C# c如何从数组中检索对象作为值

C# c如何从数组中检索对象作为值,c#,arrays,object,C#,Arrays,Object,我正在尝试创建一个简单的“库存”系统,该系统存储项,键是项名称,其余信息存储为值。然而,我很难弄清楚如何阅读这些信息。例如,如果我有一个包含10个项目的列表,并且我想从下面概述的“电视”键中选择项目“类型”信息,我该怎么做 电视{大,5,3,假,动态,0.8,20} 创建一个item类来封装属性: public class InventoryItem { public string Name; public string Type; public int Amount;




public class InventoryItem
    public string Name;
    public string Type;
    public int Amount;
    public int CanHave; // you should consider renaming this - it's very unclear what this could mean
    public bool Clear;
    public string Effect;
    public float Modifier;
    public int Weight;

Dictionary<string, InventoryItem> inventory = new Dictionary<string, InventoryItem>();

inventory["television"] = new InventoryItem 
                                     Name = "television", Type = "large", Amount = 5,
                                     CanHave = 3, Clear = false, Effect = "dynamic",
                                     Modifier = 0.8, Weight = 20



public class InventoryItem
    public string ItemType { get; set; }
    public string ItemName { get; set; }
    public int ItemAmount { get; set; }
    public int ItemACanHave { get; set; }
    public bool ItemClear { get; set; }
    public string ItemEffect { get; set; }
    public float ItemModifier { get; set; }
    public int ItemWeight { get; set; }

public class Radio : InventoryItem

public class Television : InventoryItem

// TODO: add your derived classes

List<InventoryItem> InventoryItems = new List<InventoryItem>();

Console.WriteLine("Type of television is: ", inventory["television"].Type);
var largeTvType = inventory.InventoryItems.OfType<Television>()
    // filter by type (or other criteria)
    .Where(tv => tv.ItemType == "large")
    // select only the property your interested in (in the case below
    // it will be always "television" because that's part of the 
    // logic inside the OnAttempt_AddItem method's switch statement)
    .Select(tv => tv.ItemType);


是否有任何原因使您仍然使用非通用哈希表集合而不是字典?听起来您应该创建一个Item类来封装所有这些值。顺便说一句,我没有使用HashTable,但是使用自定义实体类有什么问题吗?我对C及其数组类型相当陌生。如果有更好的方法,如果有人能介绍给我,我将不胜感激。你熟悉OOP吗?为您的项目定义类,并使用通用字典创建结构良好且速度足够快的数据实体。您忘记了清单中的键。AddJust好奇-对类中的自动属性使用字段有什么好处吗?@Tommi:这取决于它的用途。您随时可以稍后重构它。尝试此方法时,我会收到一个错误-错误CS1525:意外的符号[',需要标识符“这是因为我上面提到的打字错误。索引器不应用逗号分隔,请将库存。[TV]替换为库存[TV]我能解释一下这个方法和@ChrisWue之间的区别吗?主要的区别是使用列表而不是字典。我认为如果您想按键获取项,这不是一个好主意。字典查找的复杂性是O1,而LINQ查询在普通情况下是打开的。此外,如果您愿意,您仍然可以使用字典的LINQ On.Values成员“需要。对于您想要实现的目标,有两种观点。我相信我们都根据自己的一些假设为您提供了一些示例。我们都使用了一个类来处理强类型对象。他使用字典集合,我使用的是列表。”。
protected virtual bool OnAttempt_AddItem(object args)
    // TODO: handle unboxing exceptions, size of the array etc
        object[] arr = (object[])args;
        switch (arr[0].ToString().ToLower())
            // TODO: add other types (Radio etc)
            case "television":
                var tv = new Television();
                tv.ItemType = (string)arr[0];
                tv.ItemName = (string)arr[1];
                tv.ItemAmount = (arr.Length == 2) ? (int)arr[2] : 1;
                tv.ItemACanHave = (arr.Length == 3) ? (int)arr[3] : 1;
                tv.ItemClear = (bool)arr[4];
                tv.ItemEffect = (string)arr[5];
                tv.ItemModifier = (float)arr[6];
                tv.ItemWeight = (int)arr[7];

                // enforce ability to have atleast 1 item of each type
                tv.ItemACanHave = Math.Max(1, tv.ItemACanHave);
                var genericItem = new InventoryItem();
                genericItem.ItemType = (string)arr[0];
                genericItem.ItemName = (string)arr[1];
                genericItem.ItemAmount = (arr.Length == 2) ? (int)arr[2] : 1;
                genericItem.ItemACanHave = (arr.Length == 3) ? (int)arr[3] : 1;
                genericItem.ItemClear = (bool)arr[4];
                genericItem.ItemEffect = (string)arr[5];
                genericItem.ItemModifier = (float)arr[6];
                genericItem.ItemWeight = (int)arr[7];

                // enforce ability to have atleast 1 item of each type
                genericItem.ItemACanHave = Math.Max(1, genericItem.ItemACanHave);
            //handle other cases
        return true;
    catch (Exception ex)
        // log the error
        return false;
var largeTvType = inventory.InventoryItems.OfType<Television>()
    // filter by type (or other criteria)
    .Where(tv => tv.ItemType == "large")
    // select only the property your interested in (in the case below
    // it will be always "television" because that's part of the 
    // logic inside the OnAttempt_AddItem method's switch statement)
    .Select(tv => tv.ItemType);