Diff 这行是什么?@-9,9+;9,10@@在差异文件中是什么意思?

Diff 这行是什么?@-9,9+;9,10@@在差异文件中是什么意思?,diff,Diff,请有人解释一下下面示例diff输出中的第三行(即以@@开头的那一行)好吗?我理解其余几行所代表的变化,但我很难理解第三行的含义 --- a/code/c-skeleton/Makefile +++ b/code/c-skeleton/Makefile @@ -9,9 +9,10 @@ TEST_SRC=$(wildcard tests/*_tests.c) TESTS=$(patsubst %.c,%,$(TEST_SRC)) …通过行号和正在编辑的块的大小(更改前后)指定源文件和目标文件


--- a/code/c-skeleton/Makefile
+++ b/code/c-skeleton/Makefile
@@ -9,9 +9,10 @@
 TEST_SRC=$(wildcard tests/*_tests.c)
 TESTS=$(patsubst %.c,%,$(TEST_SRC))


@@ -9,9 +9,10 @@
^  ^^ ^ ^^ ^
|  || | || \----- The "10" is the number of lines in the hunk after being
|  || | ||        modified; this patch, then, must add a line, since the
|  || | ||        new count (of 10) is longer than the old count (of 9).
|  || | |\------- This "9" is the line number in the new file where the
|  || | |         modified hunk is placed.
|  || | \-------- This "+" is a hint that the following numbers refer to
|  || |           the new file, after modification.
|  || \---------- This "9" is the number of lines in the hunk before being
|  ||             modified.
|  |\------------ This "9" is the line number in the original file.
|  \------------- This "-" is a hint that the following numbers refer to the
|                 original file.
\---------------- This "@@" is a marker indicating that this is the start of a
                  new hunk.

请参阅GNU diffutils文档中的。

patch vs.diff
@@ -9,9 +9,10 @@
^  ^^ ^ ^^ ^
|  || | || \----- The "10" is the number of lines in the hunk after being
|  || | ||        modified; this patch, then, must add a line, since the
|  || | ||        new count (of 10) is longer than the old count (of 9).
|  || | |\------- This "9" is the line number in the new file where the
|  || | |         modified hunk is placed.
|  || | \-------- This "+" is a hint that the following numbers refer to
|  || |           the new file, after modification.
|  || \---------- This "9" is the number of lines in the hunk before being
|  ||             modified.
|  |\------------ This "9" is the line number in the original file.
|  \------------- This "-" is a hint that the following numbers refer to the
|                 original file.
\---------------- This "@@" is a marker indicating that this is the start of a
                  new hunk.