C# 从实体c获取Post(HTTP)值的正确方法#

C# 从实体c获取Post(HTTP)值的正确方法#,c#,entity-framework,asp.net-web-api,controller,C#,Entity Framework,Asp.net Web Api,Controller,所以,我是实体的新手。我试图发布一些值,但无法在另一个模型类中获取一个模型类的值。 如果我想做错事,我感谢任何关于正确方法的帮助 模型类1(resultados) 在我的控制器中,我接收一个值为“resultados”和值为“respLysholm”的对象,该对象是类“resultados”中的类。 我需要将“respLysholm”的值发送到数据库。现在,只剩下“resultados”值了 [HttpPost] [ResponseType(typeof(resultados))] public

所以,我是实体的新手。我试图发布一些值,但无法在另一个模型类中获取一个模型类的值。 如果我想做错事,我感谢任何关于正确方法的帮助


在我的控制器中,我接收一个值为“resultados”和值为“respLysholm”的对象,该对象是类“resultados”中的类。 我需要将“respLysholm”的值发送到数据库。现在,只剩下“resultados”值了

public async Task<IHttpActionResult> Postresultados([FromBody]resultados Resultados)

    if (!ModelState.IsValid)
        return BadRequest(ModelState);

    await db.SaveChangesAsync();

    respLysholm respostas = new respLysholm
        idPac = Resultados.perfilPac_idPac,
        resultados_idResult = Resultados.idResult

    \\this code doesnt work but is what i mean that i need.
    \\await db.SaveChangesAsync();



var science = new Class();
science.Name = "Sci-101";

science.Students.Add(new Student { Name = "Tom" });
science.Students.Add(new Student { Name = "Jerry" });

using (var dbCtx = new SchoolDBEntities())
    // Add the class

    // Save whole entity graph to the database.
    // You do not need to save the students separately since they are part
    // of the class. We have already added them to the class so saving the 
    // class will save the students added to the class as well.

所有这些代码都是由VS2017自动生成的。我创建了数据库,然后应用了数据库中的实体。就这个。但是代码只是在一个表中进行Post…我需要在多个表中进行Post…因此,我正在考虑“提取”值并添加到相应的数据库中。我使用Post值的主体进行了编辑。如果你能帮助我,我将不胜感激。。。thanksI是手工做的,但是太难看了<代码>respLysholm respostas=new respLysholm{idPac=Resultados.perfilPac_idPac,Resultados_idResult=Resultados.idResult,questao1=Resultados.respostasLysholm.questao1,questao2=Resultados.respostasLysholm.questao2,}
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> Postresultados([FromBody]resultados Resultados)

    if (!ModelState.IsValid)
        return BadRequest(ModelState);

    await db.SaveChangesAsync();

    respLysholm respostas = new respLysholm
        idPac = Resultados.perfilPac_idPac,
        resultados_idResult = Resultados.idResult

    \\this code doesnt work but is what i mean that i need.
    \\await db.SaveChangesAsync();

"respostasLysholm":{"idPac":1,"resultados_idResult":0 ,"questao1":3}}
var science = new Class();
science.Name = "Sci-101";

science.Students.Add(new Student { Name = "Tom" });
science.Students.Add(new Student { Name = "Jerry" });

using (var dbCtx = new SchoolDBEntities())
    // Add the class

    // Save whole entity graph to the database.
    // You do not need to save the students separately since they are part
    // of the class. We have already added them to the class so saving the 
    // class will save the students added to the class as well.