C# “classwhere T:IList”和类型为“IList”的字段之间有什么区别

C# “classwhere T:IList”和类型为“IList”的字段之间有什么区别,c#,generics,inheritance,C#,Generics,Inheritance,这两者有什么区别,正确的是什么 public interface IMessage { /// <summary> /// Array used to hold all bytes that will be written. /// </summary> IList Buffer { get; set; } } 及 编辑1:已修复-接口上不能有字段。谢谢你 编辑2:已修复-接口上不能有封装。感谢KeithS如果不介意语法错误的话,它们在概


public interface IMessage
    /// <summary>
    /// Array used to hold all bytes that will be written.
    /// </summary>
    IList Buffer { get; set; }











//this class implements the non-generic interface, so buffer is an IList.
class MyMessage1: IMessage
   public IList buffer {get;set;}

   public MyMessage1()
      buffer = new List<string>();

      //even though you "know" what you just assigned, 
      //you cannot refer to buffer as a List<string>, even here.
      buffer.Sort(); //error


//The exact type of buffer cannot be known statically, 
//so only non-generic IList methods are allowed
var myMessage = new MyMessage1();
myMessage.buffer.Add("my message"); //valid; string literals are Objects
var firstLen = myMessage.buffer[0].Length; //error: indexer returns Objects.
myMessage.Sort(); //error: IList does not have a Sort() method.
firstLen = GetFirstLength(myMessage); //error: not an IMessage<List<string>>
//but, an IList is an IList no matter what, so this works.
myMessage.buffer = new List<int>(); 


//this class keeps the generic open so T can be any IList, determined at instantiation.
class MyMessage2<T>:IMessage<T> where T:IList
    public T buffer {get;set;}

    //buffer's exact type is still not known here,
    //so inside this class you are still restricted to IList members only
    public int BufferCount{get{return buffer.Count;}}

    public void SortBuffer()
       buffer.Sort(); //error; no such method


//but, once you define an instance, you know exactly what buffer is
var myMessage = new MyMessage2<List<string>>();
myMessage.buffer.Add("my message");
var firstLen = myMessage.buffer[0].Length; //now we know the indexer produces strings.
myMessage.buffer.Sort(); //buffer is known to be a List<T> which has Sort()
firstLen = GetFirstLength(myMessage);


//and when you pass it as a parameter, you can close the generic of the interface
public string GetFirstLength(IMessage<List<string>> message) 
   //...so you still know what you're dealing with
   return message.buffer[0].Length;


//however, buffer is now "strongly typed" and the implementation can't change
myMessage.buffer = new List<int>(); //error; buffer is of type List<string>


//this class closes the generic within the declaration.
class MyMessage3:IMessage<IList<string>>
   //now we're closing the generic in the implementation itself,
   //so internally we know exactly what we're dealing with
   public List<string> buffer {get;set;}

   //...so this call is valid
   public void SortBuffer() { buffer.Sort(); }

//...and consuming code doesn't have to (get to?) specify the implementation of T
var myMessage = new MyMessage3();
//... but still knows exactly what that implementation is
myMessage.buffer.Add("my message");
var firstLen = myMessage.buffer[0].Length;

//and btw, MyMessage3 is still an IMessage<List<string>>
firstLen = GetFirstLength(myMessage);

//... and buffer's still a strongly-typed List<string>
myMessage.buffer = new List<int>(); //error




//this class implements the non-generic interface, so buffer is an IList.
class MyMessage1: IMessage
   public IList buffer {get;set;}

   public MyMessage1()
      buffer = new List<string>();

      //even though you "know" what you just assigned, 
      //you cannot refer to buffer as a List<string>, even here.
      buffer.Sort(); //error


//The exact type of buffer cannot be known statically, 
//so only non-generic IList methods are allowed
var myMessage = new MyMessage1();
myMessage.buffer.Add("my message"); //valid; string literals are Objects
var firstLen = myMessage.buffer[0].Length; //error: indexer returns Objects.
myMessage.Sort(); //error: IList does not have a Sort() method.
firstLen = GetFirstLength(myMessage); //error: not an IMessage<List<string>>
//but, an IList is an IList no matter what, so this works.
myMessage.buffer = new List<int>(); 


//this class keeps the generic open so T can be any IList, determined at instantiation.
class MyMessage2<T>:IMessage<T> where T:IList
    public T buffer {get;set;}

    //buffer's exact type is still not known here,
    //so inside this class you are still restricted to IList members only
    public int BufferCount{get{return buffer.Count;}}

    public void SortBuffer()
       buffer.Sort(); //error; no such method


//but, once you define an instance, you know exactly what buffer is
var myMessage = new MyMessage2<List<string>>();
myMessage.buffer.Add("my message");
var firstLen = myMessage.buffer[0].Length; //now we know the indexer produces strings.
myMessage.buffer.Sort(); //buffer is known to be a List<T> which has Sort()
firstLen = GetFirstLength(myMessage);


//and when you pass it as a parameter, you can close the generic of the interface
public string GetFirstLength(IMessage<List<string>> message) 
   //...so you still know what you're dealing with
   return message.buffer[0].Length;


//however, buffer is now "strongly typed" and the implementation can't change
myMessage.buffer = new List<int>(); //error; buffer is of type List<string>


//this class closes the generic within the declaration.
class MyMessage3:IMessage<IList<string>>
   //now we're closing the generic in the implementation itself,
   //so internally we know exactly what we're dealing with
   public List<string> buffer {get;set;}

   //...so this call is valid
   public void SortBuffer() { buffer.Sort(); }

//...and consuming code doesn't have to (get to?) specify the implementation of T
var myMessage = new MyMessage3();
//... but still knows exactly what that implementation is
myMessage.buffer.Add("my message");
var firstLen = myMessage.buffer[0].Length;

//and btw, MyMessage3 is still an IMessage<List<string>>
firstLen = GetFirstLength(myMessage);

//... and buffer's still a strongly-typed List<string>
myMessage.buffer = new List<int>(); //error
