C# 有没有更好的方法来伪造静态类接口?

C# 有没有更好的方法来伪造静态类接口?,c#,design-patterns,factory-pattern,C#,Design Patterns,Factory Pattern,这种设计模式有意义吗?我最初有一个静态类,它为每个实现的算法返回一个HashFunction public delegate int HashFunction(int seed, params int[] keys); 但后来我意识到我需要几个元数据以及每个算法,所以我创建了这个接口: public interface IHashAlgorithm { HashFunction CalculateHash { get; } NoiseFunction CalculateNois


public delegate int HashFunction(int seed, params int[] keys);

public interface IHashAlgorithm
    HashFunction CalculateHash { get; }
    NoiseFunction CalculateNoise { get; }
    int Maximum { get; }
    int Minimum { get; }
public delegate double NoiseFunction(int seed, params int[] keys);

internal sealed class HashAlgorithm : IHashAlgorithm
    public HashAlgorithm(HashFunction function, int min, int max)
        CalculateHash = function;
        Minimum = min;
        Maximum = max;

    public HashFunction CalculateHash { get; private set; }

    public NoiseFunction CalculateNoise
        get { return Noise; }

    public int Maximum { get; private set; }
    public int Minimum { get; private set; }

    private double Noise(int seed, params int[] keys)
        return ((double)CalculateHash(seed, keys) - Minimum)/
            ((double)Maximum - Minimum + 1);

public interface IHashAlgorithm
    HashFunction CalculateHash { get; }
    NoiseFunction CalculateNoise { get; }
    int Maximum { get; }
    int Minimum { get; }
public delegate double NoiseFunction(int seed, params int[] keys);

internal sealed class HashAlgorithm : IHashAlgorithm
    public HashAlgorithm(HashFunction function, int min, int max)
        CalculateHash = function;
        Minimum = min;
        Maximum = max;

    public HashFunction CalculateHash { get; private set; }

    public NoiseFunction CalculateNoise
        get { return Noise; }

    public int Maximum { get; private set; }
    public int Minimum { get; private set; }

    private double Noise(int seed, params int[] keys)
        return ((double)CalculateHash(seed, keys) - Minimum)/
            ((double)Maximum - Minimum + 1);

public static class Hashing
    private static readonly IHashAlgorithm MurmurHash2Instance =
        new HashAlgorithm(MurmurHash2Hash, 0, int.MaxValue);

    private static readonly IHashAlgorithm ReSharperInstance =
        new HashAlgorithm(ReSharperHash, int.MinValue, int.MaxValue);

    public static IHashAlgorithm MurmurHash2
        get { return MurmurHash2Instance; }

    public static IHashAlgorithm ReSharper
        get { return ReSharperInstance; }

    private static int MurmurHash2Hash(int seed, params int[] keys)

    private static int ReSharperHash(int seed, params int[] keys)

public static class MurmurHash2 : IHashAlgorithm
    public static int Hash(int seed, params int[] keys) {...}





public class SomeBusinessLogic
   public Result HandleDocument(IDocument doc)
       // some transformations...

       int hash = Hashing.ReSharperHash.CalculateHash(seed, doc.Properties);

       // some other code ...
public class SomeBusinessLogic
   // injection in constructor
   public SomeBusinessLogic(IHashingAlgorithm hashing)
       // put hashing in a field of the class

   // OR injection in method itself, if hashing is only used in this method
   public Result HandleDocument(IDocument doc, IHashingAlgorithm hashing)
       // some transformations...

       int hash = hashing.CalculateHash(seed, doc.Properties);

       // some other code ...

  • 该类从未明确声明它依赖于哈希。您需要了解它的实现,才能对此进行推理。在这种情况下,这可能不是很重要,但如果其中一个哈希算法非常慢呢?或者如果它需要磁盘上的一些外部文件?或者它是否连接到某个外部哈希服务?调用

  • 如果要对特定文档使用其他哈希算法,则必须更改代码

  • 当您对它进行单元测试时,您需要同时测试文档处理逻辑和散列逻辑(应该已经由它自己的单元测试进行了测试)。如果您的测试将输出<代码>结果与资源中的某个值进行比较,并且该值包含哈希值,那么当您将其更改为其他哈希算法时,此函数的所有单元测试都将中断

  • public class SomeBusinessLogic
       public Result HandleDocument(IDocument doc)
           // some transformations...
           int hash = Hashing.ReSharperHash.CalculateHash(seed, doc.Properties);
           // some other code ...
    public class SomeBusinessLogic
       // injection in constructor
       public SomeBusinessLogic(IHashingAlgorithm hashing)
           // put hashing in a field of the class
       // OR injection in method itself, if hashing is only used in this method
       public Result HandleDocument(IDocument doc, IHashingAlgorithm hashing)
           // some transformations...
           int hash = hashing.CalculateHash(seed, doc.Properties);
           // some other code ...


    public interface IHashAlgorithm
        int CalculateHash(int seed, params int[] keys);
        int CalculateNoise(int seed, params int[] keys);
        int Maximum { get; }
        int Minimum { get; }
    public static class StatelessHashAlgorithms
        private static readonly IHashAlgorithm MurmurHash2Instance =
            new HashAlgorithm(MurmurHash2Hash, 0, int.MaxValue);
        private static readonly IHashAlgorithm ReSharperInstance =
            new HashAlgorithm(ReSharperHash, int.MinValue, int.MaxValue);
        public static IHashAlgorithm MurmurHash2
            get { return MurmurHash2Instance; }
        public static IHashAlgorithm ReSharper
            get { return ReSharperInstance; }
        private static int MurmurHash2Hash(int seed, params int[] keys)
        private static int ReSharperHash(int seed, params int[] keys)
    public class SomeCustomHashing : IHashAlgorithm
       public SomeCustomHashing(parameters)
          //parameters define how hashing behaves
       // ... implement IHashAlgorithm here

    public class SomeBusinessLogic
       public Result HandleDocument(IDocument doc)
           // some transformations...
           int hash = Hashing.ReSharperHash.CalculateHash(seed, doc.Properties);
           // some other code ...
    public class SomeBusinessLogic
       // injection in constructor
       public SomeBusinessLogic(IHashingAlgorithm hashing)
           // put hashing in a field of the class
       // OR injection in method itself, if hashing is only used in this method
       public Result HandleDocument(IDocument doc, IHashingAlgorithm hashing)
           // some transformations...
           int hash = hashing.CalculateHash(seed, doc.Properties);
           // some other code ...

  • 该类显式声明它依赖于哈希。提供特定哈希算法的人都知道性能、资源、连接、异常等方面的预期

  • 您可以为每个业务逻辑实例或每个文档配置使用哪个哈希算法

  • 当您对它进行单元测试时,您可以提供散列的模拟实现,例如始终返回0(并检查该方法是否将预期值传递给散列算法)。这是您单独检查哈希和单独检查文档处理的结果

  • 因此,底线是,如果您在行为上有一些变化,请使用标准实例接口。它们背后的代码可以是静态的,也可以是非静态的,这无关紧要。重要的是使用变量行为的地方将保持灵活性、可扩展性和单元可测试性


    如果您需要模拟“静态接口”,我认为您应该使用make singleton,这看起来很像你正在做的事情,但奇怪的是,Ingenu是对的——单身是唯一的方法。当然,如果希望严格控制API,可以选择显式接口实现。