C# LDAP查询c中的LDAP注入#

C# LDAP查询c中的LDAP注入#,c#,security,asp.net-web-api,ldap,C#,Security,Asp.net Web Api,Ldap,这是我的bool连接,用于验证用户是否在广告组中。 我的密码里有个安全标志 private bool testconnection(string user) { bool isInGroup = false; if (user.Length <= 7 && user.All(char.IsLetterOrDigit)) { string groupName = "GroupNa

这是我的bool连接,用于验证用户是否在广告组中。 我的密码里有个安全标志

    private bool testconnection(string user)
        bool isInGroup = false;
        if (user.Length <= 7 && user.All(char.IsLetterOrDigit))
            string groupName = "GroupName";
            DirectoryEntry de = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://DC=mycompany,DC=com");
            DirectorySearcher searcher = new DirectorySearcher(de);
            searcher.Filter = "(&(objectClass=user)(|(cn=" + user + ")(sAMAccountName=" + user + ")))"; //When I'm concatenating the user name, here I got the security flag which is below.

            SearchResult result = searcher.FindOne();

            if (result != null)

                DirectoryEntry person = result.GetDirectoryEntry();
                PropertyValueCollection groups = person.Properties["memberof"];

                foreach (string g in groups)
                    if (g.Contains(groupName))
                        isInGroup = true;

        return isInGroup;
private bool testconnection(字符串用户)
如果(user.Length根据,则在称为.Net AntiXSS的某种独立库中提供了类