Entity framework core 使用实体框架核心部分更新postgress中的jsonb列

Entity framework core 使用实体框架核心部分更新postgress中的jsonb列,entity-framework-core,jsonb,Entity Framework Core,Jsonb,若我的输入只有firstname,我想更新数据列中的fistname并保持其余字段不变。我试过automapper,但没有锻炼。自动映射将null分配给其他属性(Lastname、middlename)。如果属性为null,我不想在输入属性中执行null检查,也不想从db映射字段(很少有字段可以为null,因此很难确定这些字段是否被请求修改) Can anyone help me on how to do partial update on jsonb column using entity f


Can anyone help me on how to do partial update on jsonb column using entity framework core?

I have employee table with jsonb column(data) in postgress. I would like to modify the jsonb column with the input by replacing  modified field and keeping remaining field unchanged.

**Sample Domain and entity Class**
public class EmployeeDomain
public GUID id {get;set;}
public Employeeprofile data {get;set;}

public class Employeeprofile
public string FirstName {get;set;}
public string LastName {get;set;}
Public string MiddleName {get;set;}

public class Employee
public Employeeprofile data {get;set;}