C# 如何在lambda实体框架中进行动态排序?

C# 如何在lambda实体框架中进行动态排序?,c#,entity-framework,sorting,lambda,sql-order-by,C#,Entity Framework,Sorting,Lambda,Sql Order By,我想在lambda实体框架中对动态进行排序。我花了更多时间创建了它,但似乎不起作用 ////string column_name // the name of column in table <<< don't care this, I finished ////string sort_order // ASC or DESC <<< don't care this, I finished using (var db = new ABCEntit


////string column_name // the name of column in table   <<< don't care this, I finished
////string sort_order  // ASC or DESC    <<< don't care this, I finished

using (var db = new ABCEntities())
    // get dynamic type of column name , but i can not 
    // ???????????
    var columnExp = typeof(LOCATION).GetProperty(column_name);

    IEnumerable<LOCATION> query = db.LOCATIONs;
    if(sort_order = "ASC")
        query = query.OrderBy(columnExp).Tolist();  
        query = query.OrderByDescending(columnExp).Tolist();    

LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.Object GetValue(System.Object, System.Object[])' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression
你能告诉我一些错误或错误以及如何纠正吗? 非常感谢。

如何使用? 它可以从字符串生成查询

using (var db = new ABCEntities()){
  var columnExp = "columnName";
  var query = db.LOCATIONs;
  if(sort_order = "ASC")
      query = query.OrderBy(columnExp).Tolist();  
      query = query.OrderByDescending(columnExp).Tolist();

OrderBy(column\u name)
using (var db = new ABCEntities()){
  var columnExp = "columnName";
  var query = db.LOCATIONs;
  if(sort_order = "ASC")
      query = query.OrderBy(columnExp).Tolist();  
      query = query.OrderByDescending(columnExp).Tolist();