是所有有趣的代码。从弹出类开始










public class HelpPopup : Popup
    private readonly ContentPresenter mContentPresenter = new ContentPresenter();
    private readonly Border mBorder = new Border();
    private readonly ContentControl mControl = new ContentControl();

    public HelpPopup()
        mBorder.Child = mContentPresenter;
        mControl.Content = mBorder;
        Child = mControl;

        // no background for content control...
        mControl.Background = null;
        mControl.Foreground = SystemColors.ControlTextBrush;

        AllowsTransparency = true;

    #region Content Dependency Property

    public static readonly DependencyProperty ContentProperty = ContentControl.ContentProperty.AddOwner(typeof (HelpPopup), new PropertyMetadata(default(object), ContentChanged));

    private static void ContentChanged(DependencyObject obj, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
        HelpPopup src = obj as HelpPopup;

        if (src != null)
            // simply update content to match that what's being set..
            src.mContentPresenter.Content = e.NewValue;

    public object Content
            object res = default(object);

            if (CheckAccess() != false)
                res = (object) GetValue(ContentProperty);
                Dispatcher.Invoke(() => res = (object) GetValue(ContentProperty));

            return res;
            if (CheckAccess() != false)
                SetValue(ContentProperty, value);
                Dispatcher.Invoke(() => SetValue(ContentProperty, value));


    #region Background Dependency Property

    public static readonly DependencyProperty BackgroundProperty = 
                    Border.BackgroundProperty.AddOwner(typeof (HelpPopup), new PropertyMetadata(default(Brush), BackgroundChanged));

    private static void BackgroundChanged(DependencyObject obj, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
        HelpPopup src = obj as HelpPopup;

        if (src != null)
            src.mBorder.Background = e.NewValue as Brush;

    public Brush Background
            Brush res = default(Brush);

            if (CheckAccess() != false)
                res = (Brush) GetValue(BackgroundProperty);
                Dispatcher.Invoke(() => res = (Brush) GetValue(BackgroundProperty));

            return res;
            if (CheckAccess() != false)
                SetValue(BackgroundProperty, value);
                Dispatcher.Invoke(() => SetValue(BackgroundProperty, value));


    #region Foreground Dependency Property

    public static readonly DependencyProperty ForegroundProperty = Control.ForegroundProperty.AddOwner(
        typeof (HelpPopup), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(Brushes.Black, ForegroundChanged));

    private static void ForegroundChanged(DependencyObject obj, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
        HelpPopup src = obj as HelpPopup;

        if (src != null)
            src.mControl.Foreground = e.NewValue as Brush;

    public Brush Foreground
            Brush res = default(Brush);

            if (CheckAccess() != false)
                res = (Brush) GetValue(ForegroundProperty);
                Dispatcher.Invoke(() => res = (Brush) GetValue(ForegroundProperty));

            return res;
            if (CheckAccess() != false)
                SetValue(ForegroundProperty, value);
                Dispatcher.Invoke(() => SetValue(ForegroundProperty, value));


    #region BorderBrush Dependency Property

    public static readonly DependencyProperty BorderBrushProperty = Border.BorderBrushProperty.AddOwner(
        typeof (HelpPopup),
        new PropertyMetadata(default(Brush), BorderBrushChanged));

    private static void BorderBrushChanged(DependencyObject obj, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
        HelpPopup src = obj as HelpPopup;

        if (src != null)
            src.mBorder.BorderBrush = e.NewValue as Brush;

    public Brush BorderBrush
            Brush res = default(Brush);

            if (CheckAccess() != false)
                res = (Brush) GetValue(BorderBrushProperty);
                Dispatcher.Invoke(() => res = (Brush) GetValue(BorderBrushProperty));

            return res;
            if (CheckAccess() != false)
                SetValue(BorderBrushProperty, value);
                Dispatcher.Invoke(() => SetValue(BorderBrushProperty, value));


    #region BorderThickness Dependency Property

    public static readonly DependencyProperty BorderThicknessProperty = Border.BorderThicknessProperty.AddOwner(
        typeof (HelpPopup),
        new PropertyMetadata(default(Thickness), BorderThicknessChanged));

    private static void BorderThicknessChanged(DependencyObject obj, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
        HelpPopup src = obj as HelpPopup;

        if (src != null)
            src.mBorder.BorderThickness = (Thickness) e.NewValue;

    public Thickness BorderThickness
            Thickness res = default(Thickness);

            if (CheckAccess() != false)
                res = (Thickness) GetValue(BorderThicknessProperty);
                Dispatcher.Invoke(() => res = (Thickness) GetValue(BorderThicknessProperty));

            return res;
            if (CheckAccess() != false)
                SetValue(BorderThicknessProperty, value);
                Dispatcher.Invoke(() => SetValue(BorderThicknessProperty, value));


