Cucumber 小黄瓜中的分组步骤或连接场景

Cucumber 小黄瓜中的分组步骤或连接场景,cucumber,bdd,behat,gherkin,scenarios,Cucumber,Bdd,Behat,Gherkin,Scenarios,我正在使用诸如或之类的工具,使用该语言定义一个要在BDD工作流中使用的功能。这是迄今为止的特征定义: Feature: Save Resource In order to keep interesting resources that I want to view later As a user I need to be able to save new resources Scenario: Saving a new resource Give


Feature: Save Resource
    In order to keep interesting resources that I want to view later
    As a user
    I need to be able to save new resources

    Scenario: Saving a new resource
        Given "" is a valid link
        When I insert "" as the new resource link
        And I insert "Google Search Engine" as the new resource title
        Then I should see a confirmation message with the inserted link and title
        When I accept
        Then I should have 1 additional resource with the inserted link and title

    Scenario: Aborting saving a new resource
        Given "" is a valid link
        When I insert "" as the new resource link
        And I insert anything as the new resource title
        Then I should see a confirmation message with the inserted link and title
        When I abort
        Then I should have the same number of resources as before

    Scenario: Saving a resource with invalid link
        Given "" is an invalid link
        When I insert "" as the new resource link
        And I insert anything as the new resource title
        Then I should see a confirmation message with the inserted link and title
        When I accept
        Then I should see an error message telling me that the inserted link is invalid

    Scenario: Saving a resource with already saved link
        Given "" is an already saved link
        When I insert "" as the new resource link
        And I insert anything as the new resource title
        Then I should see a confirmation message with the inserted link and title
        When I accept
        Then I should see an error message telling me that the inserted link already exists


< P>我会考虑你的场景应该做什么。目前我看到的脚本讲述了如何完成工作。对于应该做什么几乎一无所知






[2] 以下是托马斯的回答


1) 随着你对所做事情了解的加深,你做事的细节可能会发生变化。你不想每次改变你做事的细节时都要改变你的情景

2) 在你的场景中加入“如何”会使它们变得枯燥、重复、难以阅读且实施成本高昂

3) 把你的场景放在哪里通常是避免做场景所要做的真正工作的一种方式,这就是找出你在做什么的“原因”,并优雅而简洁地定义你想要实现的“目标”

n、 还有很多其他原因


古老的 新的 古老的 新的 等等



Scenario: Saving a new resource
    Given "" is a valid link
    When I insert "" as the new resource link
    And I insert "Google Search Engine" as the new resource title
    Then I should see a confirmation message with the inserted link and title
    When I accept
    Then I should have 1 additional resource with the inserted link and title
Scenario: Bookmarking
  When I save a bookmark
  Then my bookmark should be saved
Scenario: Saving a resource with invalid link
  Given "" is an invalid link
  When I insert "" as the new resource link
  And I insert anything as the new resource title
  Then I should see a confirmation message with the inserted link and title
  When I accept
  Then I should see an error message telling me that the inserted link is invalid
Scenario: Bookmark with invalid link
  When I bookmark with an invalid link
  Then I should see an invalid link error