Debugging 在我的汇编代码中查找错误时遇到问题

Debugging 在我的汇编代码中查找错误时遇到问题,debugging,assembly,compiler-construction,machine-code,68000,Debugging,Assembly,Compiler Construction,Machine Code,68000,我是汇编语言的初学者。我正在使用“easy 68k editor/assembler”编写68k汇编代码,要求用户输入2个值,然后将它们相加并显示出来。问题是,我的代码不断停止,我不知道如何解决/调试这个问题 有人能帮我找出如何追踪错误吗?我将不胜感激。先谢谢你 *----------------------------------------------------------- * Program : Sum of Two Numbers * Written by : Me * Dat

我是汇编语言的初学者。我正在使用“easy 68k editor/assembler”编写68k汇编代码,要求用户输入2个值,然后将它们相加并显示出来。问题是,我的代码不断停止,我不知道如何解决/调试这个问题


* Program    : Sum of Two Numbers
* Written by : Me
* Date       : July 15, 2012
* Description: This program will read in 2 numbers the user
*inputs and find the sum.

    org     $8000

    START       movea.l #MSG1, A3
                trap    #3
                clr.w   D2
                JSR     Loop
                trap    #2
                move.w  d2, d4
                movea.l #msg2, a3
                trap    #3
                clr.w   d2
                jsr     loop
                trap    #2
                movea.l #msg3, A3
                trap    #3
                add.w   d4, d2
                JSR     DISP
                trap    #2
                trap    #9
    LOOP        trap    #0
                trap    #1
                cmp.b   #$0D, D1
                BEQ     BREAK
                and.b   #$0F, d1
                mulu    #10, d2
                add.w   d1, d2
                jmp     loop
    Break       rts
    DISP        clr.b   d3
    DISDIV      divu    #10, D2
                move.b  #16, d5
                ror.l   d5, d2
                or.b    #$30, d2
                move.b  d2, -(A7)
                addq    #1, d3
                clr.w   d2
                ror.l   d5, d2
                bne     DISDIV
    DISDIG      move.b  (a7)+, D1
                trap    #1
                subq.b  #1, D3
                bne     DISDIG
                org     $8100
    MSG1        DC.B    'Please enter the first of two numbers (two digits) ', 0
    MSG2        DC.B    'Please enter the second of two numbers (two digits) ', 0
    MSG3        DC.B    'The sum of the two 2 digit numbers you entered is ', 0
                end     start




LEA    MSG1, A1
MOVE.B #14, D0
TRAP   #15