    #region CornerRadius Dependency Property

    public static readonly DependencyProperty CornerRadiusProperty = Border.CornerRadiusProperty.AddOwner(
        typeof (HelpPopup),
        new PropertyMetadata(default(CornerRadius), CornerRadiusChanged));

    private static void CornerRadiusChanged(DependencyObject obj, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
        HelpPopup src = obj as HelpPopup;

        if (src != null)
            src.mBorder.CornerRadius = (CornerRadius) e.NewValue;

    public CornerRadius CornerRadius
            CornerRadius res = default(CornerRadius);

            if (CheckAccess() != false)
                res = (CornerRadius) GetValue(CornerRadiusProperty);
                Dispatcher.Invoke(() => res = (CornerRadius) GetValue(CornerRadiusProperty));

            return res;
            if (CheckAccess() != false)
                SetValue(CornerRadiusProperty, value);
                Dispatcher.Invoke(() => SetValue(CornerRadiusProperty, value));


    #region Padding Dependency Property

    public static readonly DependencyProperty PaddingProperty = Border.PaddingProperty.AddOwner(
        typeof (HelpPopup),
        new PropertyMetadata(default(Thickness), PaddingChanged));

    private static void PaddingChanged(DependencyObject obj, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
        HelpPopup src = obj as HelpPopup;

        if (src != null)
            src.mBorder.Padding = (Thickness) e.NewValue;

    public Thickness Padding
            Thickness res = default(Thickness);

            if (CheckAccess() != false)
                res = (Thickness) GetValue(PaddingProperty);
                Dispatcher.Invoke(() => res = (Thickness) GetValue(PaddingProperty));

            return res;
            if (CheckAccess() != false)
                SetValue(PaddingProperty, value);
                Dispatcher.Invoke(() => SetValue(PaddingProperty, value));


    static HelpPopup()
        DefaultStyleKeyProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(HelpPopup), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(typeof(HelpPopup)));

class Help
    struct HelpActiveInfo
        private EventHandler Handler { get; set; }
        private UIElement Element { get; set; }
        private DependencyPropertyDescriptor Descriptor { get; set; }

        public HelpActiveInfo(UIElement element, DependencyProperty property, EventHandler handler) : this()
            if (element == null)
                throw new InvalidArgumentValue("element", "element cannot be null");

            Element = element;

            if (handler == null)
                throw new InvalidArgumentValue("handler", "handler cannot be null");

            Handler = handler;

            if (property == null)
                throw new InvalidArgumentValue("property", "property cannot be null");

            Descriptor = DependencyPropertyDescriptor.FromProperty(property, typeof(UIElement));

        public void AddHandler()
            if (Handler != null)
                if (Descriptor != null)
                    if (Element != null)
                        Descriptor.AddValueChanged(Element, Handler);

        public void RemoveHandler()
            if (Handler != null)
                if (Descriptor != null)
                    if (Element != null)
                        Descriptor.RemoveValueChanged(Element, Handler);

    private readonly static Dictionary<UIElement, HelpActiveInfo> smChangeMap = new Dictionary<UIElement, HelpActiveInfo>(); 

    #region Help Attached Property

    public static readonly DependencyProperty HelpProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("Help", typeof(UIElement), typeof(Help), new PropertyMetadata(default(UIElement), HelpChanged));

    private static void HelpChanged(DependencyObject obj, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
        UIElement ui = obj as UIElement;

        if (ui != null)
            HelpActiveInfo hi;
            HelpWindow h = GetParentWindow(ui) as HelpWindow;

            if (smChangeMap.TryGetValue(ui, out hi) != false)

            // if have help window, and the new help is not null
            // then monitor help active property to decide when to 
            // add adorner to the element....
            if ((h != null) && (e.NewValue != null))
                hi = new HelpActiveInfo(h, HelpWindow.HelpActiveProperty,
                    (sender, args) =>
                        AdornerLayer al = AdornerLayer.GetAdornerLayer(ui);

                        if (al != null)
                            Adorner[] adorners = al.GetAdorners(ui);

                            // remove and existing help adorners
                            if (adorners != null)
                                List<Adorner> rl = adorners.Where(a => a.GetType() == typeof (HelpAdorner)).ToList();

                                foreach (var r in rl)

                            // no adorners, add new one if needed
                            if (h.HelpActive != false)
                                HelpAdorner ha = new HelpAdorner(ui);


                smChangeMap[ui] = hi;

    public static void SetHelp(DependencyObject element, UIElement value)
        element.SetValue(HelpProperty, value);

    public static UIElement GetHelp(DependencyObject element)
        return (UIElement)element.GetValue(HelpProperty);

    #region Glow Brush Attached Property
    public static readonly DependencyProperty GlowBrushProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached(
        "GlowBrush", typeof (Brush), typeof (Help), new PropertyMetadata(new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red) { Opacity = 0.3 }));

    public static void SetGlowBrush(DependencyObject element, Brush value)
        element.SetValue(GlowBrushProperty, value);

    public static Brush GetGlowBrush(DependencyObject element)
        return (Brush) element.GetValue(GlowBrushProperty);

