Discord TypeError:如果没有';新';

Discord TypeError:如果没有';新';,discord,discord.js,Discord,Discord.js,每当我尝试运行=help命令时,就会出现错误“TypeError:Class构造函数DiscordPagination不能在没有“new”的情况下调用”。我想用 下面是我的代码: const Discord = require ('discord.js') module.exports = { name: 'hhelp', description:' new help command', async execute (message, args) { const fun

每当我尝试运行=help命令时,就会出现错误“TypeError:Class构造函数DiscordPagination不能在没有“new”的情况下调用”。我想用 下面是我的代码:

const Discord = require ('discord.js')

module.exports = {
  name: 'hhelp',
  description:' new help command',

  async execute (message, args) {

    const fun = new Discord.MessageEmbed ()
      .setTitle ('Fun!')
      .addField (`8-ball`,' Tells the answer to your question')
      .addField (`Meme`,' Displays some of the finest memes on Reddit')
      .addField (`Dank-meme`,' Displays some of the dankiest memes on Reddit')
      .addField (`Boop`, 'Boops a user the same kind the command is , USELESS!')
      .addField (`Mod`,' Ever heard of a discord mod ? :D')
      .setTimestamp ()

      const DankMemer = new Discord.MessageEmbed ()
      .setTitle ('Dank-Memer!')
      .addField (`heist`,'Unlocks a channel for a **specific** role mentioned')
      .addField (`Over`, 'Locks the channel for the role mentioned')
      .setTimestamp ()

      const Utility = new Discord.MessageEmbed ()
      .setTitle ("Utility")
      .addField (`Covid`, 'Tells the covid cases for a specific country or the entire world combined')
      .addField (`Ping`, 'Tells the latency of the bot')
      .addField (`Invite`, 'Gives the invite link for the bot')
      .addField (`Vote`, 'Gives the top.gg voting link for the bot')
      .addField (`Avatar`, 'Gives the avatar of a user')
      .setTimestamp ()

      const pages = [

      const emojiList = ["⬅", "➡"]

      const timeout = '120000'

      pagination (message, pages, emojiList, timeout)


} ```
