C# MVC:如果表没有值,我如何隐藏它

C# MVC:如果表没有值,我如何隐藏它,c#,asp.net-mvc,C#,Asp.net Mvc,您好,我是mvc的新手,我正在编写一份报告,该报告按国家和零售商获取数据-如果国家没有零售商,则会显示一个空表,列中显示0 我想要它做的是跳到下一个国家,而不显示该国的表格 我用过 ViewData["retailersForCountry"] = retailersForCountry; if (retailersForCountry == 0) { continue; } 但是表的页眉和页脚仍然显示在屏幕上——我怎么能完全隐藏它,然后只显示下一个带有值的表呢 控制器代码: case




ViewData["retailersForCountry"] = retailersForCountry;
if (retailersForCountry == 0)


case "CUMLEADS":
    // Report Title
    ViewData["title"] = reportRequest.Title;

    // Store the ReportRequest Id
    ViewData["reportRequestId"] = reportRequest.Id;

    // number Of COuntries so that we can set our outermost loop
    var numberOfCountriesCumLeads = Convert.ToInt32(_reportValueRepository.GetReportPair(reportRequest.Id, "numberOfCountries").Value);
    ViewData["numberOfCountries"] = numberOfCountriesCumLeads;

    // Our outermost country loop

    for (int cumLeadsI = 1; cumLeadsI <= numberOfCountriesCumLeads; cumLeadsI++)
        int cumulativeTotalForCountry = 0;

        // Get the number of Retailers for this country -check that the amount of retailers is not 0 if it is then skip to next country
        var retailersForCountry = Convert.ToInt32(_reportValueRepository.GetReportPair(reportRequest.Id, "retailersForCountry" + cumLeadsI).Value);
        //If retailerForCountry = 0 then go to next country - need to remove the header footer
        ViewData["retailersForCountry"] = retailersForCountry;
        if (retailersForCountry == 0)
        ViewData["retailersForCountry" + cumLeadsI] = retailersForCountry;

        var totalRetailPerCountry = new int[retailersForCountry + 1];

        for (int numRetailer = 1; numRetailer <= retailersForCountry; numRetailer++)
            ViewData["retailer" + numRetailer + "forCountry" + cumLeadsI + "Name"] = _reportValueRepository.GetReportPair(reportRequest.Id, "retailer" + numRetailer + "forCountry" + cumLeadsI + "Name").Value;

        // get the country name
        ViewData["country" + cumLeadsI + "Name"] = _reportValueRepository.GetReportPair(reportRequest.Id, "country" + cumLeadsI + "Name").Value;

        // We need to go through the dates in order

        // Create a loop that will go through the range of dates that we have in the request
        var myStartDate = reportRequest.StartDate;

        // I need to store in the view the total number of weeks that we are going to do, and then for each ith week store the week number and the date range for that week
        var actualEndDate = reportRequest.EndDate;
        TimeSpan timespan = actualEndDate.Subtract(myStartDate);
        int numberOfWeeks = timespan.Days / 7;
        ViewData["numberOfWeeks" + cumLeadsI] = numberOfWeeks;
        int cumLeadsJ = 1;

        while (myStartDate.CompareTo(reportRequest.EndDate) < 0)
            int totalForWeek = 0;
            var myEndDate = myStartDate.AddDays(6);
            if (myEndDate.CompareTo(reportRequest.EndDate) > 0)
                myEndDate = reportRequest.EndDate;

            // Store the Range of the data for display
            ViewData["weekRange" + cumLeadsI + "Range" + cumLeadsJ] = myStartDate.ToShortDateString() + "-" + myEndDate.ToShortDateString();

            // Go through each of the retailers for this date and this country to do 1 row
            DateTimeFormatInfo dfi = DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo;
            Calendar cal = dfi.Calendar;
            ViewData["weekNumber" + cumLeadsI + "Range" + cumLeadsJ] = cal.GetWeekOfYear(myStartDate, dfi.CalendarWeekRule, dfi.FirstDayOfWeek);

            // I need to loop thougth each of the retailers for this country and get the values for this myStartDate to put into the view
            for (int cumLeadsK = 1; cumLeadsK <= retailersForCountry; cumLeadsK++)
                var retailerForWeek = Convert.ToInt32(_reportValueRepository.GetReportPair(reportRequest.Id, "retailer" + cumLeadsK + "forCountry" + cumLeadsI + myStartDate + "Count").Value);
                ViewData["weekNumber" + cumLeadsI + "Range" + cumLeadsJ + "retailer" + cumLeadsK] = retailerForWeek;
                totalForWeek += retailerForWeek;
                totalRetailPerCountry[cumLeadsK] += retailerForWeek;

            ViewData["weekNumber" + cumLeadsI + "Range" + cumLeadsJ + "totalForWeek"] = totalForWeek;
            cumulativeTotalForCountry += totalForWeek;
            ViewData["weekNumber" + cumLeadsI + "Range" + cumLeadsJ + "cumulativeForWeek"] = cumulativeTotalForCountry;

            // Move onto the next week
            myStartDate = myStartDate.AddDays(7);

        int crossTotal = 0;
        // I need to loop though each of the retailers for this country and get the values for this myStartDate to put into the view
        for (int cumLeadsK = 1; cumLeadsK <= retailersForCountry; cumLeadsK++)
            crossTotal += totalRetailPerCountry[cumLeadsK];
            ViewData["retailerTotalForCountry" + cumLeadsI + "RetailerTotal" + cumLeadsK] = totalRetailPerCountry[cumLeadsK];

        ViewData["crossTotal" + cumLeadsI] = crossTotal;

        for (int cumLeadsK = 1; cumLeadsK <= retailersForCountry; cumLeadsK++)
            ViewData["percentageForRetailer" + cumLeadsI + "RetailerPercentage" + cumLeadsK] = Convert.ToDouble(totalRetailPerCountry[cumLeadsK]) / Convert.ToDouble(crossTotal) * 100.0;

        ViewData["numberOfWeeks"] = cumLeadsJ;
    return View(report.Code);
var numberOfCountriesCumLeads=Convert.ToInt32(_reportValueRepository.GetReportPair(reportRequest.Id,“numberOfCountries”).Value);

对于(int cumLeadsI=1;cumLeadsI简短回答:在打印表格之前检查集合的长度。 就你而言:

<% if(Convert.ToInt32(ViewData["retailersForCountry" + cumLeadsI]) > 0 ) {%>



<% if(Convert.ToInt32(ViewData["retailersForCountry" + cumLeadsI]) > 0 ) {%>