C# 如何为“提供多个条件”;关于;在dotnet核心连接中

C# 如何为“提供多个条件”;关于;在dotnet核心连接中,c#,entity-framework-6,asp.net-core-webapi,C#,Entity Framework 6,Asp.net Core Webapi,如何为dotnet核心连接中的“on”提供多个条件- from x in this.context.RegulatoryUpdates join m in this.context.RegulatoryUpdateClient on **x.Id equals m.RegulatoryupdateId and id = 25** into m from z in m.DefaultIfEmpty() 您需要创建匿名对象: from x in this.context.RegulatoryU


from x in this.context.RegulatoryUpdates
join m in this.context.RegulatoryUpdateClient on **x.Id equals m.RegulatoryupdateId  and  id = 25** into m
from z in m.DefaultIfEmpty()


from x in this.context.RegulatoryUpdates
join m in this.context.RegulatoryUpdateClient on new { x.Id, id } equals new { Id = m.RegulatoryupdateId, id = 25 } into m
from z in m.DefaultIfEmpty()