Ethereum 不同的代币价格

Ethereum 不同的代币价格,ethereum,solidity,Ethereum,Solidity,我只是在检查我学校项目的代码。 我有一个关于此代码的问题: price=etherCostOfEachToken*1以太 我是否可以添加以下内容: //You can add a constant to save the bonus amount: uint constant bonus = 5000; //Inside this method check if amount is larger than 2: function () payable { if (crowdsaleCl

我只是在检查我学校项目的代码。 我有一个关于此代码的问题:



//You can add a constant to save the bonus amount:
uint constant bonus = 5000;

//Inside this method check if amount is larger than 2:
function () payable {
    if (crowdsaleClosed) throw;
    uint amount = msg.value;
    balanceOf[msg.sender] = amount;
    amountRaised += amount;
    if (amount > 2) {
        tokenReward.transfer(msg.sender, amount / price + bonus);
    } else {
        tokenReward.transfer(msg.sender, amount / price);
    tokenReward.transfer(msg.sender, amount / price);
    FundTransfer(msg.sender, amount, true);


pragma solidity ^0.4.2;
contract token { function transfer(address receiver, uint amount){  } }

contract Crowdsale {
    address public beneficiary;
    uint public fundingGoal; uint public amountRaised; uint public deadline; uint public price;
    token public tokenReward;
    mapping(address => uint256) public balanceOf;
    bool fundingGoalReached = false;
    event GoalReached(address beneficiary, uint amountRaised);
    event FundTransfer(address backer, uint amount, bool isContribution);
    bool crowdsaleClosed = false;

    /* data structure to hold information about campaign contributors */

    /*  at initialization, setup the owner */
    function Crowdsale(
        address ifSuccessfulSendTo,
        uint fundingGoalInEthers,
        uint durationInMinutes,
        uint etherCostOfEachToken,
        token addressOfTokenUsedAsReward
    ) {
        beneficiary = ifSuccessfulSendTo;
        fundingGoal = fundingGoalInEthers * 1 ether;
        deadline = now + durationInMinutes * 1 minutes;
        price = etherCostOfEachToken * 1 ether;
        tokenReward = token(addressOfTokenUsedAsReward);

    /* The function without name is the default function that is called whenever anyone sends funds to a contract */
    function () payable {
        if (crowdsaleClosed) throw;
        uint amount = msg.value;
        balanceOf[msg.sender] = amount;
        amountRaised += amount;
        tokenReward.transfer(msg.sender, amount / price);
        FundTransfer(msg.sender, amount, true);

    modifier afterDeadline() { if (now >= deadline) _; }

    /* checks if the goal or time limit has been reached and ends the campaign */
    function checkGoalReached() afterDeadline {
        if (amountRaised >= fundingGoal){
            fundingGoalReached = true;
            GoalReached(beneficiary, amountRaised);
        crowdsaleClosed = true;

    function safeWithdrawal() afterDeadline {
        if (!fundingGoalReached) {
            uint amount = balanceOf[msg.sender];
            balanceOf[msg.sender] = 0;
            if (amount > 0) {
                if (msg.sender.send(amount)) {
                    FundTransfer(msg.sender, amount, false);
                } else {
                    balanceOf[msg.sender] = amount;

        if (fundingGoalReached && beneficiary == msg.sender) {
            if (beneficiary.send(amountRaised)) {
                FundTransfer(beneficiary, amountRaised, false);
            } else {
                //If we fail to send the funds to beneficiary, unlock funders balance
                fundingGoalReached = false;


//You can add a constant to save the bonus amount:
uint constant bonus = 5000;

//Inside this method check if amount is larger than 2:
function () payable {
    if (crowdsaleClosed) throw;
    uint amount = msg.value;
    balanceOf[msg.sender] = amount;
    amountRaised += amount;
    if (amount > 2) {
        tokenReward.transfer(msg.sender, amount / price + bonus);
    } else {
        tokenReward.transfer(msg.sender, amount / price);
    tokenReward.transfer(msg.sender, amount / price);
    FundTransfer(msg.sender, amount, true);


//You can add a constant to save the bonus amount:
uint constant bonus = 5000;

//Inside this method check if amount is larger than 2:
function () payable {
    if (crowdsaleClosed) throw;
    uint amount = msg.value;
    balanceOf[msg.sender] = amount;
    amountRaised += amount;
    if (amount > 2) {
        tokenReward.transfer(msg.sender, amount / price + bonus);
    } else {
        tokenReward.transfer(msg.sender, amount / price);
    tokenReward.transfer(msg.sender, amount / price);
    FundTransfer(msg.sender, amount, true);