    #region helpers
    public static Window GetParentWindow(DependencyObject child)
        Window res = null;

        if (child != null)
            DependencyObject parentObject = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(child);

            res = parentObject as Window ?? GetParentWindow(parentObject);

        return res;

public class HelpWindow : Window
    private DependencyObject CurrentHelpObject { get; set; }
    private HelpPopup CurrentHelpPopup { get; set; }

    public HelpWindow()
        CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(ApplicationCommands.Help,
            (x, y) =>
                HelpActive = (HelpActive == false);
            (x, y) =>
                y.CanExecute = true;

        Loaded += OnLoaded;

    private void OnLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs routedEventArgs)

    private void InitHelpSystem(DependencyObject obj)
        // Continue recursive toggle. Using the VisualTreeHelper works nicely.
        for (int x = 0; x < VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(obj); x++)
            DependencyObject child = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(obj, x);

        UIElement help = obj.GetValue(Help.HelpProperty) as UIElement;

        if (help != null)
            // force a reset of the property because window is up and running
            obj.SetValue(Help.HelpProperty, null);
            obj.SetValue(Help.HelpProperty, help);

    // Return the result of the hit test to the callback.
    private readonly Stack<DependencyObject> mHitTestCollection = new Stack<DependencyObject>();

    public HitTestResultBehavior HitTestResult(HitTestResult result)
        DependencyObject d = result.VisualHit;

        if (d != null)

        // Set the behavior to return visuals at all z-order levels. 
        return HitTestResultBehavior.Continue;

    private void OnMouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
        object content = null;
        DependencyObject checkHelpObject = null;
        List<UIElement> dl = new List<UIElement>();


        // You can check the HelpActive property if desired, however 
        // the listener should not be hooked up so this should not be firing
        VisualTreeHelper.HitTest(sender as Visual, null, new HitTestResultCallback(HitTestResult), new PointHitTestParameters(e.GetPosition(this)));

        // walk the list find the objects (or the parents that have 
        while (mHitTestCollection.Count > 0)
            DependencyObject d = mHitTestCollection.Pop();

            if (d != null)
                object c = null;
                UIElement oc = null;

                // find the content property for this one...
                while ((c == null) && (Equals(d, this) == false))
                    oc = d as UIElement;

                    if (oc != null)
                        c = oc.GetValue(Help.HelpProperty) as DependencyObject;

                    d = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(d);

                if (c != null)
                    // remove the containing control if it already is n the list
                    if (dl.Contains(oc) != false)

                    // then add it to the list
                    // this ensures that top of the list is always the lowest seen 
                    // object that implements the attached property

        // go get the object to use
        checkHelpObject = dl.FirstOrDefault();

        // fetch content
        content = (checkHelpObject != null) ? checkHelpObject.GetValue(Help.HelpProperty) : null;

        // and process fetched content...
        if ((content == null) && (CurrentHelpPopup != null))
            CurrentHelpPopup.IsOpen = false;
            CurrentHelpPopup = null;
            CurrentHelpObject = null;
            if ((content != null) && (Equals(CurrentHelpObject, checkHelpObject) == false))
                CurrentHelpObject = checkHelpObject;

                // New visual "stack" hit, close old popup, if any
                if (CurrentHelpPopup != null)
                    CurrentHelpPopup.IsOpen = false;

                CurrentHelpPopup = new HelpPopup()
                                       IsOpen = true,
                                       Content = content,
                                       AllowsTransparency = true,
                                       PopupAnimation = PopupAnimation.Fade,
                                       PlacementTarget = (UIElement)checkHelpObject

    #region HelpActive Dependency Property

    public static readonly DependencyProperty HelpActiveProperty =
        DependencyProperty.Register("HelpActive", typeof (bool), typeof (HelpWindow),
            new PropertyMetadata(default(bool), HelpActiveChanged));

    private static void HelpActiveChanged(DependencyObject obj, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
        HelpWindow src = obj as HelpWindow;

        if (src != null)
            if (src.CurrentHelpPopup != null)
                src.CurrentHelpPopup.IsOpen = false;

            src.CurrentHelpObject = null;
            src.CurrentHelpPopup = null;

            // enable/disable mouse move handlers...
            if (((bool) e.OldValue) != false)
                src.MouseMove -= src.OnMouseMove;

            if (((bool)e.NewValue) != false)
                src.MouseMove += src.OnMouseMove;

    public bool HelpActive
            bool res = default(bool);

            if (CheckAccess() != false)
                res = (bool) GetValue(HelpActiveProperty);
                Dispatcher.Invoke(() => res = (bool) GetValue(HelpActiveProperty));

            return res;
            if (CheckAccess() != false)
                SetValue(HelpActiveProperty, value);
                Dispatcher.Invoke(() => SetValue(HelpActiveProperty, value));
